
boiseguardian.com Weather Central

The GUARDIAN has noticed the local TV weather wonks never seem to know what is happening in the weather. All the do is ask US what going to happen.

Usually it goes something like, “Will the rain continue? More after this…”
And who writes those awful adlib lines like, “Vin has been working on sunshine for us.” We all know Vin has nothing to do with sunshine.

Truth is, Vin stands in front of a blank wall, looks at a monitor off camera and tries to wave his hand around enough make Idaho show up on the map.

The dude at Channel 7 uses the U.S. Government radar and calls it “Weathertracker 7000.” We ask: 7000 what? Watts, feet, inches? The guy on 6 is a real meteorologist and he explains the weather to death, but he smiles a lot.

Welcome to GUARDIAN weather central. Just about anything you need in one simple view is there. Once you reach our comprehensive high tech weather radar the world is open to you by just clicking around. The government isn’t ALL bad–they do a pretty fair job gathering weather data.

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