Interesting Stuff

Open Space Lesson

This city of several million people (97% European)seems to have a clear understanding or urban planning and open space.

Not only is 9th of July Avenue the widest street in the world, it is lined with shade trees and has “frontage roads” on both sides of the main drag. The GUARDIAN editor couldĀ“not help comparing our little old Capitol Blvd with the encroachment of hotels and development on our grandest street. (We will offer photos upon return)

The checkered history of B.A. has left a batch of open space parks from the ENGLISH TOWER outside the rail station to a modern mechanical flower sculpture the size of the Guv Mansion J. R. donated to Idaho. Locals tell me the shiny silver flower opens and closes with the sun. It sits on a grassy knoll of several acres.

Througout the city one can find plazas commemorating just about everything. The one thing they all have in common is open space and little obvious “squeezing in” of these public areas.
To be sure, there are many many blocks of multi-story appartments.

Even the most modern area, Puerto Modero, is open and like the city name implies “airy.” The old port with it’s warehouses and cranes has been transformed into a happening spot with lots of chrome and glass mixed in with the historic past.

In case you missed the message, convention centers and The Grove should not get squeezed into an area that is simply too small for grand schemes.

More on Argentina from the GUARDIAN foreign correspondent later.

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  1. Buenos Aires also has some excellent and very affordable public transportation. Awesome subway system, along with plenty of buses, shuttles, taxis, etc. The Guardian can correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m betting 80% of B.A. citizens use public transportation (compared with our 95% who use single-occupant vehicle in Treasure Valley). Criminy! Even Los Angeles would probably be a much nicer place if 80% of the folks would take the bus.
