City Government

Mayor Hotline June 10-17

Code Enforcement: On December 9, 2005, I reported a junk car to code enforcement located on the vacant lot next to 1900 W. Main St. It’s a black Mitsubishi Gallant with no license plate. On January 27, 2006, after nearly two months without the car being moved, I contacted code enforcement again about the status of the complaint. The code respondent stated that it was being allowed to stay as it was part of a legal case. Well, six months has passed and it is still there. I’d think the City of Boise would have more than a usual amount of interest in this because it is such a highly visible location. Thank you.

Jeremy Hemin
3262 West Malab St
Boise, ID
Kayak Park: I want to put in a request to get that kayak play park on the Boise River done as soon as possible. I am really excited about this and would like to get that in. So, if there is anything that you guys need or just more votes, I’m up for it. I will talk to all my kayaker friends and get them going on it. Thank you very much.

Trent Hally
2101 Harrison Blvd.
Code Enforcement: I have somewhat of a complaint and also a concern. On Harrison every weekend we get plastered with yard sale and garage sale signs. You may not think that it’s a very big deal, but for the most part people do not come back and pick up their signs so it’s left as litter. Also, the way that these people attach their signs is getting to be more and more of defacing city property, I would say. I’ve seen most or all of the trees that are close to the corners of the islands have nails plastered through them. I have picked up 50 to 60 yard sale signs today. About 50% of them were shot onto the trees and even onto one of the cast-iron lamp posts with a nail gun with like a portable CO2 powered nail gun. I would like to know what can be done about this, and also other issues on our street like traffic, speeding, possibly lowering the speed limit, and maybe putting up a lighted cross walk at Ressigue and Harrison to make the intersection safer for students to cross the street for the junior high and high school.
Action Taken: PDS spoke to him as well as ACHD

Sandy Phillippi
Restitution: She is owed restitution which is several months late. She has spoken w/ Carmen, who is very polite, however she wants to speak w/ Kent Rock directly and get some answers.
Action Taken: F&A

Kari Danielson
Detox: She called to suggest the Valley Plaza Retirement Center building in Nampa as a Detox center that would benefit the entire Treasure Valley. It is on 16th Avenue.
Action Taken: left msj at this number

William White
4130 Ticonderoga Way
Boise, ID 83706
Koi in Depot Pond: He called to ask the City of Boise if they could help finance feeding the Koi fish at the Depot Pond because he is currently feeding them out of his own pocket. He takes care of the Depot Pond and has already contacted Ginger Jewell about it and she was planning on checking into it. If there’s anything more the Mayor can do in pushing this, please contact him.
Action Taken: BPR

Paul McAfee
7018 Brookover
House Complaint: Trashy house located 7014 Brookover with old dry wood piled next to a wooden fence 10’ from the back of his house. The weeds are never cut down and it’s a fire hazard. Has garbage all around the yard. This is all visible from Mr. McAfee’s yard.

Kayak Park: I am calling to express interest and support for the white water park that’s been drawn up to go in on the Boise River near 36th St. I think funds should be allocated for it. Thank you

Jim Maffett
3725 N. Maywood
Boise, ID 83704
City Forester: I called yesterday morning to the city forester in regards to a question about trees and I was assured from whoever I spoke to that someone would call me back. It’s been about 30 hours and no one has called back. I think as a tax payer I deserve better than that.
Action Taken: BPR

John Potter
11208 W. Tioga
Boise, ID 83709
Victory Road: With the addition of the new homes that are built behind us in Tioga, the streets Montique and Ithaca have become speedways from Victory back to the new area. Residents have put up temporary signs that say, “Slow down” and “20mph.” It doesn’t seem to do any good. How about putting some speed bumps in the area to slow down traffic? Also, how about some street lights up on Victory from Maple Grove up to Cloverdale at least? That street is awful dark at night and makes it hazardous, especially when it rains and you cant see street signs or the street markers.

When we did it in Arizona, we had reflective paint that was down on the street that you can see at night. Anyway, a couple suggestions on the area where I haven’t seen a police officer on patrol since you have annexed it. You could use some cops up there because Victory between Overland and Cloverdale is a speedway. Thanks very much.

Jannell Ellinger
BPR: She was very concerned that the river was not posted for people to stay out of it. She spoke to an officer who stated he couldn’t cite citizens for going near or playing in the river. She was also upset that on a hot day the fountain in Ann Morrison is still not turned on.
Action Taken: BPD

Charles Kadlec
1012 N. 22nd
Boise, ID 83702
Bike Riders: Charles stopped into the office this morning to express his deep concerns for bike riders in Boise. He is very troubled by the amount of bike accidents in Boise and the lack of work from the Boise Police Department. The bus systems won’t allow many bikes on the back of the bus, which makes it hard for those to get around, thus making people ride their bikes on busy and dangerous roads to get where they want to go. He wants a response back on this as soon as possible. He has no phone but an address.
M/CC ValleyRide

Gary Evans
2401 N. Keystone Place
Boise, ID 83709
Taxpayer dollars and parks: Called with concern about the money going into the park system and the tax dollars showing how the money is spent. He called wanting to know why the taxpayers pay so much money for the new parks but don’t spend money fixing up the old ones. Fairmont Park has a swimming pool with a window broken out in it. It’s been broken for about 2 years and he is curious when it is ever going to get fixed. He would also like a response back by phone as soon as possible.

Pam Walker
6881 W. Russett Street
Boise, ID 83704
Warning Sign: I’d like to talk to someone about a dangerous road that needs some kind of a warning, a right turn only sign. I was in a major car accident. I totaled my car. It was a double collision and if there would have been a sign coming out of this very popular driveway on Cole that said Right Turn Only, I don’t think you’d have people trying to turn left at 5pm rush hour and causing major injuries. I broke my neck. I have to go that way home because it’s most convenient for me. Every time I go by that driveway now there are people doing that. It’s very dangerous. I would appreciate a comment on what it would take to have that Racquet and Swim Club put in a right turn only sign at their driveway which would prevent a lot of problems. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted

Margaret Odedo
Helen St.
Open Saturday HS & Fire: She attended Mayor’s Open Saturday. I followed up w/ her and a couple of loose ends. There are feral cats living in the crawl space of a house that has been vacant for many, many years. When she flood irrigates the water goes under the house and the stench is nauseating. The humane society said she could rent traps, but they can’t come and trap the cats. She would be happy to trap them but doesn’t feel she should have to pay for the traps if she is doing it for the entire neighborhood She is also concerned about the distance between fire hydrants on Helen St. One is at the west end of Helen St. and the other is across Overland. Would a hose reach if necessary? If not they are currently replacing sewer pipe a block away and now would be a good time to add a hydrant.
M/CC HS, Fire, PW

Calvin Osborn
3015 Hillway Drive
Boise, ID 83702
Crosswalk Suggestion: The subject of this call is Myrtle St. I’m a senior and occasionally I park at Julia Davis and walk across Myrtle and Front to get to the County Courthouse saving myself the effort to pay to park at the County Courthouse. There are many people in the county gov. that cross these streets. From 6th Street to Broadway, there is not a crosswalk or a stop sign. Some of the traffic going down this long straight stretch gets up to 50-60mph. My suggestion is a pedestrian operated stoplight and crosswalk on 3rd St crossing Myrtle. When you walk a block to Front there is a stoplight but not on Myrtle. I think there is one desperately needed and with the apartments on Front St., the pedestrian traffic will only increase. Thank you for taking this into consideration.

Bob Manning
Chateau du Boise
7250 Bolfer Street
Boise, ID 83704

Boise Tour Train Complaint: I took a load of seniors out to the Boise Tour Train. After talking to them four different times, the latest one was two days ago, they said come on down and there would be no problems. I had about 20 seniors and they said come on down. I was concerned about them having to wait or not being able to get on the train. They said no problem. We were down there and were in line. All of the sudden a bus of children came down, they unloaded the bus, the kids all got on the train and whoever was in charge went to the front of the line, gave the money, and they said they couldn’t take us because the train was full.

I had 20 seniors standing there in walkers and I went up to the front and said we had a reservation too and they said our name wasn’t on there. I told them I talked to someone on Wednesday and we did make a reservation and told them there would be up to 20 seniors. They said there was no record of it and that was Norm the owner who will not return my phone calls or is out for the day. He wasn’t concerned at all about it. He was after the larger group. I had to load 20 seniors with walkers and canes back onto the bus and take them back to the Chateau. I think we were treated very unfairly.

The parks are there for everybody and if he’s there just to make money and let the larger group on and to heck with the seniors, I think someone ought to take charge of that or relieve him of his license or something. Like I said, we were not treated fair. He is just in this to make money and should be in it for everybody. I would like some kind of a message that the Mayor got a hold of this and find out why he would take the bigger group over us. There were a lot of people in line and a lot of the parents said they needed to get on because their children are on there. A lot of the parents didn’t get on their either but they were again not caring about us seniors. Anyway, thank you very much for listening to my complaint. As far as I know we don’t ever plan on going back to the tour train. Julia Davis is a really nice park but we have a bad taste in our mouth about what happened.
Action Taken: contacted to advise

Noise Complaint : Across the street from 208 N. Allumbaugh St. construction for a new juvenile psychiatric unit has begun. The problem is they begin at 5:00AM. Can someone please stop the madness?

Kim Hoppy
2918 S. Garden
Boise, ID 83705
Graffiti: There’s some graffiti on Hillcrest Elementary School grounds on Pond Street. The graffiti is written on what appears to be irrigation boxes. I was wondering if it could be removed. Thank you.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Don Koberly
395 Hearthstone
Graffiti: At 15th on Fort, on the back of the traffic signs around that area you have a bunch of graffiti. Hopefully we can get that off of there. Thank you.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Don Koberly
Graffiti: Calling about some graffiti on 15th St. right where the little road comes off of the connector, there is a building called the Pearl building and there is some new graffiti on the garage on the west side of the building. A lot of graffiti has gone up this weekend.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Bryant Forester
823 West Barmier
Boise, ID 83702
Graffiti: I just noticed a proliferation of graffiti. I wanted to report a large amount of graffiti, recently done, on the 1100 block of State St. The police dispatch directed me to this number, it sounds like it’s the mayor’s hotline. But none the less, Mr. Mayor and City Council persons I have noticed, I am a long resident, I work downtown, and I am heavily invested in downtown that I have seen quite a bit of graffiti in the last six months. I would love to volunteer if you would let the public know how they could help. Thank you.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Peter Thimm
Graffiti: I would like to report some graffiti in the North End at the corner of Harrison and Good and at the corner Bogus Basin and Windstrum. The back of the traffic signs have been tagged with black and red graffiti. The one at Harrison and Good I reported a week ago but it has not been attended to. I hope those can get looked at. Thank you
M/CC Graffiti Team

Comments & Discussion

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  1. The Parks department should: Feed the Koi, Fire up the Fountain, Straighten out the Tour Train (which I think they contract with) and OPEN THE DANGED DEPOT!

  2. Enforce all the codes, laws, etc. Most people that get away with a misdemeanor eventually commit a felony.
