City Government

Mayor Hotline July 17 – 21

Tibbs takes kudo, fire takes heat, Delta takes flight, cops take guff, brush takes over

Laurence Bauwens (goes by: Coach Bauwens)
5873 W. Riverbend
Boise, ID 83703
Jim Tibbs: This is specifically for councilman Jim Tibbs. Mr. Tibbs, I hope that you will keep your head high. There are people always willing to take shots at us, anybody that is in a public office or an official somewhere. People love to take shots at you. You’re a big man Jimmy. Don’t worry about it, everything will be fine. I am proud of what you’ve done and how far you’ve gone. I know beyond any shadow of a doubt that your integrity and credibility are on par with anyone. Keep up the good work and don’t let these little people hurt you.

Brent Brandon
Idaho National Lab
Potential meeting with Mayor: Brent called the main line regarding a potential meeting with the executive from Idaho National Lab, Amy Lentz from Idaho Falls. She would love to meet the Mayor and discuss with him clean up concerns and it’s effect on the state as a whole. She is also the Vice President of Cleanup contractor. They are coming next week on Thursday or Friday or in early August. They would only need about 10-15 min. Please give him a call back.

Airport: I was calling to inquire whether the Mayor, the City Council, or the people that run our fancy airport know that Delta is going to cancel the direct flight to and from Atlanta in September. I don’t expect with as much ballyhoos as when they announced it was opening. Anyway, I think that is affront to our city and a diminishment of service.
M/CC Airport
Action Taken: Beginning 9/6 the Atlanta flight will be 4 days a week. This due to seasonal decline

Kristen Lundstrum
Fire Department: I am calling because I am resident 2522 Davis St, parallel to State Street. I received a notice upon arriving home, at 4:30 this afternoon, telling me that there is going to be firefighting training exercise at the house across the alley tomorrow. I find that very disturbing that I got less that 24 hours notice and that they are going to burning a house in a residential neighborhood with children, people with allergies, asthma and so forth. Again, we only got less than 24 hours notice. I did speak with Captain Rick Pain at the training division whose phone number is 378-8517. His cell phone is 869-5220. He said he would talk about it with his boss. He gave me the chief’s number. However, you know, it’s after five, it’s probably going to be difficult to get in touch with that person. This notice given at the late date may cause people to kind of throw up there hands and say, “well you know I didn’t really have a chance so I probably don’t really have an opportunity to comment. So, it’s probably just going to happen and I am not going to say anything.” Again, I have pretty significant concerns about this. I don’t think it’s appropriate to have such short notice for such a significant event in a residential neighborhood. I would really appreciate a response. It’s ten after five on Monday, July 17th and the scheduled firefighter training is for tomorrow Tuesday July 17th.
Action Taken: BFD

Carl Knudsen
2606 Davis
Boise, ID
Fire Department: I have concerns about you people burning a house at 2507 State Street tomorrow. We got notice of this after five o’clock. I believe this is no way of conducting business. The fumes, everything else will come here. I find that to be non-appreciable. I would certainly like a call back from one of you. I think more notice needs to be given before you start a project like this.
Action Taken: BFD

Tom Hogg
2614 Davis St
PDS/ Fire Department: I guess I have two issues. Number one is regarding a plan to build an office and residential combination. It’s on planning development file number DRH0600246, which has the only access coming off the alley that runs behind my home. No access off of State Street. I think that’s absolutely wrong to have an alley be the main access to any developed property. I voiced that concern to Planning and Development and they said, “It’s already been zoned that way, and there is nothing they can do about it.” I think that’s wrong. Secondly, the house that currently sits on that property is going to be burned down tomorrow as a fire training exercise. I am told. I received no notification of that. I found out from my neighbors. I think that’s a very poor way to go of it, as well. Neighbors that live behind this developed property should have had fair warning of this thing. I have some concerns about air quality, potential sparks from getting away and setting fire to nearby properties. So, I think this is a bad deal as well.
Action Taken: BFD & PDS

Cyra Wilson
2603 Davis Street
Fire Department: My neighbors just notified me since I was not notified about the possibility of a house being burned on State Street. I am very concerned because of the toxic fumes, and what it could do to shrubbery and pets. As, I said I was not notified that this was going to take place. I really don’t think it’s appropriate. Thank you very much.
Action Taken: BFD

William Bouck
Court Issue: I had a question for them, pretty much the mayor but I wasn’t sure exactly who to talk to. I have a charge on me right now of petty theft. I don’t know if this is the department or the concern. I could have sworn that through the court system, I had a year of unsupervised probation to attend five days of work release and to attend a petty theft class, which is acceptable. What is not acceptable is that I just found out warrant for my arrest, and I don’t know what to do. Everyone is telling me that I have to be arrested just to talk to someone about this. I am not rich. My bail, I found out it was $2,000. I believe that’s extremely high. My theft charges…well, I borrowed the bicycle because I am disabled. I used it to get to from point A to point B. I had intent to return it. But I am guilty for the crime. Wasn’t sure exactly what my options were. I was hoping that someone there could help me out. Thank you.
Action Taken: Contacted him

William Bouck
Court Issue: I just left a message there like two seconds ago. Just wanted to let you know, I’m not trying to go over the judge’s head. It’s just that one of my concerns is that the only way I can talk to the judge is by getting arrested. I don’t feel that I should be condemned. I know I should be punished but not condemned for my crime. The only way I can speak to the judge is by being arrested. I don’t know if that is the only way I can go about this. No, I’m not rich. I live at my parent’s house temporarily but the rent around here in Idaho everyone has to be a multimillionaire just to live here now. It wasn’t like that 13 years ago when I first moved here. I’m not sure why my bail bond is up to like $2000. I know bail is like 10% through a bail bondsman. I’m just kind of curious. Sorry to bring to this concern to you folks. I am not sure what to do as a citizen here in Idaho. I was wondering if it was common for everyone to be sentenced so high for money. Is everything leading to the cost of money? I don’t know what’s going on. I am very lost, very confused and very scared. If you would contact me back. I don’t know what to do or what to say. I don’t even know if this is in your area of expertise. If you could give me a call back it would be greatly appreciated.

Cutting Trees: I live over here off of Ustick between Maple Grove and Milwaukee. I have noticed a lot of trees that are being marked with red tags. I assume those are trees that are going to be ripped out, and if so, I think it’s a total travesty. The way I look at it, if people move out to Eagle and Emmet and all those places they know what they are getting into when they have to fight traffic. I don’t know why they have to destroy all these trees along one of the most beautiful roads that are left here in Boise. With global warming and everything I would think they would want to keep trees not destroy them. I am totally upset about this. I just hope they find alternate routes for these people who are stupid enough to move clear out of town.

Doug Traubel
7011 West Tamarindoe Crt
Boise, ID 83704
Code Enforcement: Hello, I am not sure where to direct this, so I thought I would start at the top and you guys can delegate it. It’s a safety concern. The concern is as follows if you are on Gary Lane at Gillis. Both, North of Gillis and South of Gillis on Gary Lane are two obstructions for pedestrian traffic. The worst of the two is North of Gillis. We have a huge over grown bush that forces pedestrian traffic into the street including kids on bicycles and elderly people. I have seen both. Elderly folks have to walk into the street to get around this huge bush that is completely covering the side walk. Again, that is on Gary Lane just north of Gillis. Now, just immediately south of Gillis is a huge, I think it’s an ornamental plum tree that is over grown. It causes you to have to duck and it’s dropping all sorts of stuff onto the sidewalk. I figured I would mention that as well, although it’s not as big of a problem as the other. They are both impeding pedestrian traffic in one way and the other. I would appreciate it if you could pass that on to whoever controls that, or would cut those things down or would force the owners to cut them down. It’s a real hazard I believe especially towards dark when folks are out walking around. I would appreciate anything you could do to help that.

Code Enforcement: I have a concern. In Boise, off of Garden St, there is a street called Jewel. There are several cars that don’t have licenses that just are sitting along the street. There is also one house that has a large orange dump truck that has been sitting in their driveway for months. I just wanted to let someone know. I don’t think this is the way we want out city to look.

Will Feterhoff (?)
204 E. Highland View Dr.
Boise, ID 837
Code Enforcement: My comment is, I’ve called the complaint-weed sanitation and zoning telephone number, 384-3845 and all I get is a recording. No body ever calls me back. No one ever comes out to look at the property that’s being complained about. We have a fire hazard on the hillside at 216 East Highland View Drive. I can’t get anybody to look at it. This is my last resort. Again, I am complaining about it but no body is answering the phone at, 384-3845. Thank you.

Nathan Garr
1403 S. Columbus
Boise, ID 83705
Boise River Water Park: I am contacting the Boise Mayor to tell him that my interests are definitely supporting the fund for a white water play park on the Boise River.
Action Taken: sent postcard

Andy Petersen
3361 Forsythia Dr.
Boise, ID 83703
BPD: My wife told me about the Mayor’s efforts to get bar owners nearly free alcohol from 9-11pm. My wife and I thought it would be a good idea, if the city council would tax the hell out of these establishments that do this in order to pay for the extra police protection required for all the drunken maniacs downtown. So, then they could turn around and offer a tax break to the establishments that would stop selling the cheap liquor that causes the problem. Maybe they could give that a try and maybe that would help.

Jan Petersen
3361 Forsythia Dr.
Boise, ID 83703
BPD: I was watching the local news last night and was happy to see that you were addressing the alcoholism problem in downtown Boise as evidenced over the weekend with the riotous situations that had every cop in town downtown. I haven’t seen so much action since the 70’s when they used to have people running naked through Julia Davis Park and the police suited up in their riot gear. I don’t know if the fire department sprayed them with water or not. But, it might be helpful for you to know that the reason the people are behaving this way is because they are lonely. There is no other activity in this town that a young adult or a middle aged adult can participate in so cheaply. If you would address that, it would behoove our city to become involved in some sort of entertainment. It would cost a whole lot less than all these police. Frankly, I resent it when we are on code 2 status in our town; every police officer is downtown, while the criminals are getting away with every known thing in the book, in the neighborhoods. And, they know it. We just don’t have enough money to hire another 500 or 1,000 police officers. And, the ones we now have could possibly change their attitudes instead of sneering, mocking, abusing, and tormenting and taunting; average, law-abiding, hard working citizens. Thanks.

Jan Petersen
3361 Forsythia Dr.
Boise, ID 83703
BPD: I’m glad that the police department informed you of the riotous situation downtown, among the drinking in the public last weekend. But have they informed you or the city council of the huge problem of domestic violence? We have a police scanner. We listen to it. How about for entertainment the city put on a huge educational series regarding how men and women should treat each other, how to talk with one another, how to meet one another and date one another and generally behave well in our town? I think you would be performing a service. You would have a huge draw. And, the police would be freed up to get down to criminal activity. Just think about this, what happens if people stop driving because the cost of gas is to high and they can’t afford it? Then police can no longer give traffic tickets. Where then will your source of revenue be?

Mary Wissel
4821 Parkwood
BPR: She called to report that there is standing water in Hiatt Park and the mosquitoes are terrible. She would like to see someone spraying it.

Kristy Lebel
525 S. White Cloud
Boise, ID 83709
Graffiti: My walls over here by where I live just got spray painted and my car just got spray painted. It was only car here to get spray painted. It says, “Cryptsight”. So, I really don’t like the writing on the walls and the stuff. Now, it’s on my car. So, I don’t know, maybe you guys can do something.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Mary Lou Kinney
3409 Hillcrest Dr

Graffiti: Just wanted to report graffiti on our neighborhood watch sign, which is directly in front of our house. It’s actually in front of 3402 Hillcrest Dr at the corner of Owyhee and Hillcrest. It appears that it was done sometime between Saturday and Sunday that somebody sprays painted the neighborhood watch sign posted there. I wanted to report that and hopefully we can get it replaced.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Graffiti: Yes, there is graffiti on the basketball posts to which backboards are attached at Centennial Park on South Law Street.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Charlotte Valentine
1205 Cameron St.
Boise, ID 83709
Renters: I do have a problem. I am an elderly lady, about 85 years old. I own my own home. I brought a young man into my home in 1982 because I had known this young man since I was 15 years old. Now, he’s like 55. He was homeless and had no money and I felt very sorry for him. I had just moved into this house. My husband had just died. I moved into this house and I said, “I have a spare bedroom. It has its own entrance, and he can come and stay there until he can find himself another place to live”. He did move into the room. Now, I don’t want him here anymore. I’ve had some illnesses. I’ve had pneumonia. They’ve said they didn’t want me to stay alone. I need the room. So, I have been asking him please to move. He won’t move out. I gave oral notice on the 22nd of June to move out because I need the room. He just grins at me but he does not move. I called my lawyer and the lawyer said, “What you want to do is give him written notice. Make sure that he gets written notice.” So, I did. The lawyer told me what to say in the notice, and I did that. Then I called the Council of the Aging, and asked them if they could help. They said, “No, they wouldn’t help me unless I was in a nursing home.” So, then I did what the lawyer said I changed the locks. Then when he came home last night, which was his last day to move out, the locks are changed and he called the police. The police came and they said, “You can’t do this. You have to let him in.” I said, “Well what I am supposed to do? It’s my home. I don’t want him here, and he won’t move.” Well he said, “You can’t do that. You have to go to the sheriff’s office and get an eviction notice.” So, I went to the Sherriff’s office this morning. The Sheriff’s office said, “Oh no, we don’t do that. You have to go to the court house and file a civil eviction. Then they will set a hearing date, and we will have to go to court.” Now all of this I have to do because a person is in my home. He’s not paying rent; he has never paid a penny of rent. I have never asked him to pay rent. He has borrowed money from me. I just forget that. He already owes me over $800.00. But he will not leave, and he comes and goes as he pleases. If I tell him he has to leave he just grins at me. He just smiles at me like, “yeah sure I do.” There is a program on the computer that says, “How to evade eviction” and it’s exactly what he’s been doing. He knows that I can’t get him out of here unless I take him to court. I am on oxygen 24 hours a day, and it’s going to be pretty hard for me to go court. I just want the mayor to know that I think that is no way to run a railroad. I think that’s very bad that an elderly person like me, living alone with no big sons to back me up. I can’t say to person, this is my home; you are no longer welcome here. Get out.” They just thumb their noses at you and say, “To bad Mrs. Valentine.” I just want the mayor to know that. I am glad, and I hope, I hope that this does go to the press. I hope that the media does find out about this because I think this is not a way to treat the senior citizens. Well, at least not this senior citizen. Goodbye.
M/CC Legal

Sonya Shaughnessy
Graffiti: This is for the graffiti hotline. The country plaza, at Overland, at the back there is a theater, the Reel Theater. The back of their building is on Clark St. On the side off of Clark St as you are coming in, that driveway there is in big blue letters, “South” and then an “S” and then a number. It is definitely graffiti. I have never seen any there. I just was over in that plaza and wanted to report this. I have reported graffiti before and you guys are so wonderful about taking care of it immediately. I realize this is Sunday but I know that it will get taken care of on your list as it comes up. I want to commend for always taking care of our graffiti. I think it’s wonderful. There is no need to contact me, but I will be passing through there and see when it gets done.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Can’t Bikeboy and some of you other buffed up male folk go to Cameron Street and knock the smile off Freeloaders face for Miss Charlotte? Please?! (see page 2)

  2. It is one thing for a rent-paying tenant, with a rental agreement, to be protected from wrongful eviction. If there is no rental agreement, and this man is not paying rent and apparently never has (?!!!) however, why should the poor woman have to go to court to have him evicted? It would seem to me that at this point the man is trespassing and should be arrested if he refuses to leave peacefully. Maybe an attorney out there can explain why this no-longer-welcome house guest would have so many rights in this situation.

  3. Sharon,
    Legally, this guy has ‘standing’ in the home. i.e. He is not a short term visitor or guest and the home owner has allowed him to move into the home lock, stock, and barrel. The payment of rent and/or a lease are not required to obtain standing – just the answer to a simple question: Would a reasonable person believe that he lives there? If yes, then he has legal rights including the right to stay until evicted by a judge.

    Here are some hypothetical scenarios: A single man purchases his home. He then allows his girlfriend to move into the house. She never works, is never put on any bills, never pays rent, and the house remains in his name. They then have relationship problems and the male wants her to leave. He can’t force her because she now has ‘standing’ in the home even though she may never have contributed financially (and he never asked her to).

    Next: An elderly man asks a friend to move in to his home rent free /w no lease. The only oral agreement is that the friend will perform certain housekeeping chores and run an occasional errand. After 1 year, the man wants the friend to leave. Since the friend now has ‘standing’, the only way to force him/her out is through eviction.

    My point is that the truth is usually somewhere in the middle in tenant situations and the law recognizes this. While there may be no written lease or any rent paid, there may be some other services or agreements made by both parties.

    The moral of both stories: Be careful who you allow to live in your home!

  4. Patman – Okay, I definitely see your point. Then I guess maybe we need to go back to Tam’s suggestion and have a few buff guys (or gals) go help encourage this fellow to find himself “standing” in someone else’s home! 😉

  5. Poor Charlotte – the good-hearted woman took in a homeless neighbor as a favor, and he’s still there, and refusing to budge, 24 years later! She might as well’ve had a child, huh? (nudge nudge, wink wink) Back in the day, common sense would have prevailed… she could’ve sent this grifter packing. Nowadays the poor lady has to hire a lawyer and pack up her oxygen gear and go to court. (I’d love to see some social pressure put on this bum; maybe Dee Sarton can get the community’s collective outrage to the point where we’ll convene with torches and pitchforks.)

    Equally interesting are the (several) messages from the Petersens on Forsythia Drive.

    They’ve got the downtown brawl problem all figured out. Those drunk kids and young adults? They’re LONELY! They just need some (city-sponsored) activities as an alternative to drinking and stabbing one another. Jan is absolutely sure they would come in droves to attend Team Dave dating classes. I would suggest they combine it with some Shealy/Clegg foxtrot/cha-cha lessons, and Vern’s etiquette training (which fork to eat your salad with, and stuff like that).

    (I was in Boise in the 70s; I’m trying to remember police in riot-gear chasing naked people through Julia Davis Park. Could she be mixing up Boise with, um… San Francisco maybe?)
