City Government

Mayor Hotline April 21 to 27

Love the cops, hate the growth over and over, more anti-miners

Kit Paporello
City of Boise Police Officer
BPD: I’m calling to voice my concern over the city contacting me directly at my home regarding police officer union negotiations. The reason I have elected union officials is for you to talk to them; you don’t need to spend taxpayer money to contact me at my residence. I have full faith in them, and the answers they give to you are the answers that I support. I believe they are negotiating in good faith and in the interest of the union body, but I do not believe the city is negotiating in good faith. The city contacting me at home, going against my elected union officials, is like a small child asking one parent for something and is told no by that parent. The child then goes to the other parent and seeks a different answer. If the union says “yes or no” I support what they say. Do not contact me at home again. Thank you.
M/CC Legal

Ken Malgren
12000200 W. Lewis & Clark
Boise, ID
Please, would you pass on to Public Works that they should not have their construction company, Bodiford, working 24/7. This weekend has been hell. They have been going through the intersection of Cloverdale and Ustick and for 24 hours a day, we’re listening to the “beep, beep, beep” of backup beepers, heavy equipment, the house shaking, and it has been very difficult to sleep. So, would you please pass that on to Public Works, that was a stupid thing to do. Good bye.

Stillman Anderson
11337 Aldershot Dr. (Burkhollow Subdivision)
Boise, ID 83709
PDS: Good morning Mayor Bieter and City Council. I’m calling pertaining to a concern that I have with the subdivision that you and the City Council approved, that being the Rivendell Estates, just west of Burkhollow Subdivision. One of the requirements that you and the City Council told the members of the Burkhollow Subdivision, as well as the Walden Pond Subdivision, was that no work, and you said no construction work, would start before 7:30 a.m. during the week, and 8:30 a.m. on weekends. Well, they are constructing a house, and this morning they were there prior to 6:30 a.m. because I left my house at 6:30 a.m. and by that time they had four fires going and doing quite a bit of work on that house. Now, I want to know what you and the City Council are going to do about it, because you and the City Council made it quite obvious to the members of these two subdivisions that we did not count. The only person that counted was the developer. So, now that you have tried to appease us so much, and you told us that we would have police vehicles going by, which we don’t see except once in a great while, that we would have all these things and don’t worry the traffic wouldn’t be bad, oh no, no, no. Well, I got news for you, unless you and the City Council do something and do it fast, I’m going to send a letter to the editor of the newspaper and let him know that when the City Council and the Mayor says things, it’s just a bunch of air. It is not even hot because they will not stand behind what they say and make the developers do as they are told. I do expect to hear back from you, Mayor, as well as the City Council. So thank you very much and I hope that you will get somebody out there, Code Enforcement or whatever, and shut them down until 7:30 a.m. on week days. Stand behind your word, I would appreciate it and I know the citizens of both Burkhollow and Walden Pond would also appreciate you standing behind your word. Thank you.

Chris Davis
Southwest Boise (area recently annexed)
Police Negotiations: I saw on the news today about how the Mayor and City Council are back-dooring the police and the police union and not giving them a raise. I find this a problem; you pay your Community Ombudsman somewhere close to $100,000 and all he does is duplicate efforts that the police internal affairs do already. Why are you back-dooring your police officers the way you back-door the citizens, trying to go around them without getting votes of their union representation. I feel you need to change your ways and look at your police and fire personnel as the heroes they are and pay them as such. Thank you.

Stillman Anderson
11337 Aldershot Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
PDS: I’m calling to inform you that the contractor has currently started work on the house that is being built in the subdivision between Burkhollow Subdivision and Walden Pond. You told us that when you and the City Council approved this subdivision, that work would not start before 7:30 a.m. during work days. Well, now it’s 6:21 a.m. and they’ve already got a fire started to keep themselves warm. So, they’ve started a lot earlier than that, and I see that nobody has come out to tell them that they are not following the requirements of the conditions for that subdivision. I would appreciate it if you would get somebody out here today and inform them seeing that Blazer, as we all knew and tried to inform you, would not pass that information along so that they understand that they are not supposed to be starting work until 7:30 a.m. during the week. If you will do that, I would appreciate it, and I would appreciate a call back. Thank you.

Stillman Anderson
11337 Aldershot Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
PDS:Good evening Mayor and City Council. You’ll get used to it because I’m going to make sure I call you every time something happens here. I just came through Rivendell Estates, the one that you and the City Council approved and I almost got run off the road because a little blue foreign job decided they weren’t going to follow the speed limit. They went zipping by at least 35 mph and they cut me off. If I had been going over the speed limit, as I was doing 15 mph instead of the 20 mph, I would have been on the side of the or in the ditch. I just want you to know that every time something like that happens, I am going to call you and that happened at 9:20 this evening on the 26th of April. So, every time something like that happens, I hear somebody go ripping through in the middle of the night, I’m going to get up and call you so that you will know and that what you have approved isn’t happening the way you told the residents of Brookhollow and Walden Pond that it would happen. I still have not heard back from you, and I still have not seen any police out here or anything. So, what you told us was really nothing more than diatribe. Again, thank you and have a good evening.

Stillman Anderson
11337 Aldershot Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
PDS: Good morning Mayor and City Council. I’m watching the contractors working on this house in the Rivendell Estates. It is 6:33 a.m. and they are working. As I have pointed out before, you and the City Council told Bruce Blazer that there would be no work started before 7:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m. on weekends. We told you we were concerned that that information would not be passed on to the contractors, and this is evidence that it has not been. So, we would like you to have your Code Enforcement, police, or whoever, come out here and inform the contractor that they are breaking the rules of this subdivision agreement. So, I would appreciate you getting something done on this and doing it promptly. Thank you very much, good bye.

Roylee Ray Snider
3105 Cherry Lane #4
Boise, ID 83705
Tourism: Good afternoon your honorable Mayor and City Council members. I would like to keep my phone number private, it is a private line and would prefer that it is not transcribed. I’m calling today on a couple of interesting points that I think might be beneficial to our city. First of all we seem to be receiving a large amount of people moving into the state and into the city. We also have a large amount of people coming into Idaho, Bogus Basin, and the Birds of Prey, and other tour-friendly locations. I think it’s interesting, and I think it’s important that the Mayor and the City Council approach and learn about a city, for example San Diego, San Francisco, and see how their tax structure works. It is based on when a tourist comes into a town and/or state, they pay a larger amount of money for all services, including a hotel tax that is much higher than ours is in the state of Idaho and/or Boise. I think it’s important that we take the opportunity immediately to start making money off of the tourism in a higher tax bracket. For example, when San Diego did this, they were able to improve infrastructure and multiple other situations that needed funding. I believe that we have what California and/or any other state stands to offer. Our value is more valuable than any other state in the nation. I think it’s important that we take immediate action so that we, as a city, can grow, benefit from tourism, and all the other situations that come with this. Once again, I think it’s important that perhaps you do a study on San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, and as many other places that you can think of that works on tourism. That is what Idaho is becoming. I don’t think it’s a bad thing, I think it’s an opportunity that would benefit enormous groups of people, businesses, foundations, colleges, and even our local schools. I think it’s important that this become a study issue as soon as possible.

In addition, another topic I have is I would like to talk to you about landscaping the roof of city hall and the connecting buildings. I believe that we are tree city USA and I believe that we can learn a lot about ecosystems and cooling off buildings and doing our part to help with creating rooftop gardens throughout the state of Idaho, and more importantly the City of Boise. I think also, that thousands, approximately 3,000 acres should be set aside for a wild animal park of Boise. Once again, this would give the animals at the zoo a chance to get out of their confined restraints. I think we need one park of several thousand acres that would include the zoo and perhaps museums, hall of fames, and perhaps even the special Olympic group. I think it’s important that Boise start realizing its value. There’s no other state that has what Idaho has, be it the Boise River where people float it every day in the summer or the whitewaters, or the ski lodges, or the gondola in northern Idaho. It is time that we as Idahoans accept our values and accept what we are and what we have is what no other state has. There is a chance, we already have tourism, and it is time that we are Idaho, Idaho stands alone, and cannot be responsible for other cities and states. We have to say, we have tons of golf courses, we have every element that is beneficial to tourism, except the tourists need to pay a higher tax. If they come in and hunt, I think the Fish and Game organization should be not a break even serving those people. We should be making multiple times, approximately three times the amount of money on Fish and Game because when you come into a state where you don’t have opportunities, and when people come into our state and love our state and city, we need to move forward, get the tourists’ revenues for hotel taxes and other means, and we need to provide extra services to our children, our great children, our nieces, our nephews, our great grandchildren, our great, great grandchildren. I am from a sixth generation Idahoan, my ancestors helped found Hailey, and I believe that that is a key aspect to why I think we need to move forward on all these suggestions. I thank you so much for taking the time to listen to me. I hope that you will provide some feedback. I thank you very much. Sincerely, Roylee Ray Snider. Thank you for your time, and thank you for the gift you are giving our cities.

Pam Piper-Ruth
1615 N. 27th St.
Mining: This is for Mayor Bieter and the Boise City Council to thank them for approving a resolution opposing the Atlanta Gold heap and leach mining operation. So thank you for opposing that.

Bob Nelson
21 N. Garden
Boise, ID
BPD: I’m calling about some parking tickets that were given to my neighbor. They live at 115 N. Garden. The one car has been in front of their house, but it’s been for sale; it is washed; it is moved frequently. The other car is an Isuzu Rodeo; it was parked on the side of their house, and on Sunday they brought to the front of their house, and on Thursday, they get a parking ticket. The car parked at 107 N. Garden has been there for over four years and has never received a parking ticket. Also, there’s a Mustang on the street that the guy has been called out on a service call, and his car sits for more than 72 hours and he has never received a ticket. I think you better look into why you’re passing out parking tickets a little bit closer before you pass out parking tickets. Also, I was informed that they cannot be parked in front of your house on the roadway. Since there is no curb, no sidewalk, it would be impossible for the city to come in and figure out exactly where my property starts, or this other person’s property starts because technically they were parked on the dirt in front of their house. Since there’s no curb, gutter, or sidewalk, that obviously is their property. So, you better look closer at this stuff.

Noelle Stebbins
11216 Bodly Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
Billboard: I just had a concern; I drove by a billboard this morning. It was inappropriate; it was for the Tom and Bob show and I don’t think it should be up for all of the public to have to view. I don’t want my husband to see it; I don’t think any little children should see it. I’m not quite sure who to complain to, so I thought I would call and let you know that I don’t think the city of Boise should let billboards like that be up along the public road. That’s just my concern, thank you very much.
Action Taken: contacted

John Waddell
7702 Valley Heights Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
CCDC: I’m calling regarding the Capital City Market on Saturdays. I have been trying to get hold of Karen Ellis to obtain the rights to sell merchandise. I make high-quality wood working items and she will not return my calls. I was a vendor there about four or five years ago and Karen and I had a dispute, but now she won’t return my calls, therefore, she doesn’t have to deal with me. I have every right to sell my products as much as anyone else in the area, because I sell a good quality product. I need to get someone to intervene with Karen so she will treat me like she does the rest of the citizens.

Ben Shelly
2309 Sunset Ave.
Boise, ID 83702
BPR:I read an article in the Wednesday, April 25, 2007 Statesman about the water company looking for raising rates to help with conservation and the responses by the Public Utilities Commission, etc. That just make me think I should call the Mayor. Basically, what I have seen is on several of the city’s area public thorough-ways where they water with sprinklers, to be specific Harrison Blvd., Fort St. along the area of the community center and the Idaho Elks Rehab area where the park area is, those are two specific areas where I see water rushing all over the place into the street because the sprinklers are not chosen correctly or directed correctly for conserving the water to be used on the grassy areas only. So my concern is simply that maybe the Mayor can convey to the departments that are in charge of those publicly watered grassy areas to have those departments direct those sprinklers to the grass only, and if there are areas where there’s massive run-off onto the street, then maybe they’re either over-watering or they need a different type of sprinkler head that can direct that water to the grass and keep it from flooding the streets in the evenings at the times that they’re watering with an overflow, basically a loss of water. With the growth of our city and the growth of our area, we need to be careful. I’ve lived in Boise all my life and I remember severe droughts when we didn’t get enough rain, and that will happen, and even worse if it happens with the massive amount of people here. Thank for your time.
Action taken: contacted

Pia Benvenuto
Garden Valley, Idaho
Mining: I am a citizen of Idaho; I live up in Garden Valley. I am a member of the Sierra Club. I’m just taking a minute to thank the Mayor and the Boise City Council for helping protect the Boise River. I understand there was lots of opposition from Idaho Families for Clean Water, and I stand with them against the Atlanta Gold Mine. Once again, I thank the Mayor and the Boise City Council for standing with the citizens of Idaho opposing the Atlanta Gold Mine. I don’t need a response.

Misc: This is a message to the Mayor or whoever may be concerned about this; I thought the Mayor might be. I want to know, in regards to a philanthropic organization, or shall I say in general can any philanthropic organization do this? There’s a church, or an outreach of a church called the Love Center, and they were, for a time giving out free boxes of food, and of course if you could afford the suggested $5 donation or whatever you could afford, that would be okay. Well, now there’s a sign on the door that says “Required a $5 donation for a food box”. That seems like it’s a paradox; a donation is not required. Anyway, I don’t know if they’re breaking the law, or what, but at the very least they’re being immoral and definitely unchristian.
Action Taken: contacted

Bobbie Billings
Mining:I am just calling to say that I appreciate the work that he has done along with the City Council in helping to protect the river from the cyanide leach mine upstream, and also for getting us signed up with cool cities.

Sonya Crum
2924 W. Dearfield
Eagle, ID
Mining: I’m calling on behalf of both Sonya and Bill Crum. I wanted to call and thank Mayor Bieter for his approving to oppose the Atlanta Gold Cyanide heap leaching operation at the headwaters of the Boise River.

Barbara Pond
Boise, ID 83702
Armory: Hi, we were recycling glass at the National Guard Armory at 801 Reserve, and I think the city owns it again, although I’m not sure about that. I know Heritage Theatre owned it for a while, but there are lights on in that building. There are banks of fluorescent lights on upstairs and I’m wondering if anyone knows that. It just seems like such an attractive nuisance for adolescents or the homeless. I know the fire department is next door, but even though, that whole back area, the gates are open and it’s a really hidden place. I think that that’s a problem. Anyway, I wanted that information relayed; that there are lights on in what I thought was a vacant building.

Ysidora Mendieta
5337 Waterwheel Dr.
Boise, ID 83703
Misc: Mayor Bieter, I’m a Basque, I was born here in Boise, Idaho 80 years ago behind the Capital Building on N. 6th. Now I live in the Collister Center area off of Collister, Jones Landing. We have in the Collister Center area an estate sale and consignment building and it’s just a beautiful building where people go there for their sales and one thing or another, but then I found out today they may turn that into a library. I am so very, very disappointed with Boise, it’s gotten so big and they’re taking everything away from us. Also, there is a dollar store on N. 8th; that is going out of business and something else is coming there. It seems like with us who would like to have something here, they’re just changing everything around. Could you please look into that at the Collister Center, the estate sale and consignment; it’s such a wonderful place where people congregate. I would surely appreciate it. Thank you very, very much.

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