City Government

Mayor Hotline February 9 to 15

Erin Brennan
6025 Plano Ln.
Boise, ID 83703
Foothills Development: I’m calling regarding a subdivision that is being proposed to be
built between Plano Lane and Collister in the foothills. I don’t know if the Mayor is
attuned to this yet, but it’s a major subdivision with 155 lots that will be effectively cutting off the top of the hills, drastically affecting the people on Plano Lane with a road that is going to be expanded to an incredible size with close to 1,500 cars a day supposedly going down that road. I am very concerned about this and I hope the Mayor sees this message. We’re friends of his from childhood.

Randall Holtz
2467 N. Ballentyne Ln.
Eagle, ID
Lighting: I left a message the other day and spoke to someone at the Mayor’s office
about the graffiti problem I’m experiencing at the corner of 15th and Front. I own a
commercial building down there and I’m in the process of trying to lease space to
various potential tenants and they have a major concern about the graffiti in the area. I have assured them that I’m having it taken care of and I have found help in that area. A gentleman by the name of John Wasson at ACHD found that he did have an agreement with Idaho Transportation Department to not only sweep the connector but take care of the graffiti, so they’re handling that for me. My other concern that has come up is that I need some lighting down there. I think that would stop the problem. We’ve got a nice, dark little alcove for these guys to work in and they take advantage of it. I spoke to a gentleman named Bill Colson at Public Works (384-3744). He says he’s been with the department for 30 years and he is a lighting specialist. When they designed the ramps and the overpasses, he realized they didn’t have enough lighting, so he drew up a plan for auxiliary lighting and said ITD did not agree to do that. Well, now we’ve got proof they should have. If you would pursue that for me, I sure would appreciate it. My building manager and real estate consultant, Michael Miller, knows people at ITD and he has also requested some light down there. They have discussed the possibility of mounting lights up high off of the roadway that’s up on the ramp to shine down because there is power that is accessible there. Bill Colson said the problem was no power; well
now it sounds like we’ve got power. If we could get this done, I would really appreciate it because graffiti is an on-going problem for us, and has been for years and years and it’s just getting worse. If anybody has any comments or would like to speak to me, please call. I am available at one of those two numbers at any time. Thank you very much.
Action Taken: graffiti being removed by ACHD

Ray Corey
Senator Burkett: I really don’t need a response to this, I just wanted the Mayor to know and whoever needs to know, the City Council, that I find it appalling that that Senator Burkett, instead of disciplining his children or taking care of his kids, took on the police department. I saw the video on TV and the police officer did what he is supposed to do. The vandalism was going on and the person they asked to step aside wouldn’t do it and they did what they had to do. I think that the Mayor’s office and the City Council should support the police department 100% in this, and there should be no action taken against that officer or anybody else who does their job. The police have enough out there to try and do their job, without somebody like a Senator coming on to try to stick up for his kids that vandalize flags of our fallen soldiers. He should apologize and made them apologize, and he should have paid to fix the flags, and done some community service too.

Dale Keys
ACHD: I just got off the phone with Ada County Highway District. I don’t know to what extent city hall has to do with the street sweeping that’s going on right now but I was wondering if we could have some kind of moratorium on this until the wind stops blowing. I keep seeing…(recording ended)
Action Taken: will contact w/ info

Richard Calpus
320 O’Farrell St.
IHS: It’s 3:30 in the morning and there’s a barking dog across the street that’s been
barking incessantly for the last 45 minutes. I went over and knocked on the door but
nobody answers; I think they’re there. I’ve called the humane society and the police and they say they don’t have anybody that does this sort of thing after hours. I think that’s a shame. I know all the neighbors in the neighborhood are awake right now and wishing that there was some public service that could come out and find out what the problem is. I think this dog is going to freeze to death. It’s not the dog’s fault, but everybody has to suffer for it. I wish the Mayor would have somebody that can tackle these problems when it disrupts everybody else’s lives throughout the night. I don’t understand why we don’t have an animal control person who can go out on situations like this. The people live in the green duplex on the northwest corner of N. 4th and O’Farrell St. Thank you.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Mr. Brennan, if you have known the mayor since childhood, you certainly should know that the “no development in the foothills” thing? Well that was just a campaign thing that he didn’t really mean! Enjoy your increased traffic.

    Mr. Holtz, I’m afraid you are in the same boat with your graffiti problem. You see, our illustrious mayor thinks that graffiti only needs to be addressed annually (when he can show up for the photo-op and then send all the little citizens on their merry way to stamp out this graffiti problem.)

    We got exactly what we voted for, so, with barely two months into the new term, all we can say is that this is going to hurt over the next 4 years.
    Oh, and by the way Mr. mayor, just exactly what happened to the audit of the CCDC that you and Tibbs called for last spring??? We are now 9 months since the request. Just how much time does it take to cook a set of books? Just wondering!

  2. Mike urphy, Bull Moose Tenor
    Feb 22, 2008, 1:18 pm

    You mean the “Forensic Audit” that Tibbs and the Mayor called for AFTER I raised it as a campaign issue (and immediately distanced themselves from when I had to bow out)?

    In view of the tremendous insulation and plausible deniability the CCDC, GBAD, and the DBA provide our City Hall Hacks; Short of their being busted sacrificing Mormon Virgins in the Boise Tower Pit under a Full Moon I can’t imagine anything EVER coming of their shenanigans.

    And even then…
