City Government

Mayor’s Hotline Mar 31 to Apr 7


Graffiti: There is graffiti at the corner of Randolph Drive and Curtis Road. It was cleaned off once but now it’s marked again.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Steve Boline
Graffiti: I am calling to report some graffiti that has been in our neighborhood for a couple of weeks. The area of concern is a wall of a home that is being rented out and it’s not occupied currently but the owners are out of state. It has been tagged in the past and they got it taken care of so I was wondering if they could do that again. The house is on Mitchell and Sunderland. The corner brick wall has been tagged. Thank you.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Bruce Fabbi
Branch Libraries: My comment is about the libraries the city would like to build. It seems like the parks department and other city controlled agencies hold a lot of land to use for this. If the city could form a coalition with the school district and use the existing libraries to improve them. This would cut out the need for land for libraries. There would also be adequate parking. This would work well for the tax payers. Thanks for your time, please call me if you need more clarification.
M/CC Library
Cannot sent postcard-no address given or found.

Toni Breese
1621 W. Hays
Sanctuary: My concern is the Sanctuary closing releasing men, women, and children. I am actually flabbergasted that in the State of Idaho children have the options of being on the streets or homeless. I feel like this is grossly inappropriate for a child to exist with terror in their heart as he or she wanders the streets with their homeless parents. Coming from California, I noticed there is a 20 year lag in how society addresses issues. Children should never have to live on the streets and be safe, clean, and fed. Perhaps there could be a program like child protective services to help with this. My wish is that a child never under any circumstances will be out on the street and my hope that the project of putting children in homes could be led by your foster children program. Thank you and I am thrilled for the Mayor and his wife that they have a child of their own now and I’m hoping you can look hard at these children and be their voice. Thank you to you and your staff.
Action Taken: Contacted her. She would like a law enacted that ALL children under the age of 18 years of age must to go shelters and not wander around with their parents who have chosen to stay out of shelters.

Jan Peterson
Two Concerns: She called the mayor’s office this morning to express her concern with the Magnolia Apartments. There is garbage all around the apartments and it needs to be cleaned up. She witnessed a man burning objects the other day that left horrible, toxic fumes in the neighborhood. She wants the city to do an inspection. She said she has called code enforcement several times as well as the Boise City Housing Authority and no one has answered her call.
Also, on Hill road in between 28th and 36th on the north side of the street there are some retaining walls that have had graffiti painted on them since 1989 with home owners paint. She has already complained about this issue and the highway district came out and repainted the barriers only at 32nd and Hill road. She wants the rest painted gray. It has been an eyesore since 1989. Retaining walls that go to Stone Creek to 28th street on the north side of Hill Road. If that were all painted gray our neighborhood would be restored.
M/CC Graffiti Team
Action Taken: Code Enforcement has been out and didn’t note any violations.

Laneice Dille
185 S. Granite Way
Boise, ID 83712
Library Hours: I am calling about the library situation. I feel that you need to address having better hours at the library than what we do have. You can open earlier in the morning, Sunday hours are ridiculous, and Saturday hours could be better. I love the little library in the mall. We should do more of that.
M/CC Library

Julianne and Mike Russell
3122 Treasure Drive
Boise, ID 83703
Foothills: I am calling because I am very concerned about the latest development in the foothills. It is a major concern because our property taxes are already high enough. I have lived in Idaho all my life and the foothills are one of Boise’s treasures and we have allowed every spectrum of them to be developed. There is only one section left when you can actually see the foothills and not houses. I am sick that we are going to let that last little piece go. I want to know what we can do to try to stop this. Will the city of Boise not help them and make it easier for them to annex in our city. It’s not worth the money to let these foothills go. Our neighbors are willing to pay to try and buy the property to stop this. Please call me so we can organize and see how we can fix this problem. Thanks.
Action Taken: Left msj w/ them.

Jim Weiser
322 Ada
Boise, ID 83702
High pitched noise concern: Early in the mornings we hear this high pitched hum and wanted to know what it was. It seems like it could be in the direction of one of the hospitals and I can point to it where Ada runs into Sherman. If you could figure that out we would be most interested and thank you very much.

BPD: I’m calling about the article in Thrive magazine and finding it terribly disturbing to know that at least one of our police officers contemplated how to kill us. This is distressing to me and we need to find a different name for them and not call them peace officers. Thank you.

Tom Busner
Park restrooms: I have talked to a person at the BPR and they suggested I call you. I would appreciate it if the BPR had the opportunity to open up the restrooms in Boise Parks before Spring Break. We had a nice spring break and lots of kids were out in the park. The equipment looks good but when they turned to use the restroom, everything was locked up. It says closed for winter and it has not been winter for over two weeks. I would appreciate them to open up these restrooms to maintain them. At least put a porta potty out there but there is not even that.

Jan Peterson
Drug abuse: I am really concerned about drug abuse in our city. I associate with children who have lost their parents as a result of drug abuse. I know it costs about $30,000 to put someone in treatment for one month and a great deal to house them for drug related crime. I see this activity in the neighborhood and I am sickened by it. I have attempted to report it to the BPD but they have higher priorities. We would like to stop it in the neighborhoods instead of the schools. It obviously won’t be stopped in the homes since the parents are too busy working. I am giving you a suggestion of a phone bank for citizens to call about drug related things they see in their neighborhoods.
M/CC BPD Ombudsman

Kent Lepple
773 Gray Eagle
Libraries: I’m a city employee. I wanted to comment on the libraries. My wife and I are opposed to them and we think the main library is sufficient. What we need now is assistance online. We think the city should focus on parks and other areas.
M/CC Library
Action Taken: Contacted him

Jim Baugh
1611 N. 14th
Boise, ID
Handicap parking: I’m calling to express my strong opposition to proposed city ordinance which would exclude the city from enforcing state accessible parking. The downtown area is a huge problem for parking with people for disabilities. Curbside parking is not available so being able to designate areas for the disabled is essential. That is my opposition. Thank you.
Action Taken: He had also sent an email which was responded to.

Todd Wilder
2500 Kootenai Street
Boise, ID 83705
Handicap parking: I want to leave a message regarding the Boise City ordinance change to accessible parking in downtown Boise. I am an advocate for people with disabilities and I would like to see the state law apply to downtown parking meters. I would like to see one accessible parking space for every 35 spaces.

Tom Conn
Red lights: Mayor, I have talked to you a number of times at Dawson Taylor getting coffee. I almost got killed for some idiot running a red light. We have to get a hold of this. It’s chaos. I am almost 60 years old and lived here almost my entire life and it’s getting out of hand. Everyone else knows this too and I hope someone talks to me about this. It’s serious. The lady who almost hit me honked the horn and flipped me off.

Peter Thimm
Graffiti: I’m calling to report graffiti on the southwest corner of Hays and 8th street on a silver utility box.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Tom Conn
Red light: It’s the next morning since I called you and I almost got hit again by a person running a red light on the corner of 5th and Hill. Everyone always runs red lights. Something has to be done. I’m going nuts. You got to do something.

Lucas Longstaff
Parole officer: Lucas called this morning in regards to a question about a situation with his parole officer. He is on probation and feels that his parole officer is doing everything in her power to change his life bad. He would like to meet with the Mayor or talk to someone about what he can do about his parole officer.
Action Taken: Contacted him w/ Ada County info

Margie Baehr
Graffiti: I wanted to report graffiti on Irene between 19th and 20th on the south side. It’s on a fence and a telephone pole. It’s pretty obvious if you’re driving west on Irene. Thank you.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Bill Kibble
5413 W. Lockbore Drive
Boise, ID 83703
Election: My suggestion is that the next time that the City of Boise has a municipal election that the following referendum be added to it: “Be it hereby resolved that the Village of Boise, ID urges the United States to begin an immediate withdrawal of its troops in Iraq beginning with the National Guard and reserves.”
sent M/CC postcard

Sherm Schmall
525 S. Lawrence Avenue
Boise, ID 83709
Libraries: I’m calling about the future library proposal as well as our schools. We now have in the works millions to be going to our schools and it’s a perfect opportunity to solve the problem of branch libraries by buying thousands or millions of books and services for our high schools giving them better libraries and with us putting a little money into the libraries so the public has access, those high school libraries could become our branch libraries. This would solve the area’s needs and future needs as we build more high schools.
M/CC Library
sent library postcard

Jan Peterson
Code Enforcement: The Magnolia apartments need to be looked on North 34th and North 36th street. There are potholes up and down the streets. The apartments are owned by Park Lane Development and should be notified of this mess. The entire neighborhood is still loaded with garbage. This is up and down Magnolia Street, Gerard Street, and North 34th street on the front of the buildings and to the back of the buildings. Please take care of this.

Jeremy Fry
Fry Radiator Shop
2416 W Main
Boise, ID 83702 – 4844
Parking: I own the Fry radiator shop. It’s been a family owned business for over 60 years. I have some concerns about an ordinance about parking in front of my building. If you could look into it and give me a call I would appreciate it.

Matt Howarth
5861-A Garrett Street
Boise, ID 83714
Meeting with the Mayor: I had talked to the Mayor a few weekends ago at his Open Saturday and he instructed me that if I didn’t hear back from him within a week or two than I should give him a call back. I was the first person he met with that morning and I had some questions and comments about a residential building in the Boise area. If he can give me a call back, that would be great. Thank you.

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