City Government

And Then There Were Three

All three incumbent city councilors in Boise now face challengers with the addition of a self proclaimed one issue protest candidate, Mark S. Seeley.
Seeley, 44, will go after Councilor Vern Bisterfeldt’s seat, challenging him on the plight of the homeless and the fiasco over the operation of a Community House, the former City homeless shelter.

He told the GUARDIAN he was unhappy with comments by Bisterfeldt which he characterized as “calloused and insensitive toward the homeless.”

“He shoots from the lip and acts like a school yard bully,” said Seeley of Bisterfeldt.

Seeley said he lived in Boise for six years in the 1980’s when he got a political science degree from BSU and returned 11 years ago. He is single and works for WalMart.

The GUARDIAN is glad to see that none of the insiders is unchallenged.

Former Police Lt. (and acting chief) Jim Tibbs has put together a serious effort to unseat senior Councilor Jerome Mapp. Mapp has a lot of institutional memory and garnered 63% of the vote during the last election. He also has some potential baggage from the Brent
Coles era and it will be fun to watch the spin during the next month’s run up to the November 8 election.

Pro lifer Brandi Swindell is a young newcomer to politics, but she is no stranger to controversy and challenging the status quo. She was the lightning rod voice of the group protesting the removal of the ten commandments rock from a city park. (Check out the comments on the previous posting)

She is after Council President Mary Anne Jordan’s seat and that race could get interesting. Aside from her built in Christian following, Swindell is likely to get votes from the anti-annexation folks and the neighborhood groups that feel wronged by Jordan’s support of a condo apartment complex near the Depot.

Editor Note: scroll back to see previous council candidate stories in the blog.

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