
Where In The World Is Dave Bieter?

In case you missed Team Dave leader, Mayor Bieter, he has been at the nation’s capitol to accept a Wheaties box on behalf of Boise–once again we are in the national spotlight.

Here is the text of a press release from Team Dave along with a photo they provided.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Afterschool Alliance today honored Mayor David Bieter for his support of after school programs at the “Breakfast of Champions,” a gala event in Washington, D.C. Mayor Bieter was one of 17 individuals and four organizations from across the nation honored for their work on behalf of after school programs. As part of the award, Mayor Bieter was presented with an honorary Wheaties box featuring his likeness.

The Afterschool Alliance is a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of after school programs and advocating for quality, affordable programs for all children. Mayor Bieter is in Washington, D.C. this week to attend the National League of City’s National City Afterschool Summit, which runs simultaneously and in partnership with Aftershool Alliance’s Afterschool for All Challenge.

The two events gather together mayors, city council members, school superintendents, school board presidents and other city and school leaders from across the nation to strengthen local efforts to build citywide systems of high-quality out-of-school time programs.

“I’m honored that an organization as important as the Afterschool Alliance saw fit to present me with this award,” said Mayor Bieter. “Since I was a boy I’ve had two goals for my life. The first was to be mayor of my hometown, and the second was to be a running back for the Green Bay Packers. I think the second is probably out of my reach, but it’s great to get my face on a Wheaties box anyway – especially if it means the City of Boise is doing good things for our young people. I look forward to continuing working with the Afterschool Alliance to champion after school activities for kids.”

Since taking office, Mayor Bieter has made significant advances in after school opportunities in the Boise area. He was instrumental in Boise joining the Idaho Afterschool Alliance and participating in the Afterschool Alliance’s national rally for afterschool, Lights On Afterschool. In 2006, Boise was selected to participate in the City Leaders Engaged in Afterschool Reform, or CLEAR Initiative, which allowed Boise to receive assistance and access to resources and expertise to expand learning opportunities for youth in the after school hours. Since becoming a CLEAR city, the mayor has formed the Mayor’s Council on Children & Youth; started After3, an online tool that provides citizens with ways to find after school programs; and launched the Mobile Recreation Van, which provides sports, arts, and other recreation activities to Title I schools and other underserved areas. Later this year, the city will also unveil two new Community Recreation Centers built within the Grace Jordan and Morley Nelson elementary schools that will provide after school activities for Boise’s youth.

The “Breakfast of Champions” is part of the seventh annual Afterschool for All Challenge which brings together hundreds of parents, educators, children, program directors and advocates from around the country for a series of events and meetings with Members of Congress. The 2008 Challenge is cosponsored by the National League of Cities and the Afterschool Alliance.

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  1. Does this mean hizzoner will be on an Alpo can if he works on the Foothills trail issue?

    I am not concerned so much with the “honorary Wheaties box” as I am with whomever was paid (with taxmoney?) to take the picture, write the press release and distribute it. It just doesn’t seem LOGICAL to tell people things like this unless they ask.

  2. As much as I have no respect for our very own baboon, he has done a good job with the after school programs. Unfortunately, it’s kind of like getting an A in social studies, but all the rest of the classes are garnering F’s. He is still flunking for the term, but he likes social studies.

  3. Cyclops, we get it. You despise Bieter. Tibbs was your guy. But come on – stop with calling him chimp and baboon. That is so lame, juvenile and immature.

    You can mock him without the stupid names.

  4. Sara, I don’t believe you understand the analogy. Many people refer to the elected officials in Boise as the 800 lb. gorilla. I take exception to that. A gorilla is a majestic primate that lives as the ultimate protector of his family. He seeks no outside confrontations and is happy just “fathering” his own clan. A baboon, on the other hand, is a sneaky little primate that hunts by ambush and deception, bullies the members of his own troop, and rules by intimidation and threat. Are you starting to see the logic? The band of chimps constantly defers to the baboon out of fear and intimidation. They will follow on the outskirts of the home territory and conduct themselves as meekly as possible fearing the wrath of the baboon. Sound familiar on Tuesday nights downtown? Bieter will ALWAYS be the baboon, and as long as Jordan, Eardley, Clegg, and Shealey conduct the real business of this city at their private little “planning dinners” the monikers will stick. My evaluation is not based, in any way, on my friendship with Jim Tibbs, who I consider to be a real class act. Tibbs deserved to lose the campaign for mayor. He is way too nice of a guy, with way too many scruples, and a driving need to avoid confrontation to have been successful during the campaign. My disgust with Bieter is based on the reseasrch done during the campaign. If Bieter’s past ever comes out, he will make the whole Coles thing look like a church picnic! I guess the bottom line here is when I ask myself what I hate worse than a liar, the only answer I can come up with is…..NOTHING! Baboon and band of chimps it shall remain! Childish? Possibly. As Mr. Buffett has always said, “You may have to grow older, but they can’t force you to grow up!”

  5. You're kidding, right?
    May 15, 2008, 10:14 am

    How could Mayor Bieter accept an award sponsored by Wheaties? The hypocrisy of it all! General Mills has long been an environment polluter with their cereal factories pumping out CO2 like crazy. They encourage the abuse of the earth by farmers tilling up the native habitats to raise grains, probably with the sweat of illegal immigrants. Those grains have been genetically manipulated and just how good for you is their vitamin “enriched” cereal?

    Surely, the Wheaties sponsorship of an award for feeding poverty stricken kids is just a front to cover their destructive ploys behind the scenes.

    Note: This comment is completly satirical in nature and is meant to point out the line of reasoning so often used against big business, when corporations are really doing a lot of good for humanity.

  6. And besides, for $50 bucks you too can have your picture photo-shopped on the cover of a Wheaties box. Ma Bell used to give one to all their “achievers”.

  7. sam the sham
    May 16, 2008, 5:12 pm

    Why would Wheaties do this unless they are getting something out of it? It must be so they can be a bigger part of the public school’s food program. This can mean only one thing:
    SOLD OUT for your picture on the cover of a box of cold cereal…. too bad it wasn’t the Cover of the Rolling Stone so we could at least sing it.

  8. If he really wanted to go big , he should have his mug printed on the doggie poop bags and encourage the proles to pick up the puppy poop in the foothills.

  9. even my 13 year old thinks that this is really sad – to be happy to have your face on a box of cold cereal without being paid – and being pleased! “It’s kind of sad if you think about it. He works hard and looks like a dumb guy for accepting something so lame.”

  10. How Embarrasing for Boise.

  11. There are billions of us out here who are allergic to wheat. Along with lots of other grains. Sorry vegans, but your rules just don’t work for lots of people.

    Manufactured food like breakfast cereals are probably not “good” for anyone. God only knows what all the products are included with the wheat. I would never give this kind of food to my family.

  12. Good grief. Do you have to pass some sort of test to prove what an ignorant, hate-filled “baboon” you are, before you’re allowed to post comments about the Mayor?
