Interesting Stuff

Shoshone Falls Redux

Falls 1.jpg

Some memories last a lifetime and visiting the spectacular Shoshone Falls near the city of Twin Falls is probably one of those memories.

We wrote of last Friday’s visit in the previous posting (scroll down) and had an unexpected response from readers including the GUARDIAN’ S neighbor, Daryl. The beautiful spring weather Wednesday made a perfect excuse to make a return visit to try for a better photo under sunny conditions.

As we began the descent down the narrow road leading to the visitor parking lot–a nice job by the city of Twin Falls–Daryl mused that it is amazing how much things can change in such a short time.

He noted that during his last visit there was no power plant spoiling the view and the parking was along the Canyon rim, not half way down.

That’s when we learned the memory of a visit to Shoshone Falls can last a lifetime. When asked the date of his most recent visit, Daryl chuckled and said, “It wasn’t that long ago. It was when I graduated from high school in Shoshone…in 1946.”

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  1. Wonderful picture, Guardian. Thanks.

  2. Jon Q. Publique
    Apr 21, 2006, 12:19 am

    For those that would like to get to Shoshone Falls via a road less traveled (and perhaps more scenic that I-84), try old US Highway 30. ITD calls it the Thousand Springs Scenic Route (

    Take I-84 east to the Bliss exit, then Scenic US 30 through Hagerman, Buhl, and Filer to Twin Falls. Blue Lakes Blvd (US 93 North) gets you to Falls Ave. Travel time is a bit longer, but the scenery makes its worth it. The ice cream at the dairy in Buhl isn’t bad either.

    EDITOR NOTE–JQ is correct. Thousand springs, plenty of birds, and farm land through Hagerman, Buhl, and Filer.

  3. Wow! Beautiful shot!!!
