
Bench-Depot Neighborhood Update

Folks opposed to a major apartment-condo complex near Crescent Rim and Peasley are well organized and adament about their objections.

They have organized a Garage Sale set for July 9, a neighborhood rally July 11 and a massive turnout for a city council hearing July 13. The basic concern is the size and density of a proposed apartment complex.train_depot1.jpg

The planning and zoning commission has endorsed the project and with the official city policy advocating dense “in-fill” of vacant land within the core of the city, it seems to comply with policy. It boils down to a battle over the character and personality of neighborhoods. the City is pro development–often disguised as “in-fill, smart growth, blueprint for growth, limited growth, etc.” The neighbors on the other hand want to keep their quiet street, stellar views.

Interesting twist on this one is the folks are articulate and upscale–many previous apartments went into light industrial or depressed neighborhoods.

If nothing else, these folks CARE about their lifestyle and they claim to have “viable candidates” waiting in the wings to take out city councilors who don’t listen and act on their wishes. Martha Borchers is the contact for the Neighborhood Preservation Committee and
Belinda Cortabitarte at 384-9333 has more info.

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  1. Russ Thompson
    Jun 29, 2005, 9:18 am

    The city of Boise does not care what the people who live in the area think, That was made clear by the P&Z. A poll of the 200 homes around the Crescent Rim Project was 192 said no and 8 said yes. Two of the 8 were parents of the realty people who will sale the condos. The city was told by 100s of people that they did not want it. Other neighborhoods said no. Only other developers or smart growth board members said yes. So the question is who’s city is it the people’s or the big developers with out of town money?
