News Media


GUARDIAN editor David R. Frazier will be the featured guest on A.M. 580 talk radio on Friday January 5.

Tune in at 9:05 am and feel free to call with comments and questions–good or bad.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Good program, Guardian.

  2. Eloquent commentary on the radio show, Mr. Guardian! I hope you get some new readers/participants. The more the merrier.

    Just don’t “sell out” and go to work as the PR guy for some politician or gummint agency!

    I’d like to have heard more discussion of “Growthophiles vs. Growthophobes”… how can essentially ALL politicians, even the locals like Mr. Bieter, view neverending growth as such a wonderful thing?

    When so many of us old-timers (who can remember what the area USED to be like, back before the connector and the mall and the Pavilion, er, Taco Bell Arena, and the Eagle Road Superhighway and the Entertainment Complex and the foothills palaces and the vast seas of identical suburban rooftops) view unimpeded growth as a big threat to our quality of life?

    EDITOR NOTE–Thanks for your kind words and your call to the show.

  3. Growthophiles vs. Growthophobes
    Dang there’s those 2 new words again.
    Still won’t google.

  4. Nice job Guardian.

    Your comments about public sector collective bargaining in Idaho certainly got my attention.

    Bikeboy, I liked the way you “hung on” to make sure you got your full two cents worth in. By the way, your comments on the bus blog were quite insightful.

  5. Hey, Guardian:
    How about putting a transcript of your radio gig on this here blogosite for those of us who didn’t hear it? (Not everybody could tune in, ya know)?.

  6. Dave, Great job on the radio. Your blog does make a huge difference and I appreciate the influence it has had on the city and its officials.
