City Government

PINKY, Inspires Councilor Shealy

With family and friends in attendance, the Boise City Council held its first meeting of 2008 and got to do something for free that costs most people over a grand–they had a reception at the Boise Depot.

While a wet snow silently fell outside, the scene inside was warm and friendly. Mayor Dave Bieter was sworn in by his brother, Chris, who is a magistrate judge. In turn, the leader of Team Dave administered the oath of office to councilors Elaine Clegg, David Eberle, and Alan Shealy.
While everyone offered some brief remarks, Shealy stole the show when he told the audience much of his motivation to do public service comes when he thinks daily of
“Pinky,” a college classmate at Harvard.

“I will never reach her level of devotion, but she was a good public servant,” explained the Boise City councilor. Turns out “Pinky’s” real name was Benazir Bhutto–the former prime minister of Pakistan who was assassinated December 27.

Not a word was uttered about the Depot being closed to the public most of the time as Mayor Dave Bieter and three councilors were sworn in following their victories in the November election. A police honor guard and bagpipers ushered in the colors, filling the huge waiting room with the haunting whine of the pipers. Our favorite Scotsman of that group remains Ron LOPEZ.

In what the GUARDIAN viewed as a rapprochement (for you non library types that’s French for “resuming friendly relations”) Councilor Jim Tibbs offered a sincere congratulations to the mayor and wished him the best for the next four years–a classy move in light of his failed political challenge to Bieter during the November election.

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  1. Mike Murphy, Bull Moose Tenor
    Jan 9, 2008, 10:45 am

    I would direct the reader to the news articles that frame the article regarding the Mayor and City Council’s soirée (for you non library types that’s French for “An evening party or reception” [Sorry… Couldn’t help myself], on Page 2 of the Wednesday, January 9th Edition of the Idaho Statesman.

    I’d say they pretty well summarize the Status Quo and misplaced, albeit well intentioned priorities.

    Welcome to Boise-Angeles!

  2. I sat next to Gen Petraeus on an airplane once – does that count as name dropping? I didn’t call him Dave, or whatever nickname he may go by.

  3. We saw Robert Redford pumping his own gas in Park City, Utah – or was it Orem?
