City Government

Boise Mayor Charms Local Governments


Recent news reports sound like Boise’s mayor may have attended the “Rumsfeld-Cheney School of Charm.”

The mayor’s recent track record for making friends would qualify him as an honor student at that institution.
Bieter mug.jpg

Here are some of the memorable items:

–DETOX center fell apart after city council asked for time to consider the finances of a proposal with Ada County and United Way. Councilors claimed the first presentation to them was January 31, but the sheriff said he had been working with Bieter and staff for 9 months. County pulled out, blaming city indecision.

–AVIMOR planned community has been in Bieter’s sights since day one. County commishes approved the planned community, Boise sued for “judicial review” of county procedures just to see if they did it right.

–CITY of STAR has pulled out of the “Blueprint for Growth” regional planning in protest of Bieter’s law suit against the county and Eagle is rattling sabers to do the same.

–HAMMER FLATS proposed development on the cliffs over Lucky Peak has been a bone of contention between Bieter and the commishes. Bieter wants city to have it apparently.

–LIBRARY bond election failed and Bieter announced the city could sell land to pay for branch libraries. Councilors were unenthusiastic and had not been briefed on Bieter’s ideas. One was “irked” another cautioned about the city getting into the investment banking and land speculation business.

–BSU would face competition for the junior college student dollar if Bieter’s statement about TVCC being “very interested” in purchasing city land were true. No word if Dr. Bob had any views on Boise attracting an out of state jr. college from Ontario. It couldn’t have improved Bieter’s relationship with Dr. Bob to court outsiders.

–SCHOOL BOND cheerleaders are meeting at East Jr. High Friday for a photo op, Bieter is a supporter and will attend, but never let the councilors know he is attending.

–BIETER TOOK CREDIT for some dubious achievements in a two year recap of his administration. A city councilor said the announcement included a lot of “puffery.” Councilors privately noted much of the work had been initiated prior to Bieter’s election.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Some of this strikes me as unfair.

    “County pulled out, blaming city indecision.”

    I remember that as a ‘he said/she said’ situation. From what I read, it wasn’t clear who dropped the ball, though the County was quick to point fingers.

    “AVIMOR planned community has been in Bieter’s sights since day one. County commishes approved the planned community, Boise sued for “judicial review” of county procedures just to see if they did it right.”

    Maybe I hold the county in lower esteem, but I think that’s a good thing. I don’t trust them, and the more oversight, the better.

    “BSU would face competition for the junior college student dollar if Bieter’s statement about TVCC being “very interested” in purchasing city land were true. No word if Dr. Bob had any views on Boise attracting an out of state jr. college from Ontario. It couldn’t have improved Bieter’s relationship with Dr. Bob to court outsiders.”

    I was the editor of the student paper during Kustra’s first year at BSU, and though I respect the man, it quickly became clear that he was more interested in building empire than churning out students capable of critical thought.

    ED NOTE–Each item we mentioned was reported in the mainstream media. Fair or not, lack of communication is problem at Boise City Hall.

  2. Can you say “Loose Cannon”?
    It appears that we have elected a nice enough guy who is proving to be COMPLETELY inept at his job. Maybe some one should tell him the goal is not to see just how many people he can “piss-off” in a four year period.

  3. I have to lean to the “unfair” side of the boat. I think it behooves someone in Bieter’s position to question convention and be a bit of a nonconformist. Sharron Ullman did it and rankled the ire of a good many. However, the folks she most irritated were her fellow commishes. I don’t think Bisterfeldt ever did get over it. I expect some in the City Council circles, who may aim for the mayoral position at some time, are doing the loudest squawking about it. I think most of Boise probably disagrees with Avimor or Suncor or whatever monstrosity they are planning to plunk. Maybe people pulling out of “smart growth” is a good thing….whatever their rationale. Why should the City of Boise pay Ada County for a Detox Center when H&W is supposed to take care of the whole shebang. I am of the opinion that when you play with the big dogs it’s better to be pissed off than pissed on. I am not a huge tooter of the Bieter flute….but I would not fault him for rattling cages.

  4. It would be nice for two things to be true:

    1) The city leaders have the city (this would be the area ‘inside’ the city limits) under control. This would mean that services that are being paid for are actually being delivered. (minimum)

    2) County leaders stepped up to the plate to protect county residents from the city’s voracious appetite for a land grab.

    The city is busy trying to control areas that are outside the area of impact, let alone being outside city limits. Is this why services are not being supplied inside the city limits as promised?

    The county is unwilling or unable to protect county residents from the attacks of the city in the form of annexation, area of impact expansion, and the latest ‘judicial review’ of a county approved project.

    What ever happened to the closed meeting fiasco that would have cost the commissioners $150 (each?) but instead they chose to spend considerably more than $10,000 of the taxpayers money for ‘clarification’. Perhaps they are so busy jumping over hundred dollar bills to save nickels, that they don’t have time protect the citizens that they represent. They make county budget decisions?

    Perhaps these two groups should spend some time seeing if they can serve the folks they are supposed to be representing, and let the rest go. Get your own house in order before you seek to control others!

  5. Mr. Guardian, your credibility suffers when you contradict yourself.

    1. Detox: Today you try to pin it on the Mayor but your previous reporting conveys a different story. See

    2. Avimore and other sprawl: Bieter voices concerns and actually follows through by going to court (reminds me of Andrus) and you find something wrong with that. Two weeks ago you were singing a different tune. See

    Also, you seem much more deferential to the county commissioners and their judgement about promoting sprawl. Including, apparently, secret meetings. Aren’t these the same folks who violated the open meeting law that you have covered so well, such as at

    3. Library: So Vern is irked that Bieter is thinking out loud about some options. Makes good fodder for your critique, yet two days ago you said you agree with the Mayor. Let me quote you, “Great idea! He should have done this BEFORE the election.” See

    OK, I’ll stop feeding your words back to you.

    ED NOTE–
    No problem at all from our standpoint. Posting lists those who are unhappy and the issues that rankle them. It is commishes, councilors, Star Mayor, and BSU whose oxen are gored–NOT the GUARDIAN. Most of the info was published in mainstream media, don’t kill the messenger on this one. We DO think there is a communication problem.

  6. Osprey–

    Gotta go w/GUARDIAN on this one. He didn’t say Star or Eagle should pull out of Blueprint for Growthh, they did. He wasn’t upset about land sales for libraries, it was councilors pissed for not being informed when the Statesman called them for comment. He didn’t give commishes a “pass” on AVIMOR, just told us Boise filed suit. Go Guardian!

  7. Weltschmerz
    Mar 11, 2006, 9:17 pm


    Protected from Realtiy.


    These are all true and fair descriptions of the current Mayor and City Council in Boise.

    They are all so desperate to hold onto their respective positions, it has made them incapable of sound decision making.

    Yes, I realize governing is a tough job and I for one would never want to be in their shoes. However, if they could stop congratulating themeselves for a few minutes and listen to opinions and positions of people outside of their little circle of (mostly inexperienced) hired hands, perhaps real sucess stories could prevail.

  8. I’d like to see Beiter and The Guardian go quail hunting and work it out. Oh, and what’s wrong with continuing to use the Greenbelt for our city detox center?

  9. The state should be responsibile for dextox and needs to get with it. At least the way I read the code.

  10. Beiter is only dealing with what was left unfinished before him.
