

Join Dave and the regulars at the BOISE GUARDIAN 2nd birthday party. Join your fellow bloggers at the Pizza Hut near University and Capitol Blvd…not far from the locked up Boise Depot. Friday May 4 at 5:30 p.m. Donations accepted for the pizza and drinks.

The closed Depot was our first post two years ago. We have yet to open the Depot to the citizens who own it, but we may have the attention of those in city government. Meanwhile the GUARDIAN has gained credibility in some circles and disdain in others.

We can all discuss the past, future, and enjoy the exchange after work Friday. See you there!

Comments & Discussion

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  1. I wish I could join you folks, but I’ve got to work. But, hey, maybe like Tony’s, or Guido’s next time. Ya know what I’m sayin’. Fuggetaboutit! 😉

  2. I wish I could be there. My schedule won’t allow it.

    Have fun and enjoy.

  3. Dave – have you considered seating arrangements? If not, NOW is the time!

    You don’t want the “disdainers” sitting together with the believers! Ha! And if you have the devlopers sitting with the growthophobes, Pizza Hut management is likely to throw the whole kit ‘n’ kaboodle out the side door! “Can’t we all just get along?”

    You should also make it clear… NONE of the revelers will be permitted, after a pitcher or two of lager, to make an impromptu campaign announcement, thus stealing Guardian Thunder!

    (I still hope to be there, at least briefly. Unlikely I’ll partake of the refreshments… I live on the bench and that hill might be daunting if I’m stuffed with Italian sausage and mozzarella. My “hybrid” bike-engine will run on that stuff, but not very efficiently.)

  4. Anne Peterson
    May 4, 2007, 5:33 pm

    If some of us ever get to leave work, we will be going to the horse races. But have fun; storm the depot; and go to the races some other Friday (or Saturday or Tuesday), now through mid-August.

  5. We ate,drank, and had a merry old time, and all the best people were there! Thanks guardian for helping us celebrate a web site that is a celebration of truth and the People’s abiltiy to get some real representation!
