
Tax Assessment Notice Explained

Ada County property tax assessments got delayed due to a mechanical glitch, but when they come to your mailbox, get ready for some sticker shock.
Keep in mind the notice is nothing more than an appraised value of your home or business at the first of the year. Local governments such as city, county, highway district, schools, etc. LEVY taxes as a percentage of VALUATION–the notice you got or will get in the next day or two. The notice is the BASIS for all property taxes.

Assessor Bob McQuade insists everything has been done by the book and he generally backs up his appraisers. They are saddled with two opposing forces: The Idaho code and the market place.

Values for property are set by law as of January 1. However the market place and comparable sales are fluid, creating the impression that you are getting screwed in this soft market. Even if you challenge the appraisal and bring in a list of lower sales prices for neighboring homes of same size, you are likely to get turned down for any tax relief unless you can show the figures are valid for January 1.

However your valuation for NEXT year can be lowered if the figures still apply on December 31, 2007.

Local government budgets are approved based on state guidelines and cannot exceed 3% increase over the previous year’s budget. The theory is that growth will pay for budget increases because there are more taxpayers. It seldom pays for itself because as values INCREASE, the LEVY may remain the same and still generate even more cash for government. (10% of $100= $10, but that same 10% taken out of $200 means $20)

The big pinch will come next year if property values level off or drop. Budgets will remain the same or increase the allowable 3%, but with lower VALUATIONS, it will be hard to generate the cash needed to feed the government.

That is why growthophobes are caught in a bind. Government has depended upon growth to generate the cash to feed their money habit…which creates demand for more services which creates demand for higher taxes…

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  1. Taxpayer Murphy
    Jun 2, 2007, 8:44 am

    The assessor has more than just a glitch. It is quality control and inequity in assessed values between neighborhoods and property types.

    The editor has slight error, the taxing districts also get tax increases for new construction increment. Tax collection is allowed to increase 3% over previous year plus tax rate times the value of new construction.

  2. Holy Smoke, Dave!!! The increases are just stunning.

  3. They got me, property taxes up $1,600 in one year. Its a good thing I will not retire for 5 years, I can still live in my house for a while. Of course, if property taxes go up $1,600 every year, I may be to optimistic. What a great deal. I pay more each year to breath dirty air and stand in line waiting for traffic to clear.

  4. Remember the $12.00 increase in your property tax base for the new community college? Well, the daily reports this morning that we can just wave Bye-Bye to that little lie.

    It appears that in addition to the 4 million they told us about was just a drop in the proverbial bucket now that BSU says they will need 71 million to supply accreditation. Gee, I wonder where that little piece of change is going to come from.

    There was a good reason for the communuty college concept but dog-gone it, quit lying to us!!! If we think our property taxes are out of control now, just hang on amigos, this is gonna hurt!

  5. Wow. Taxed Out really did take it in the shorts! I’d be curious what percentage that increase represented of the total taxes being paid. Is that a business? A small home? A hilltop estate? I live in Eagle in a home priced around the median price range and my taxes went up less than $9 a month or right at $100 for the year (thanks in part to the major increase in the homeowners exemption that took place under the new legislative guidelines). Most of that increase went to the county and the school district. What did others find?

  6. Stephen: Warm Springs Mesa. Bought the house in 1996 for $220,000. Boise City took up $750 of the increase and the schools about about the same. Other increases were smaller.

  7. Taxpayer Murphy
    Jun 4, 2007, 12:18 pm

    Remember last year, most of us got a tax decrease from increase in homeowner exemption and the removal of school levy. But they got it all back this year, with higher valuation, at least from this taxpayer.

  8. Thanks Taxed Out! I was feeling sorry for myself over a $1,000/year tax increase. Makes me think, nonetheless, that I should get a tax credit for being a bicycle commuter, working to keep your air cleaner.

  9. According to my tax summary my property value increased about 70% and home value increased 45%, all in all my property taxes increased 51%. I would like to thank the state for raising my wages 4% this year, and raising my property taxes 51% to ensure my quality of life does not increase.

  10. I got my notice on Saturday. The tax value is up about 1/3 over last year. (Residential property on 1/2 acre in south-central Boise.)

  11. Taxed out- I know where of you bleed. The “crappier” it gets here in the promised land, the more rent “they” charge us for the privilege of “owning” our own property. At least Hollywood Dirk isn’t here right now to sooth us again by crooning “it’s just a local problem.”

    Cyclops-Withhold information or state misleading “facts and figures” to the drunkards, deviants, perverts and murderers in the US Congress and you’ll go to jail. The local bureaucrats or their overpaid mouth pieces do the same to US, their supposed employers, regularly and NO repercussions happen to them. When I heard and saw the phony figures from the Com College’s proponents I knew at the time they were prepping us again. . . And to think that years ago I thought BOHICA was exclusively a civilian run military phenomenon.

    The home place here in Ada County? For 2007 a 10% increase on the old house and 54% increase on the dry lot. The little 45 year old family cabin my dad built in Idaho County? How about a 33% increase in 2006 and 39% overall again this year. And NO, the rulers HAVE NOT created any real wealth for us. They have just reached farther in to our savings accounts with one tentacle while the appendages hold our sensitive parts and prefilled pads of tax liens.

    Taxpayer Murphy, Don’t forget the privilege we have had reinstated of paying them six PERCENT again on almost every dollar we spend in the state.

    I can almost understand how the Sunnis feel about the Shiias.

    Jun 4, 2007, 4:14 pm

    Boy do we have some slick willy folks working at McQuades office… taxes went up ANOHTER 30% over last years 28% and guess how they did it…they increased the LAND value by 33% so the exemption on the home had NO effect.

    SO to all you legistators – – thanks for nothing.

    I talked to four people who called McQuade’s office asking for “details” on how the “appraisals” are done and all they got was the run around and they were told to file an appeal. I did the same thing and got NO DETAIL last year even after the appeal – just a bunch more double talk.

    With the market flat how can anyone with even half a brain raise a lot price 33% – especally one with a 55 year old house on it.

    These folks are way out of control – and we have no way to stop them.

    Just wait until the $100 million Community College hits…..

    And then the mayor, Clegg, Shealy and Ebberly want a 1/2 BILLION massive transit train system!!!!!!!

  13. Well what are you all complaining about? They gave you some of their taxes last year and now they want them all back plus some more. Why would you think that the money you think you make really belongs to you? Don’t you know what’s theirs is theirs and what’s yours is theirs?

    Seriously, if you want things to be different you need to speak to the governing boards of all the taxing entities and impress upon them the need for them to start scrutinizing and cutting spending. They do not need to collect all the taxes their greedy little maws are presented with. You need to make them cognizant of the fact that government doesn’t need to do all things for all people. You need to do this BEFORE the budget hearing because if you wait until then, it’s too late. Those meetings are generally just rubber stamps.

    The City elections are this November. Impress upon the Mayor and City council the need to reduce spending. Think about running for City Council or Mayor on a fiscally responsible and conservative platform.

    You need to contact your legislators and make it clear to them that something needs to be done about the way property is assessed. One thing that might help is holding primary and bond elections after the assessment notices go out, not 1-2 weeks before. It may take a constitutional amendment, but that’s their job. This session is the last before the next election. This upcoming session will be the time when they pay attention, or at least as much attention of which they are capable.

  14. Thanks Mr. McQuade. My taxes went up over $500.00! BG readers, try dividing your tax by 12 so you know how much you have to pay every month. Don’t mean to get mathy on ya but it gives taxes a whole new look. My property tax per month is equal to one third of my mortgage payment. What do I get for it all? Bo-Do and Mo-Bo-Do.

    Watch all the politicians promise how they are going to tackle the property tax come election time. Hope you’re still excited about the new community college you just elected. How are we supposed to support a bond for something we really need with a property tax structure like this?

    P.S. Mr. McQuade’s office informed me I made a good investment when I bought my property 15 yrs, ago.

  15. My lot value almost doubled(Northend) but my improvements decreased by 1/3. No real change in property taxes from last year.

    I guess they took into account my house is over 100 years old and rapidly deteriorating?

  16. I recently medically retired after 22 years from the military. I did serve in
    Nothern Iraq but my disability is not combat related. My last assignment was in the
    Bay Area and my wife and I wanted to move somewhere more affordable.

    We chose Boise as a location to settle. I saved as much as possible over my career
    in preparation for buiding a nice 2400 sq ft house somewhere. I was able to do much
    of the work myself to save on the over-all build cost.

    I did not realize how expensive the property tax would be. Last year I paid $6,727.
    and yesterday a new assessment shows $8,176.

    What will the taxes be like in the future when we are relying on medi-care and
    social security?
    Seems like there should be a formula that takes into account your household income.

    Another factor for me is the wages for an aircraft mechanic is far less here than in
    most other states. I began traveling to CA to do part time contract work.

    Do you think Ada Co will eventually get handle on this or should I start shopping
    for a new city to live?

  17. T. Lynn- First and foremost whatever branch you were in, THANK YOU for your service to our country!

    I do have some observations as far as your property tax woes.
    a. You must have built one hell of a 2400 sq footer! How much gold, crystal and sculptured marble did you put in it? How many saddam style commodes and bidets does it have? “They” told you it is worth HOW much?
    b. What neighborhood did you put it in? Must be on one dandy of a fancy view property.
    c. What city limits are you in? You didn’t see this coming before you moved here and built your house?
    d. Did you openly confront the assessor?
    Has it dawned on you yet that you, and the hundreds of thousands of new folks just like you, ARE the problem? By all means, get out while you can. Even though my wife and I are Idahoans with all of our roots here we are looking around other states for a place to move. If we do get out of here alive it WILL NOT be to another place that is getting raped like Idaho has been.

  18. It’s not just Ada County this time. I just got mine for Canyon county and my appraised value went up over 25%. They definitely should have sent out the appraisals before the bond elections.

  19. WOW…my little 860 sf condo in McCall I rent out went from 69,000 to 144,000 in one year and the TEENY 600 sf in McCall I live in went from 66-100,000. And I have a 1450 sf in oregon I am getting ready to put on the market that is nicer than both of these put together and I’ll be lucky to get 125k for it. Mmmmmmmmm….perhaps I should move back to Oregon. Nawwwww..I’m staying put!!

  20. I was very interested to see my tax assessment this year and I think you may want to look into this a little further. My assessed value in 2005 went up $185,000 and in 2006 went up $127,600. That is even with my home value going down in 2006. I then searched out the assessor’s home to see what his did this same time period. In 2005 his went up $66,400 and in 2006 it went up $30,400. It just amazes me that Bob’s only went up a fraction when he hit me right in the wallet. I also live fairly close to Bob.

    EDITOR NOTE–Snoop. Give us more details here. To make sense, we need LAND values as well as IMPROVEMENTS. Also, we are all talking about 2007 at the present. Most common complaint is a higher exemption being offset by higher valuation overall, resulting in an estimated tax bill about 15-20% higher than 2006.

  21. Well in 2002 land assessed value of $115,000 with $0 improvements. In 2003 and 2004 land assessed value of $140,000 with $0 improvements. In 2005 land assessed value of $154,000 with $339,000 improvements. In 2006 land assessed value of $200,200 with $477,800 improvements. In 2007 land assessed value of $350,000 with $455,600 in improvements. Sounds fair right? Where will it be in ten years?
