
Guardian Heads South

Contrary to popular belief, the GUARDIAN editor has another life–operating a stock photo agency providing images to textbooks, encyclopedias and magazines around the world.

That means a strictly business trip to South America during the next couple of weeks recording lifestyles, government, industry, transportation, and the people of ARGENTINA. We have to update these images so you and your children will get the visuals needed for a good education. It has been 12 years since the last visit.

We will make every effort to give you GUARDIAN junkies some material to read, but it will probably be more of a travel log–from a Boise perspective–as we use cybercafes and hotel computers to share the visit. No pictures until we get back.

At DAVID R. FRAZIER Photolibrary you can see samples of the Christmas expedition to Maui. You are welcome to “tour the world” on that site by typing destinations and topics in the search box.

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  1. Guardian
    I sure hope that you will be back for our many upcoming bond elections…. if not we will be holding you personally responsible for what happens!

  2. Is that somewhere in South America (in the background?) It kind of looks like the Taj Mahal. I am glad that you are gainfully employed, Guardian. It must keep you out of much of the trouble you could be in.

    ED NOTE–That was India, now in Argentina.

  3. Dave, I to break the news to you, but your travel agent sold you a bum steer. Seems you got taken in an increasingly common travel swindell. They book people for whatever country, then send them to China. Most folks can’t tell the difference.

    You aren’t in Argentina, Dave. That building in the background is the Kremlin. You are in China.

    ED NOTE–After awhile they all look the same. I will give everyone a virtual tour upon my return. I do like the summer weather!

  4. My Dad had a picture taken in just about the same spot when he was in the CBI theater in 1943-1946.

    ED NOTE–CBI is not on Broadway. It is WWII talk for China Burma India.
