City Government

GUARDIAN News Briefs

–Former Gov. Phil Batt sees Guv Dirk’s highway building plan for what it is–borrowing into the future on the backs of our children and grandchildren. Legislators are also concerned about the GARVEE bonds which are to be paid by future federal gas taxes. Much of annual highway budget is eaten up by debt service.idaho_capital1.jpg

–The frenzy to go after potential tuition dollars from junior college (community college) students continues with three colleges offering up plans for Southwest Idaho. We repeat our earlier lament: “Sad that established institutions see these students as sources of revenue rather than young minds to educate. In the case of Boise State, didn’t that used to be Boise JUNIOR COLLEGE? Sounds like BSU’s Dr. Bob wants to go back to the future. Bottom line is the bottom line once again. Politics and PR will win this fight.

–Out of town expert favors “eminent domain” to take away private land for public purposes as part of social engineering in downtown Boise. Seems the new downtown residential developments are either for the rich or the poor, leaving out the middle class.

That is because of laws that give developers financial advantages in the form of tax credits if they designate a certain number of units as “affordable housing.” Boise is talking about requiring developers to offer a certain number of units to specific income levels. Next thing will be car dealers being required to offer Kia, Toyota, and BMW.
West Mtn Cascade.jpg

–Tamarack Resort at Cascade continues to take public land in its quest to privatize the west side of the lake. This time the government has closed Poison Creek Campground. Next big one will be converting 18 square miles of Forest Service Land to State of Idaho so the resort will reap even more benefits which could include long term leases with cabin sites. Congressional delegation and state land board are all conspiring on the deal. They claim schools will benefit, but the real winner will be the foreign owners of the resort.

–Statesman editors are either growing cajones (for you non library types–bulls have them, but cows don’t) on news coverage or they are looking for unemployment checks. Saturday page one had Micron being sued over price fixing, Skier Speedy Peterson in a street brawl ejected from Italy. Sunday editorial took the county commishes and Boise councilors to the woodshed for tossing sand in each other’s faces over the detox fiasco. Nice departure from cheerleading “Boise is in the national”sportlight stories.

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  1. The Statesman ran the story regarding a class action lawsuit being brought against Micron on behalf of shareholders.

    A major ommission in the Statesman’s story is the law firm bringing the suit, Lerach Coughlin Stoia Geller Rudman & Robbins, is also the same firm involved in the civil suit against Enron.

  2. Proof positive that Big Money owns our government…closing the public campground on Cascade Reservoir. Margaret Henbest made my day when she said “are they closing it so the Tamarack people don’t have to look at the riff-raff in their tents and campers.” (Probably not an exact quote, but that is the idea.) I would hope there would be some investigation done before that plan is enacted, or is it already too late?

    Today we learn that Big Money wants our liquor laws (as peculiar as they are) changed so that some celebrity tennis people can have a liquor license of their own. Anybody want to bet they will not get it?

  3. I think I figured out how Kempthorn and the developers are going to help pay the debt for the new Emmett/Indian Valley freeway. It will cost so much money to maintain Highway 55, including removing snow on the Weiser Middle Fork Road over to Tamarack, they will want to abandon the highway at Banks since only a few people will use it getting to their cabins.
    There will be a push (again) to dam the Payette and flood it back to Long Valley. With the growth in the Treasure Valley, developers will be screaming for more “cheap” hydro power and more flood control. Besides, only a few elite people (tree huggers) can float the North Fork. The fishing is no good anymore. No salmon or steelhead to get worked up about. Think about all the new lake front property to develop. Simplot tried it once. That canyon top property will be worth millions as lake front. The Chamber of Commerce will be promoting ,” The West’s newest lake front resort properties”, and use your tax dollars for advertising. Jobs, jobs jobs! Makes sense to me.
