
Commissioners Salaries Total $256,470

Ada county commissioners voted themselves a 3% pay hike, bringing each one an annual paycheck of $85,490. County commissioners are among the few if not only elected officials able to vote themselves a raise between elections.

The raises go into effect in October and the combined total for the executives will be $256,470. The commissioners have the authority to determine the form of county government with options such as a paid administrator and a part time board of commissioners.

One of the hidden treasures for these elected officials is the retirement boost they get.
Because the state retirement (PERSI) is based upon length of service at any pay rate with any participating agency AND the highest pay for any 42 consecutive months, a raise today means more cash in retirement.

Commissioners Peavey-Derr, Yzaguirre, and Tilman have lots of years of government service at low paying part time jobs. Peavey-Derr with the Ada County Highway District, Yzaguirre at Eagle City and Tilman with the legislature.

The “rule of 90” requirement means their years of service plus age must equal 90 for them to retire with benefits based on their highest 42 months of pay–pretty nice if you can get appointed or elected to a four year term at high pay.

Former Gov. Phil Batt tried to get the law changed to read “full time employment” to no avail. A tough task when you see how many legislators end up working for the state at high salary after leaving the part time legislature with 20 years under their belts.

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