City Government

MAYOR HOTLINE April 24 to 28th

Ben Goodsell
Special Events: I have a question concerning special event planning. I was wondering if a free promotional concert is considered a special event. Please call me back with this information on that, I would appreciate it. Thank you.
Action Taken: Contacted him

Dennis Davis
10861 Bodlei Drive
Boise, ID 83709
Ada County Jail: I wanted to let you know that I’m calling the Ada County Jail and I’ve had no answer to my call for 37 min. I realize occasionally they get busy but I would think they have help to answer the phones. I would not mind being put on hold but apparently they don’t even want to do that. My guess is they have a bell switch and turn it off so they won’t be bothered. I really want to get some information and I can’t even get an answer to my call. It’s a pretty sad practice. Thank you for listening.
Action Taken: Contacted him

James Chisholm
Irrigation: I’m calling regarding the irrigation water. I have a couple of rental properties I own in Candlestick Park Subdivision located just north of McMillan north of Eagle Rd. The reason I’m calling is to get a message to the Mayor. It seems unbelievable to me that with the recent heavy amounts of rain, water, and high rivers in Eagle, I would think that it would be top priority for the irrigation district to be out turning on all the pressurized irrigation water to alleviate some of the canals and other water channels to allow the neighborhoods to water their grass. I know in this particular subdivision they have an odd and even rule at one point and at this water season, that should go right out the window and the PW department should be working around the clock to turn on all the subdivisions pressurized irrigation so everyone can turn their water on and not just to water their grass but alleviate the massive amounts of water we have here. My concern is that I’ve called down to the irrigation/pw department and referred to another group of individuals. The gentleman I spoke to was taken by surprise and said hey that is a great idea. It seems strange that I am a public citizen and I have reminded the irrigation dept that half of Ada County is under water with the recent rainfall and snowmelt. Is there something I’m missing? Should someone raise a red flag on this issue? Maybe we can kill two birds with one stone with this idea. Mayor Bieter you are doing a great job and keep up the good work. We all have a voice and like to be heard. At least consider what the people say and keep on doing a good job. Thanks so much.
Action Taken: PW contacted him

BFI: I would like to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal. I am a long term employee of BFI and I have a concern with the way they are managing the company. They are forcing employees to work over 12 hours in a number of cases which is a violation of state law. Also their trucks are very unsafe and I am really concerned about the hours because one of our senior workers had a heart attack and is now in a coma and could very easily pass away. They don’t seem to be addressing the concerns and they continue to enforce their employees to work above and beyond safe practice. Thank you for hearing my concern.

Shauna Saunders
4065 Bristol Street
Boise, Id 83704
Ustick: I wanted to be on record that I do not want Ustick road widened to 5 lanes. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted with joint meeting info

Laurie McNamara
3134 Treasure Drive
Boise, ID 83703
Foothills: I am so concerned about the foothills development north of Hill Rd. I cannot even express to you how much concern and anxiety this has caused for the neighborhood. I want to know if there is anything we can do to stop this. Mostly I just want to know what we can do right now to freeze that or how we can hold it off so we can decide what to do as a group. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted and left msj

Steve Martinez
1772 W. Sugarberry
Eagle ID 83616
BPD: He called to report that a policeman on a motorcycle at 1:00 today on the connector was driving erratically, weaving in and out of traffic cutting people off. His plate # is BPD 275.

Hemri Venvel
River Plaza Apartments
Boise, ID 83702
PDS: Does the City of Boise have no building codes that have any concern for the people? Down on 13th St. from the post office, there is a residential area. Are they allowed to work ungodly hours with loud and heavy equipment with no concern for people that are trying to sleep?
ActionTaken: PDS contacted project mgr

Growth: This message is for the Mayor, City Council, and everyone else involved in growth in Boise. I think you know what to do but you have let your priorities get out of line. Now Boise is way overgrown with homes far larger than we need. We need to get back to the basics for basic needs. We are not prepared for this kind of growth. Don’t let money be the driving force. This is a terrible thing that’s happening. Let’s move the river for people who were foolish enough to build so close.

Bob Nelson
21 N. Garden
Boise 83705
BFI: I’m calling about the trash service. We are having a problem in our neighborhood. I just got off the phone with these people and was treated horribly. They run forward, slap on their breaks, sliding their tires, leaving black marks on the road. Somehow I get charged for their abusive use of their vehicles. If you want to see what they are doing, come out and drive up and down Garden Street between Garden and the Railroad Tracks. More specifically, it’s between Garden and Bethel. It’s everywhere. I see skid marks from these trucks all over the place. If you really want to see an example, look at 100 N. Garden Street which is just across the street from me. They are tearing up the dirt in front of her house and leaving marks like crazy. I was treated abusively by the person that answered the phone at BFI telling me that maintenance costs are not passed on to the consumer. Someone has to pay to maintain the truck. It’s not BFI, it’s me!
Action Taken: BFI will rectify

Jan Petersen
Water Rates: Thank you for your threat of public knowledge about my phone calls. Many years ago Mayor Bieter, The City of Boise decided to take Boise Water Corp. and make it a private entity called United Water Idaho. We have a real problem with that I’ve just turned on the news to hear that a 25% increase has been approved for water from May 1- Sept. 1 in flood conditions. We don’t understand why United Water Idaho cannot harness the water used for our benefit. We think this is wrong. We would like you to bring Boise Water Corp. back. People that can’t afford gas will be watering their yards and taking care of their yards this summer. Please help. We want to roll back this extra rate hike in the summer and the only way that can be done is to get our city water company back.

Chris and Gail Bray
6344 N. Pierce Park
Boise, ID 83714
Sister City: Chris Bray called on behalf of he and his wife suggesting that we offer becoming a sister city to New Orleans or any other cities along the Gulf Coast. After he and his wife attended the Quarterly meeting for the Democratic Committee, they were devastated at the action taken in New Orleans. They would like the City of Boise to lend their support to these cities in need.

Perry Dougal
8250 Ustick Road
8300 Ustick Road
Ustick: I appreciate the Mayor’s comments yesterday at the ACHD meeting but apparently it fell on deaf ears and I am afraid we will have to get more firm on ACHD because they are already calling me and wanting my property today, the day after the meeting. We will have to draw that line. Please let all of the city council members know. I would really appreciate some further effort. We do not want this section wider than three lanes because it would totally trash the area. Please pass our comments along. Thank you very much.

Dean Alderman
5928 Plantation Lane

Graffiti: I’d like to report graffiti on the sign on the gate that goes up to Table Rock and I’d like to point out that we have had some visitors from Europe and they have been highly complimentary of the cleanliness and orderliness of the City of Boise and the lack of homeless people. You have all done a terrific job. Thanks very much.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Graffiti: I am one of the supervisors over at ValleyRide. One of my drivers called in some graffiti at 5620 Overland this afternoon. I just wanted to let you know it was out there.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Gail Heylmun
Boise, ID 83702
MATY: I’m calling because in the Idaho Statesman today, April 23rd, I see an article regarding the 69 Ada County students honored at the Mayors’ Awards. It’s wonderful but there is a school you didn’t include as far as I can tell and that would be Anser Charter School. 2 years ago Anser had 7th grade and they added 8th grade. I believe they had nominees and I would encourage you to contact them for next time at 426-9840. You would probably want to talk to Susan Greg.
Action Taken: tried unsuccessfully to contact

Graffiti: I’m reporting gang graffiti at the corner of Randolph Drive and Overland Road on the irrigation check gate right there by the new primary construction office and then down across the street on the big power pole. There is big gang graffiti all over that pole and on down toward Orchard. It has been there for a few days now.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Kristen Kramer
Graffiti: I want to report graffiti at 6316 Overland on the west side of the building and at 5579 Overland on the North side. Thank you.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Graffiti: Graffiti happens quite frequently at the Hillcrest Shopping Center on the corner of Overland and Orchard. It’s in the big building that used to be the old Fred Meyer on the side that faces Overland. It’s in Gold which is not as bad as it usually is. Anyway, you have been so good before at getting it taken care of and I really appreciate it as do all of us in the neighborhood. Thank you.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Pamela Zimmer
Mariner Way
Boise, ID 83706
Graffiti: I’m calling about some graffiti that I wanted to report. As you enter the subdivision for Pier Point, the sign has had some graffiti put on it in black writing above where it says Pier Point. That sign is highly visible from Park Center Blvd. This is very new within the last 48 hours. You can call me if you have any questions.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Diane Kelley
7124 Cedar wood Drive
Graffiti: We have graffiti on the wall in back of McDonalds and I would like to have it removed. If I catch them out there I have three dogs in the house and I’m going to turn them loose. Thank you.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Graffiti: There is a fence in my neighborhood at 9187 Balton and there is a bunch of graffiti written on the side of the fence. If you could have someone come out and take a look at it and maybe get rid of it, that’d be great.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Olivia Geidl
2450 S. Nantucket Way
Boise, ID 83706
Graffiti: Over the weekend there was some graffiti in Pier Point off of Monterey and Law Street. We noticed last night that there is some additional graffiti on the street side of our fence and we didn’t notice that prior to this morning. Thank you.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Justine Aaron
428 W. Oak Hampton Drive
Eagle, ID
Graffiti: There is graffiti at 4920 Emerald Street. It’s on the back of the New COM business. There is also graffiti located at 5020 W. Franklin Road. That is on the back of the Mandarin Palace across the street from Franklin School. That has been there for over 2 months and I have reported it twice. There is also graffiti located at 530 N. Orchard Avenue and that is on the building of Wes’s’ Appliance store. It is amazing this graffiti has been up for so long. What are you people doing? I will be more than happy to volunteer my time to help you take care of this. Someone is seriously not doing their job getting rid of graffiti. It’s only going to get worse.
M/CC Graffiti Team

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