
Bull Moose Murphy For Mayor

Perhaps stung by the GUARDIAN’s lack of serious regard for his declaration as the Bull Moose candidate for Boise Mayor, Mike Murphy has issued the following statement:

“Much ado has been made about my candidacy on MySpace, earning me the somewhat derogatorily delivered moniker amongst some members of the local press as: “The MySpace Candidate.”

According to Murphy, other “MySpace Candidates” include:
Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, John Edwards, John McCain, Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul,
Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, Rudy Giuliani, Chris Dodd, Bill Richardson, Tommy
Thompson, Sam Brownback, and countless State and Local Candidates for a variety
of public offices.

The GUARDIAN will publish local candidate statements relating to the November City elections, but we will probably stop at promoting websites with links.

Democrate incumbent Mayor Dave Bieter and Republican City Councilor Jim Tibbs have already announced their candidacy.

With Murphy representing the Bull Moose it looks like we will have a race between the donkey, elephant, and moose. It may qualify as a three ring circus or at least a zoo before it is all over.

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  1. I don’t understand why we need to “label” the candidates. Just because Bieter is perceived as an ultra left wing liberal, that doesn’t mean that Jim Tibbs has to be a right wing Republican.
    The Boise mayors race is a non-partisan race and the candidates should be ” labeled” by issues, not party affiliation.

    EDITOR NOTE–And just HOW am I going to be able to work in “three ring circus” or “zoo” if we have these beige political correct candidates?

  2. “…SOME [sic] members of the local press”, didn’t include The Guardian. It was a blanket Press Release to multiple media outlets in Boise, directed to the very few remaining print and broadcast “journalists” who still feel that a candidacy that has a MySpace presence is somehow less of a candidacy. And by extension, MySpacers less of a constituency. A sentiment I believe the 23 people today, and 1,041 in the last month who have taken the time out of their day to read my MySpace Blog would take exception to. Like any profession, there are those who are very good at what they do, and then there are those who aren’t. It appears you feel I implied The Guardian is among the later, and I assure you that that is not the case. I applaud your noble efforts, if not always the product.

  3. Mike Mujrphy,
    Unfortunately the folks that read “myspace” are somewhat questionable…….. or they are in high school. I think you are better off finding another tool for your campaign. And shooting yourself in the foot with blanket statements like you made prior does not help either……….

  4. The problem isn’t having a MySpace page. Plenty of legitimate candidates, as Murphy noted, have them. The problem is only having a MySpace page without other significant campaigning.

    That will get you dismissed out of the gate every time. Only thing worse is to announce you’re running as a write-in. Giving one- or two-sentence quips on complicated policy questions and then returning to the “plagiarism” strategy doesn’t show much depth of knowledge.

    Also, Bieter is no more an “ultra left wing liberal” than Tibbs is “right wing Republican.” Both candidates are pretty moderate. You’ll recall Tibbs is a former police union leader. Bieter opposed allowing city employees to form a union. Stereotypes out the window. As they say, there’s no Democratic or Republican way to pick up the trash.

  5. Murphy for Mayor
    May 2, 2007, 3:10 pm

    “…questionable, or still in High School.” Are we talking about MySpace still, or the entire Internet?!? And indeed, “…having a MySpace page without other significant campaigning” wouldn’t be much of a campaign. Good thing my candidacy has greater resources at its disposal, and I have reached out to business owners and citizens at large for over a year prior to announcing my candidacy. As for lack of depth… I am comfortable enough in my own skin to jettison pride and co-opt proven, ethical practices perfected at the expense of others. And nothin’-for-nothin’, but how much time have the other candidates taken from their day so far to engage you fine folks on these pages?

    EDITOR NOTE–Any reader or candidate wishing to debate SUBSTANCE and issues is welcome. This is the last comment about Murphy or from Murphy ABOUT Murphy. Click it up a few notches folks and talk about the depot, CCDC, DBA, BPD, Parks, Chamber of Commerce, but not about relative merits of a website.

  6. Why is party affiliation even a question? Other than the fact this is a non partisan race, most partisan issues aren’t even dealt with at a municipal level.

    Vacuous nimrods regurgitating right or left talking points need to realize a mayor isn’t going to handle many of their respective parties issues.

    I just hope like heck we don’t see a whole bunch of nut-bags screeching from the sidelines like so many rabid monkeys.

    Let’s keep the real issues alive in this thing!

  7. First, everybody has a right to run for office in America and get equal coverage. If Shealy can put his hat in the ring for senator while Sali masquerades as a US Rep. well why not continue the zoo bit?

    Maybe I’ll run for president or generalissimmo or something.

    The thing to remember here is Boise is a great town with a lot of potential for the people but with an overwhelming amount calling themselves professionals and politicians( Many hide behind religiuos hypocrisy.) We need to get rid of as many as possible and vote for the best ‘alternative.” We proved we could do it when we canned Coles and Pierce. Lets put Tibbs in and get rid of ALL THE INCUMBENTS on city council. Mike , you are definetly one of the most HONEST candidates… why not point out the greed and corruption already at city hall. Boisean’s would thank you!

  8. Guardian said: “EDITOR NOTE–And just HOW am I going to be able to work in “three ring circus” or “zoo” ;;;”

    Too bad the Otter and the Batt aren’t involved, too!
