City Government

Mayor Hotline January 2 to 4


New Carpet: I’m calling in regards to the embarrassingly hideous carpet in city hall. I recently visited the third floor and I got out of the elevator and was completely nauseated to see the carpet. On the first floor, there isn’t that much carpet, but what there was seemed ugly but not that bad. On the third floor it was weakening; I had to sit down to regain my balance and I couldn’t possibly imagine how anybody thought it was a good idea to install flooring that was like moldy tetra. I halfway expected to hear Fleetwood Mac playing. Not only does the carpet scream, an engineer showed me it’s reminiscent of a killer mutant virus, and that unless you possess a super charged immune system, it will suck every drop of energy out of each of your cells until you are completely incapacitated by its repulsiveness. I actually was terrified that the parasitic worm design was going to crawl out of the floor and under my skin. I realize this sounds suspiciously like I was under the influence, which I would like to clarify that I was not, but if I had been, I would never have made it out of the elevator. I suppose that if the decorator’s intent was to keep intoxicated citizens out of the mayor’s office, or was a subversive attempt to create effusiveness in the city council members, then he or she was pretty successful. However, if the intent was to create a sophisticated and urban reflection of what we hope our city grows into, I think it was a shameful and tacky failure. Thank you.

Anyplace but city hall and we would suspect councilor Shealy of authoring the above…vocabulary words would point to Shealy, especially “moldy tetra.”

Glenn Miles
1306 N. 26th
Boise, ID 83702
Misc: I would like a response directly from the Mayor’s office on the question of when will the firetrucks be on ultra-high frequency and be able to be scrambled like the police and EMT supposedly are. We’ve either got to have a system in which citizens can have cell phone scramblers accessible to them through the state government declaring it legal to do so because we have individuals walking around homes of various elderly people and deliberately calling in and saying that – this part of the house is vulnerable and this part of the house is vulnerable. I’ve watched it happen when I was out at 3:00 in the morning having to retrieve one of my cats from a neighbor’s garage, a systematic element being done. If we didn’t have the Ada County sheriff’s department in our area to keep some of our own city police straight, it would be far worse than it is now. The drug trafficking and the breaking in of homes has gotten out of hand and somewhere along the line the City Council and the Mayor have got to deal directly with it. We can no longer have the excuse that we don’t have the fire department scrambled yet. One of the near honest policemen, in a moment when he was ready for retirement on the 30th of September, said the real trick is to not put any obituary in the newspaper, so that the family became targetable during a time of distress. We have a new kind of crime and it needs to be dealt with by a creative city council and an even more creative mayor. The graffiti on the garages for those people who have never been to one of the state academies, oft times is when a kid isn’t paying for his drug bill. It’s on the garage then he’s begging his parents to pay the money so they don’t knife him. Somewhere along the line somebody’s got to be conversive with the new modern crime as the reason why the rate level is down and some of these other statistical levels are down is because there’s a new kind of crime and it’s tuned up to power and we have got to come abreast of the problem, unless you like the idea that one of you may someday be elderly and one of you may be picked on by what the kind of crime is going on in the City of Boise has done. The system’s got to be fixed. I urge you to have some sense of conscience somewhere along the line because it’s not just the graffiti; it’s what’s behind the graffiti; what’s behind the people who get their throats cut in parking lots and so one. One has got to come abreast with it and deal with it. We’re getting a reputation, whether we know it or not, about the kind of things that are happening. You need to talk to some of the near honest policemen who are not afraid to tell you on the quiet what’s going on. Miles out.

Glenn Miles
1306 N. 26th
Boise, ID 83702
Ombudsman: I would like to argue that the City Council have a uniform and fair and holistic Ombudsman program so that honest policemen feel community support and will police the bent police. I figure that when I’m being offered drugs on my own block and certain police are looking the other way, that there are bent police. That a seven-letter word going down starting with a “c” means bent and we need to be able to have a meaningful strategy designed by the City Council for the “hide in plain sight” strategy that is being used by the drug culture. In case someone doesn’t know what “hide in plain sight” is, they need to review some of the criminology journals from about 15 years ago. We need a holistic strategy and something that incorporates the PTO and PTA programs to help defend our community.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. I am sorry, but that carpet story was by far the funniest thing I have read in some time.

    Thanks for posting that.

  2. Wormy carpet and bent police. Boy, I am really sad that I moved away from the North End. At the very least it was always interesting. You couldn’t think up the kind of characters who live there.

  3. The only thing missing in that description of the carpet was “warm bucket of spit”.

  4. Is there some kind of gas leak in the North End that makes people “fun”?

  5. seven letter word beginning with c – would that be corrupt?

    Maybe that’s not it because I can’t imagine why if one wanted to say corrupt they wouldn’t just say corrupt. It’s not like it’s a swear word.

    Anyone else have a suggestion? Maybe Mr Shealy would know.

  6. Can someone please explain to me what the heck Mr. Glenn Miles was talking about? Maybe it’s just me, but his incoherent ramblings scare me nearly as much as the people walking around at 3 in the morning.

    The post about the carpet, precious. I was effused with laughter. Can we have pics? Never mind, I’ll get pics myself and post them on that other forum that allows picture posting.

    EDITOR NOTE–Cynic or anyone else. Get me some images of the carpet and I will gladly post them.

    We are ALWAYS looking for images.
