
County To Raise Funds For Chamber

Ada County Commissioners will conduct a fundraising event on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce March 15 with their “State of the County” breakfast event at the Grove Hotel.

Stung by charges of holding closed door meetings and media coverage of an ill fated get together at the Arid Club last summer, the commishes and Chamber have insured that “limited free seating” will be available.

For many years Boise’s mayors have acted as entertainment for a breakfast event that grosses as much as $30,000 which goes to the Chamber coffers….$30 a plate and 1,000 guests. It costs $40 if you don’t belong to the Chamber. Now, the commishes are following the same practice.

It is not the event or access for the public that we question. It is a bunch of business people “buying” access to government officials and the government officials acting as the “headliner” with the proceeds going to a very limited special interest group–the Chamber of Commerce.

These local government leaders never give their STATE OF speeches before the Sierra Club, Idaho Conservation League, or the Vista Neighborhood Association.

This unholy alliance between local government and the Chamber of Commerce is taken for granted. Would all the mayors, councilors and commishes of the Valley trek off to Sun Valley to hear the views of the Ada County Taxpayers–for THREE DAYS? Probably not. We would venture there are more members of the Idaho Education Association than the Chamber of Commerce, but do you think they could get exclusive rights to charge $30 a plate for a STATE OF THE speech.

THE GUARDIAN would like to see future “STATE OF THE” events donate their profits to groups like the IDAHO FOOD BANK, HOMELESS SHELTERS, or even a DETOX treatment center.

Not many citizen-taxpayers are able to attend a $30 breakfast meeting–they have to go to work. Their boss might be able to pull it off, deduct the $30 as a business expense, and provide the Chamber with even more cash to influence government leaders. We are experiencing government by the “elite class” and it is contrary to good government and democracy.

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  1. It's All About the Money
    Mar 8, 2006, 4:12 pm

    It is all about the MONEY! And access and power and …..

    It is never about the voters.

  2. It's All About the Money
    Mar 8, 2006, 4:12 pm

    It is all about the MONEY! And access and power and …..

    It is never about the voters.

  3. It's All About the Money
    Mar 8, 2006, 4:12 pm

    It is all about the MONEY! And access and power and …..

    It is never about the voters.

  4. It's All About the Money
    Mar 8, 2006, 4:12 pm

    It is all about the MONEY! And access and power and …..

    It is never about the voters.

  5. It's All About the Money
    Mar 8, 2006, 4:12 pm

    It is all about the MONEY! And access and power and …..

    It is never about the voters.

  6. Maybe they need some help with that $17,000 legal bill.
