
Mayor Hotline May 5 To May 11


John Hecht
2500 W. Jefferson
Boise, ID 83702
Depot: I had the pleasure of seeing the Union Pacific train yesterday at the Depot. Unfortunately there were no on-train tours but that’s not the city’s fault; however I was very, very displeased to see that for some reason the terminal was not open that day. The three hours on Monday afternoon is sort of a joke, but I’ll set that aside; but coinciding with the train coming in, the Depot should have been open and I would like to know why it wasn’t.

Jim Wiley
Drinking Fountain: I called a week or so ago. There is a water fountain that is broke on Mile Point 1.6, between 1.7 on the south side of the river on the Greenbelt. It is the only drinking fountain between Anne Frank Memorial and Barber Park. You know, I don’t see the big deal about getting it fixed; it was really bad last year and it’s not working at all. Can somebody from Parks please fix it. Thank you.

Jim Wiley
Drinking Fountain: I called last week about the drinking fountain on the south side of the river between Mile Post 1.6 and 1.7; it’s close to the old Albertson’s headquarters. You know it has been broke down now for several weeks and it’s getting hot. That’s the only drinking fountain on that side of the river between Anne Frank Memorial and Barber Park. I would think somebody would really want to fix that; it can’t be that big of a job. Is there anything you can do to get it fixed before it gets into the hundred degree weather? Thank you.

Terry Leinberger
Billboards: I was just driving in Boise today doing some shopping and noticed the billboards, one in Garden City and one in downtown Boise, about advertising that radio station, Two Boobs in the Morning. I just think that the City of Boise if it wants to be progressive, would allow those kinds of indecent things on billboards; as an advertisement, it’s kind of ridiculous. I just find it rather interesting that you would allow those kinds of signs to be placed in the City of Boise. Anyway, I just thought I would voice my concern and opinion. Thank you very much.
Action Taken: contacted

Emily Butler
Eagle phone #
Billboard: I’m not sure if I’m making a call to the correct jurisdiction, but I just wanted to let you know that I was driving into Boise the other day and I saw a billboard, I think from Eagle Radio, advertising Two Boobs in the Morning, which I found extremely inappropriate for public viewing. I didn’t like it at all, so I’m registering my very strong complaint and was wondering what steps can be taken to get rid of it. So, thank you and please give me a call if you have any suggestions.
Action Taken: contacted

Steve Hulme
4623 Camas St.
Boise, ID 83705
Bike Etiquette: The reason I am calling is to express some concern, as I have done before, about un-enforced bicycle laws. In fact, the last time I complained I got a call from the Chief of Police in response, saying that it would be better. I’m certainly not seeing any better behavior on the part of the cyclists. Specifically, I’m calling to complain about bicyclists who ride against traffic, and I believe that I will call every time after I have a near miss with somebody. Today, I was riding east bound on Emerald St. very near the overpass where there’s barely enough bike lane to even operate in, and here comes some bozo flying down from the overpass headed westbound, and right in my lane there’s absolutely no place for me to go. It’s just a very, very, very uncomfortable situation for this bicyclist citizen. I wish something would be done, and I would just like you people to be on notice that since I’ve called about this so many times, and the law obviously isn’t being enforced, if I ever have an accident that is caused by an against-traffic bicyclist that runs into me head on, I certainly will make my legal advisor aware that Boise has a long record of not enforcing that law that is on the books. I’m very serious about this and I wish you folks would get serious about it too, particularly Mayor Bieter who claims to be a cyclist. Thank you very much.

Traffic Infractions: I would like to voice my concern on people who are running red lights. I had two people this morning that clearly, clearly went through red lights; I’m surprised there wasn’t an accident. It seems like the problem is getting worse and I have yet to ever, ever see a police officer, be it one of the major intersections, and pull somebody over. I see the traffic stops for speeding, which is certainly important, but that’s not as critical as monitoring the people running red lights, because there’s going to be some serious injuries if they don’t start monitoring that versus speeding. So, please review your policy on that and try to do something before somebody is killed. Thank you.

BPD: It’s interesting how a citizen would call for some relief from a disturbance several times, but because they choose not to give their name for fear of retaliation, then there is no response from the police department for a loud drunken bunch with dogs and babies involved, and alcohol and fighting, but nobody responded because I wouldn’t give my name. Oh well; that’s up on N. Latah; you can check it with Boise PD.

Jennifer Whitling
1450 Highland View Dr.
Boise, ID 83702
Misc: I’m horrified by this global warming and the escalating price of gasoline. It’s rather amazing. Anyway, I just wanted to sort of pledge to do my part to drive my car very minimally; I’ve kind of made it so I only go a very short distance for almost all of my business needs. I also walk to work, and just on the matter of principle, I’m going to buy a bus pass because I want to support the transit system and get into the habit of using it; it’s very effective and takes just a little bit long to get where I’m going, but it’s a very pleasant ride, I can read a book while I’m riding. It’s available most of the time, and I think there are some very good solutions. I’m interested in green buildings, I’m interested in the kinds of windows for the buildings downtown that help with solar potential, and controlling climate. There are technologies out there, we might need to network with other cities to find out what the technologies are and move forward. Anyway, I think the future is absolutely magnificent, we just have to do some work to make it happen. Take care.

Ysidora Smith
5337 Waterfield Dr.
Boise, ID 83703
PDS: I just want to tell Mayor Bieter that I opened up today’s paper and saw the eyesore that is going up in Boise, Idaho. I think that Planning and Zoning should be ashamed of themselves for putting up those ugly structures in Boise, Idaho. I was born and raised here and I think they are ruining Boise, I really do, with the eyesores of those ugly, ugly small buildings, and I think that Boise City Council should be ashamed of themselves too, for letting them do that. So, Planning and Zoning, don’t make those ugly houses here in Boise. Thank you very much.

Pam Floured
3079 S. Crossfield
Boise, ID
Billboards: I wasn’t sure who to call, but I wanted to lodge a complaint about the billboards that have come up in the cities of Boise, Meridian, Eagle, and Garden City; the ones about the boobs. I think they are highly offensive; I’m a teacher and it’s very offensive that my little class would have to see that. As an adult I find it highly ignorant and offensive. If you have any questions, please call me.
Action Taken: left msj

Jackie Manning
2719 W. Talon St.
Boise, ID 83702
Airport Recycling: I don’t necessarily need a call back; it just occurred to me that my daughter actually works for the airport and she’s concerned that there are no recycling bins there and people at the airport consistently throw away plastic water bottles, cans, and all of that stuff, not to mention the fact that the airline employees themselves accumulate numerous stacks of paper that just get thrown in the trash as well. I did contact the person who is in charge of environmental recycling at the city, Pamela Williams, and she was very nice. She said it is a concern of hers as well, but that so far nobody is willing to do anything about it. So, that’s my only concern that maybe there could be some recycling taking place at the airport. Thanks for your time.
M/CC PW Airport

Robert Heller
9280 Lorenda
Boise, ID 83704
Sex Offenders: I’m calling because I would like the Mayor to work on a new city ordinance that keeps sex offenders 1,000 feet away from where children congregate; also, to limit the number of sex offenders who can reside in one residence. I live off of Edna and there is a house that has had as many as nine in them at one time, all registered sex offenders who have offended people under 16 years old. We find it very concerning in our neighborhood. Thank you very much.
M/CC Legal

Charlie Berry
PDS: I’m a lifetime resident of Boise and a 20-year contractor. I’m very satisfied with all the work that the inspectors are doing out here in the field. I might like to suggest that you guys probably could afford to hire a few more though. I see these guys and they look like they’re running pretty hard out here. Call me if you want to talk about it. Thank you.
Action Taken: no # left

Jennifer Whitling
1450 W. Highland View Dr.
Boise, ID 83702
Mosquitos: I have a brief comment. I live on Crane creek and I did see a bat tonight. I took that to be a good sign because I know that they eat mosquitoes. I just wanted to make sure that it’s taken into consideration that any mosquito abatement program would maybe spare the bats if possible because they’re so helpful at naturally eating the mosquitoes. I’ve heard of programs where you can have bat boxes, kind of like having a bird house or something. They’re not unsightly at all and the little bats come out at night when everyone is asleep and gobble up the insects. I feel very strongly about this because I did get bit last year and I got pretty ill. I went to St. Lukes, I went to the clinic, and I ended up spending a lot in medical care. It was pretty bizarre because I’m a very healthy person. It took me a lot of time to heal myself and I didn’t get a blood test for West Nile, but I have my suspicions as did one of my doctors. I would love it if we could stop that before it happens again because it was awful last year and I don’t want anyone to get sick. It’s always a better thing to try to prevent disease than try to deal with it once it’s really become a problem. It’s not too bad on Crane Creek but a number of areas in Boise are very mosquito prone. I’m particularly wondering about that big housing development to the south of State St. that has all those picturesque ponds; they’re pretty mosquito prone I would think. Anyway, hopefully we can do some other kinds of creative ways of controlling that problem this summer.
Action Taken: contacted

Jim Linske
Ombudsman: I’m calling in regard to the article I heard on Channel 6 News last night regarding the Police Chief and I don’t hear the Boise Police Department on the news any more since the bad mayor was taken out of office with the bad police chief. I think he’s doing an outstanding job; we don’t hear about the Boise Police Department in the news anymore and that means that he’s got control of the department and his men are doing well. I think they should be commended. I don’t think we need the Ombudsman; I think it’s a waste of money. That’s why we have internal affairs; I’m a retired police officer myself, and if a shooting or something else goes on, I believe that there are other departments that would be neutral and come in and do the investigation. I think $1.85 million is a waste of money; I think the Ombudsman should go. Thank you.

Traffic Patrol: I’m calling about an issue; I have called ACHD twice about this, and I have also notified Boise City police. It doesn’t seem that much is being done about it. There is a house at 1609 Euclid, on the southwest corner of Euclid and Boise Avenue, and when they park their big fat pick-up trucks and SUV’s right in front of their house, they are beyond the sidewalk. If someone tries to turn left onto Boise Avenue from the south side of Euclid, they can’t see if there’s any traffic coming and have to pull out so far into Boise Avenue that they narrowly get hit because those big SUV’s are blocking the view. I don’t care to have my address made part of a public record. I just came by that house and there is a great big white pickup truck there with an Oregon license plate, #599BDB. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Code Enforcement: I live at Crystal Estates Condominium Association and 679 W. Pennsylvania has a conduit cord running and a jig saw cutting into the power box. I am concerned about my safety as this doesn’t seem to be an inspected issue. I have already called the Code Department and have had no follow-up in three weeks time, and this could be a fire hazard as far as I’m concerned. Could somebody please follow-up; I think this kind of repair needs to be inspected. If you need to get hold of someone, the President of the homeowners’ association, which is not me, is Ginger Wardhaugh, at 703 W. Pennsylvania. I don’t know her phone number. Thank you.

Pat Milner
5222 N. Samson Ave.
Boise, ID 83704
Sex Offenders: I am calling in support of creating a city ordinance restricting sex offenders and where they can reside, especially 1,000 ft. from schools, preschools, day cares, bus stops, etc. I’m also calling in support of creating an ordinance that would restrict the number of unrelated sex offenders in a residential neighborhood that is zoned single family, to be limited to two, although zero would be my preference. We do have a home in our area at 5424 N. Samson that is owned by Bethel Ministries, and currently there are two sex offenders residing there. I understand they have other homes in the area that they are building into group homes. I am adamantly opposed to a group home for sex offenders. This particular house in our neighborhood has a camera in their back yard, and the yard that abuts up against them has a pool with young teenage girls that reside in that house. The dad is very concerned that that camera will be turned toward his pool, where the teenagers will probably be out in their little bikinis, or even if they’re not in their bikinis, in their swim suits. I’m wondering why a sex offender needs to have a camera in their back yard. The company that owns this home are Bethel Industries, and I understand they are a for-profit organization, although they say they’re not for profit. They are making a huge amount of money plus they get grants. I just want to voice our concern about the group home for sex offenders. Number one, I don’t believe there should be a group of them together, they just get great ideas from each other. I also understand that they say they are disabled, that this is a disability. This is not a disability, and the fair housing act does not include sex offenders as being disabled; they are excluded. I appreciate the time to be able to leave a comment. Thank you.
M/CC Legal

Jennifer Weyant
1951 N. Hampton, A15
Boise, ID 83704
Humane Society: I have a complaint against the Humane Society and their neuter and spaying laws. The only reason I am concerned is because my little peek-a-poo, that is about 2-3 lbs.; he’s a $1,400 pure bred dog, and I would like to find out the laws and regulations on neutering because the Humane Society people are very rude and they put all the blame on what they charge on you guys, on the city and the Mayor, and I don’t think that’s right. I would like to find out if they can fine me for not neutering a two-month old puppy, which I have my own private vet who said he would not neuter him until he is six months old. Now from what I believe, I believe the animals have to be six months; I understand they do do it around four to five months, but he’s two months, two weeks, and I don’t think I should be fined for not neutering my dog. That is my concern. I would just like to know if I’m in the right or wrong here, or if they’re actually neutering and spaying animals at too young of an age, which could be a big health concern for animals. I understand the city would like to have animal control and that people should be responsible in neutering and spaying their animals, but my dog is a stud dog, and I didn’t plan on neutering him until after I studded him out a couple of times, and I’ve already got a professional to deal with that. If I could find out if the Humane Society is charging people wrongly, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Jason Walker
    May 14, 2007, 4:47 pm

    (I don’t know how to contact the Mayor’s Hotline, so I’m just leaving a comment here. Maybe someone would be kind enough to respond with where these complaints are being lodged so I can file my opinion.)

    I would like to voice my opinion that the Bob and Tom billboards did not offend me at all. They did not appear to be violating obscenity and decency laws, and I think it was a heavy-handed and inappropriate response to have them censored over the hurt feelings of a prudish minority. Are there not better things that the city should be spending tax payer dollars on?

    Also, regarding sex offenders and laws prohibiting where they can live. One of the fundamental ideas behind criminal justice is redemption. Once a criminal has done his/her time, all American rights are restored to the person. Continuing to punish sex offenders after they have served their legal sentences is cruel and unusual punishment and undermines the basic premise of justice. Not all sex offenders are inhuman psychos, many are forced to register due to draconian laws and are treated pejoratively for the rest of their lives for a minor infraction (such as the case of the 17 year old having consensual intercourse with his 15 year old girlfriend in GA recently). Forcing them to live further than 1000 feet from a school, playground, etc.. would completely exclude the entirety of the Boise metro area and cause them to only be able to legally live their lives in exile. What ever happened to forgiveness and redemption in this country?

  2. I would like to call for a ban on the Bob and Tom (Two Boobs) billboards, due to their depiction of fully clothed female breasts… and many of us (though a small minority) find that offensive.

    Likewise, I would like to call for an ordinance prohibiting women with protrusive breasts from appearing in public places likely to have kids (fast food restaurants, parks, movie theaters). Surely the real thing is much more offensive than a billboard depiction! I am getting tired of my kids pointing to amply endowed women and asking me, “dad… what are those big things on her chest?” As is the case with other parents offended by the billboard ad, I would like to raise my children oblivious to the differences between the sexes, and keep them thinking babies come from storks or from third-world countries.

    I have already taken measures to ensure my wife only appears in public after duct-taping her breasts as flat as possible, so that she does not offend anyone because of her protrusive growths.

  3. I’d like to tell jennifer Whitling what a pleasure it was to read her comments. jennifer, you sound like a real lover of life, nature and the environment!

    Unfortunately the majority of us have chosen to ignore the threathened extinction of much of our most beautiful wildlife or the massive damage we are doing to the environment with our love of shiny,chrome 4×4 disasters. Lets all learn a lesson from this lady and use public transportation more ( gas will be $5.00 /gal soon) while we recycle and learn to enjoy and preserve the overwhelming beauty of nature that still surrounds us.

    Believe me, our reliance on oil will KILL this nation.. we have many reaonable energy alternatives. Learn from Jennifer’s wisdom and you will save yourself and our most precious environment!

  4. Mr Walker,

    Your premise on the restoration of rights after one has served his or her time is a fallacy. The only real right restored upon completion of said sentence is your freedom of movement. Felons can not own a firearm or vote so the requirement to notify local officials when moving to their community for sex offenders is hardly precedent setting.

    You’ll have to forgive me if my heart fails to bleed for those poor perverts and their inability to seamlessly blend into our society. This would just further put our children at risk.

    Mr. Walker, if you want to fight for a sex offender cause I suggest legislation to differentiate a teenager and his girlfriend from the sexual predator as you stated in your piece. I heard a story of a man who has to register as a sex offender due to charges pressed by his girlfriend’s parents when he was a teen…he’s been married to that girlfriend for 40 years now. A little common sense in the law never hurts.

  5. Joe Moran said: “Believe me, our reliance on oil will KILL this nation.. we have many reaonable energy alternatives. Learn from Jennifer’s wisdom and you will save yourself and our most precious environment!”

    This is the same old tired argument I heard in the 60’s and then every few decades since then. I suggest you face reality – even at $5.00/gal gas is cheaper now than it was back in the 1960’s, when adjusted for inflation. Therefore, your premise is flawed based on your erroneous perception. This country thrives as a result of foreign oil… always has, always will… as history has shown time and time again. If we’re not busy refining oil to make gasoline, we’ll be busy refining it to make fuel to power the ethanol refineries, so they can in turn produce an inferior form of fuel.

    Let’s face it, folks… there is no oil shortage, and oil prices are at historical lows when adjusted for inflation.

  6. Jason Walker
    May 17, 2007, 9:35 am

    Ol’ Blue:

    I think we both agree that a little common sense in the law never hurts. Besides laws that are too general and vague about what constitutes a sex crime, which we also seem to agree on, I think the punishment often exceeds the severity of the crime. There are two principle reasons that we justify putting someone in prison in this country: concern for the public good, and a hope of redemption. Alienating and exiling individuals after their jail term is a sign that our justice system has failed. The sex offender registry is a modern day Scarlet Letter and creates a stigma that absolutely ruins a person’s life – even when they have done their time and are working to better themselves.

    I am not calling for the cuddling of criminals, and I understand that there are sex criminals who do not deserve to be released at all. I am instead pleading for sanity and rationality in our justice system (which definitely is a bigger issue than just this one facet). Exile is not a solution and only serves to give people a false sense of safety and raise home values in urban areas. Sweeping the dirt under the rug might make the room look clean… but the dirt is still there.


    P.S. – Thank you for pointing out the loss of voting rights and gun rights for felons. That was a point I must concede.

  7. While reading a report in the Economist, I came to a realization. The report indictaed the estimated oil and natural gas reserves of each major enegry nation. Many major oil producers had less than 20 years left at current pumping levels, and the largest, Saudi Arabia had 50 years left at current pump rates. This is a problem, our addiction to oil will get us in trouble. Many of these mideast countries are not stable politically, imagine if the economic stability they have through oil is taken away, how unstable these nations will become

  8. jj – In the late 1960’s and early 70’s, we only had at most twenty (20) years of oil reserves left at then-current pumping levels. I am once again hearing the same rhetoric from young economists, politicians, news media and the public in general. Basically, everyone too young to have gone through this already is jumping on the bandwagon with you.

    Interestingly enough, older economists and production experts are cautiously steering clear of supporting such dire announcements. This leaves us with only the inexperienced speculators from which to draw the news. What a shame.

    In reality, the world may easily have 140 years of oil reserves, if you ask a Saudi oil executive (as opposed to speculators not directly involved in the exploration and extraction of oil). In conclusion, I’ll place my bet on history repeating itself.

