City Government

What Is The Status Of That?

We got a letter from a reader in Washington, D.C. asking whatever happened with Mark Johnson’s DUI case. That brought to mind some other “pending” stories.

Here are some others that we would like to know about as well.

–What is the status of the gas fired power plant the city council approved on public land south of the airport?

–How come the city has not scheduled a bond election for an airport parking garage as the Supreme Court said they had to to go into long term debt.

–What is the status of all the surplus land the city owns in the area of Fairview and 25 and Fairview and 29th?

–Did the second worker fired at the Poop Farm get convicted of any crime?
–Why no bond election for a police station and are there plans afoot for alternate financing?

If you have and answers to these questions, please let us know. You may also have questions of your own.

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  1. What has happened to the Attorney (pulic defender)for Ada County that was arrested for Drugs and trespassing down town at Christmas time.

    EDITOR NOTE–That one is still awaiting court appearance date. It will drag on for a while.

  2. As for Johnson’s DUI ,we all make mistakes. I’d just like to see more objective national and international news reporting on Ch.7.
    As for the gas fired coal plant and the city scheduling a bond election for an airport parking garage as ordered by the ID supreme court I think as do many of boise’s Citizens that the mayor and Council owe us an explanation as to what they propose to do!
    As for the city owned land on fairview and 25’th and 29’th that was purchased with tax payers money again the Mayor and council owe us all an explanation as to what they plan to do with our resources.
    As for the second worker fired at the poop farm being convicted of a crime the mayor and Coucil need to realize that their secretive personnel policies ,especially for employees that may have broken the law, need to go.
    As for the fact that no bond election for a new police station ( which we need) has been scheduled or alternative financing the Citizens again want to know why the Mayor and Council don’t seem to have done anything here on a much needed Community oriented project.
    I would suggest that every community oriented Voter that reads the above and wants to know the answers get on the horn or e-mail the Mayor and City council and ask them ” Exactly what have you done in relation to all of these issues?”
    To call the Mayors office-PH 208-384-4422
    to e-mail mayor and Council- mayor&[email protected]

  3. Police station; Yes there is a need for a newer bigger station house. I`m sure that the city property at 25th and 29th along fairview have a very high prime value. I don`t understand why the city doesn`t attemp to trade it for one of the vacant commerical buildings around the city.

    Having recently traveled on emerld st. between cole & 5 mile I see a fair number of vacant commerical buildings. It would seem that some kind of a trade could be done that would solve the problem. Maybe the city needs to also consider that just one station house is not the way to go.

    Perhaps having a police station in east Boise & one in west Boise would work betteras the city area continues to grow. ( This is done in other cities)
