City Government

Bike-In At GC Council Meeting

Gary Segers, the greenbelt biker guy, is set to do battle with the Garden City Council next week.
Citizens for An Open Greenbelt (COG) Will Address the Garden City Council Regarding
the Banning of Bicycles on the Riverside Village Greenbelt–a move the group says violates an agreement with the State of idaho 30 years ago.

The Citizens for an Open Greenbelt (COG) will address the Garden City Council on Monday, February 25 at 7pm. COG will ask the Garden City Council open the Riverside Village Greenbelt to bicycles, aswell as pedestrians, as mandated by the State of Idaho over 30 years ago.
The designation of “bicycle path” as a condition of approval for the development
of Riverside Village is clear upon review of over 250 pages of public documents
discovered by COG. Many of these key documents and other information are available for review online HERE.

COG is a grassroots advocacy group dedicated to supporting the stated goal of the
Treasure Valley Greenbelts… “to provide continuous open space along the river
for non-motorized, mixed use for the citizens of Idaho.”

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Hey Dave – Thanx so much for the post. We are hoping to see a good turnout for the meeting. Also, seriously considering Gordon’s comment in an earlier post regarding a “cricial mass” ride — your 2/7 story – “No Bikes Past River McMansions “”

    The meeting on 2/25 will definitely not be the end of this. We hope it will be a good beginning!

    See the website, as suggested — and also the Yahoo Group for some lighthearted banter and amusing stories regarding this issue…

    Jacki Liddell
    Citizens for an Open Greenbelt

  2. Thanks for the heads up. I’m all over it.

  3. It seems to me that if these folks want to back out on what was previously agreed there needs to be some conseuqences.

    How about billing the property owners for all the costs to put the greenbelt in, and the costs to tear it out and the costs for river bank restoration to its natural state.

    All of this sounds much the same as the efforts to keep people off the coastal beach front property where mean high and low tide zones have been deemed public right of way.

  4. No support from me. I like the walking running only paths. But that is what makes us great… different opinions on things I’ll be down testifying in favor of banning bikes.


  5. Yep, Porcupine; spoken like a true American:
    “I don’t care what the law is or what an action does to anybody else, as long as it’s good for me.”

    By the way, is anybody else out there old enough to remember that when the greenbelt was first proposed and promoted, it was to be for “pedestrians and equestrians”?

    Beware, bicycle riders; you could find yourselves booted out along with the horse riders, if the current ban holds (you know how things can spread).

  6. I have heard arguments on both sides of the issue. It basically boils down to bikers trying to enforces a 30 year old agreement and the city saying we have the right to change our minds. Both are valid to some degree. Garden City is still not looking at the big picture. They are the missing link to a wonderful river trail system for some users.

    Equal access is very important to recreation is this valley. What would happen if Bogus Basin only allowed skiing and no snowboarders. Or Idaho State Parks only allowed wakeboarding and no skiing at Lucky Peak.

  7. Bikeboy – aka “Bike Nazi” – comments here:

  8. Gordon
    Yep. I remember that real well. And I’m sure old enough.. went to the Penny Movie Theater, The Vista, and Boise High when it was the only High School in town

    I don’t know if that makes me a true american, but it sure does a true Boise native…. How about you?

  9. Noticed the Daily Paper finally read the GUARDIAN the the bike path story. Only took them 3 weeks to recognize a great news story and rip on the local politicos crooked antics.

    Once again the G-man leads the way!
