Interesting Stuff

Free At Last!!

This is the first of a series of “Z-GRAMS” from former Statesman reporter David Zarkin who revisited Boise May 15-17after a 38 year absence.

“Are you still in the elevator?,” the woman asks on the emergency phone as I sweat like a pig at 2 pm Tueday in the parking ramp at Boise State Univesity. “Yes, and I have a heart condition,” I repsond.

Her disclaimer is that, “three people have called today about being stuck in the elevator and eventally the doors open.”

“The doors are NOTopening!” I inform her.

She advises I try pushing them open. About 10 minutes later (it felt like an hour) Barney Fife ambles by and asks, “Are you still there?”

“Where would I go?” I repsond in near panic in the 95 degree heat. Barney finally frees me from my cage where I have been waving to passerbys, thanks to the convenient window. A few smiled and waved back. The campus cop allows that maybe something should be done about the elevators.

I asked about the bookstore location and he says I am in the wrong ramp and directs me elsewhere. Helpful, friendly Idahoans. Free at last! (from Boise Stae University Student Union Cyber cafe)

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  1. Like many BSU students, Z found it difficult to get out!

  2. There may be elevators that funciton in Boise but I never found any. The one in the ramp near the Egyptian Theater was also inoperable but thankfully no one got trapped in it. Watch this space for more Z-Grams.

  3. Elevator stories can make great bar jokes… Anyway I was wondering: the City library on capitol street has had a sign on the front of their main elevator now for weeks-
    ” No more than eight people at one time allowed on this elevator.”

    Now, I don’t know if you’ve ever used that elevator, but it is not only the slowest elevator on earth but the doors open and close three times before it will go anywhere.
    I’ve been dying to ask one of the library personnel-” What happens when more than 8 people get on that elevator”- Does it get slower? Do the doors open and close six times instead of three? but I fear I would be mis-understood.

    Now , it could be a weight thing as Leno points out, ” you get eight fat-butt , 250 pounders on there and that lift’s going all the way down.
    Then again, it could be a social thing ( especially at that library)” two or three’s company but eight’s just a circus- a zoo?) Then again maybe the library director’s going for a record.. he wants to see how many humorus signs they can put up around the library. A lighten up the atmosphere thing!

    I ‘ve got some for him- a lot of patron’s like to walk backwards or let their little’ones lay on the floor or stand in front of the doors – I almostt stepped on junior the other day as he played dead in front of the main desk.

    How about posting a sign on the front door-” Please be cautious as you walk backwards or leave junior laying spread eagled on the floor or stand in front of swinging doors. I’ve got a few more brilliant idea’s but you get the gist. Gosh, I’m starting to feel like Bill Cope.!!

    EDITOR NOTE–Joe, are you just trying to tell us you are a “library type?” Also, please don’t plug Cope in the GUARDIAN. He owes us one now>
