City Government

Mayor Hotline June 22-27


Michelle McMullen
1501 N. 12th St.
Boise, ID
Humane Society: I came across something that’s rather interesting. I had a stray dog follow me and my dog home. Unfortunately I can’t keep it here; it is scared to death of my dog and the two of them don’t get along. I tried to call the Police non-emergency dispatch; everywhere else I’ve lived, if animal control doesn’t work on the weekends, they will come pick up an animal and take them to the pound if they’re friendly. I called them and was informed that they don’t have that service, so I guess I have to let this dog loose because I can’t hold it for the weekend until I can get hold of animal control to come get him on Monday. I think that’s something that you guys should really look at; I hate to let this dog loose, but I do not have the option of keeping it at home when it doesn’t get along with my other dog. I’ve got it at my house right now, but I’m about to let it loose after I call and leave a message with animal control telling them hopefully they can find it in our neighborhood. This is something I think that City Council should look at – having somebody on call to pick up dogs on the weekend if you find a dog. This dog has a collar but no tags and it’s a shame that I’m going to have to let it loose in the neighborhood this weekend. Thank you.

Bob Mortimer
3259 Law Ave.
Boise, ID 83706
CableOne: My complaint is the service we’re getting from the cable TV network. We used to be able to get 40 minutes of show and 20 minutes of advertisement. Now we’re getting 40 minutes of advertisement and 20 minutes of show. But, the big thing is, number one – I was watching the news today, very important news, and they shut it off in the middle of the news, a transficial commercial about plumbing problems. I think that’s, excuse me, s-h-i-t-t-y. I called the cable company and complained and they told me if I don’t like it, I can go some place else. I think it is really crude. I think the Mayor and City Council should get on these people’s keisters and give us a little bit more product for what the hell we’re paying. I certainly hope I hear something about this and I hope something is brought bear because the cable company is not going to do anything about it. Like I said before, they just told me to go some place else. I certainly hope to hear from you people, either personally, on TV, the newspapers, or whatever, but I think some pressure ought to be brought to bear or we should have another cable company. We need some competition, fair competition. Thank you very much for listening to me.
Action Taken: left msj

Mary Anderson
Microwaves: I will soon be moving to Boise.
Hi, I’m not a victim of graffiti, but I may be, along with my family, a victim of too much microwave radiation. We have to move to Boise soon and I’ve been reading about all the new microwave antennae being installed in the valley and I’m very concerned about the Clearwire application for, apparently WMax transmitters. Health affects are horrendous and we’re getting science reports from all over the world that this is very dangerous for people living close to these transmitters, so I would like the Mayor’s office to consider rejecting new transmitter installation projects until the proper health studies have been done locally. Thank you.

ValleyRide: I just wanted to make comments about the bus system and the benches. It’s Friday; it’s summer time, and it’s very hot, yet there are people waiting at bus benches when there are no buses. Buses don’t have enough bike racks; bus drivers are standing around downtown, over weight and smoking cigarettes which is blowing right back in the buses. The bus system is so screwed up, and I think the city knows this, but the main problem is these bus benches, which the city said they were going to do something about, which I don’t see any action at all. I hope the city will not be like a lot of other companies and either get off their butts, get all the benches out of the city, including all the news stand things. They clutter the city and really make it ugly. If you go to towns all across the west that are clean, no billboard, no newspaper racks with newspapers blowing down the streets; I just hope that Mr. Bieter will take action on this soon.

Margaret Roggenbuck
8926 W. Canterbury St.
Boise, ID 83704
ACHD: Last Friday they started chip sealing Maple Grove Road between Northview down to Ustick. They continued to chip seal all night, I mean 2, 3, 4 in the morning they were still at it. I finally called, even though I knew nobody was at ACHD, but I finally gave them a call at 2:30 in the morning and what I should have done is call the police. I don’t understand why it was necessary to chip seal Maple Grove all night long. Any way the response I got from ACHD, a Susan called me back, and she told me they didn’t have anything to do with that, that the contract was held by a Marvin Buster, and they gave me his cell phone number, which was 860-6605, and this was on either Monday or Tuesday when ACHD called me back, and wanted me to call the contractor. You know, I don’t understand why I should be calling the contractor; I would think the contractor would know that you shouldn’t be chip sealing in the middle of the night. There was no reason for it; they could have finished it up on Saturday. I would appreciate a comment on this; I would hope that this doesn’t happen in other places. Thank you.
Action Taken: left msj

Michelle McMullen
1501 N. 12th St.
Boise, ID
Humane Society: I came across something that’s rather interesting. I had a stray dog follow me and my dog home. Unfortunately I can’t keep it here; it is scared to death of my dog and the two of them don’t get along. I tried to call the Police non-emergency dispatch; everywhere else I’ve lived, if animal control doesn’t work on the weekends, they will come pick up an animal and take them to the pound if they’re friendly. I called them and was informed that they don’t have that service, so I guess I have to let this dog loose because I can’t hold it for the weekend until I can get hold of animal control to come get him on Monday. I think that’s something that you guys should really look at; I hate to let this dog loose, but I do not have the option of keeping it at home when it doesn’t get along with my other dog. I’ve got it at my house right now, but I’m about to let it loose after I call and leave a message with animal control telling them hopefully they can find it in our neighborhood. This is something I think that City Council should look at – having somebody on call to pick up dogs on the weekend if you find a dog. This dog has a collar but no tags and it’s a shame that I’m going to have to let it loose in the neighborhood this weekend. Thank you.

Jo Snyder
1721 Annette St.
Boise, ID
Allied Waste: I’m calling about a complaint that we received from Allied Waste on the 18th of June. It says that all trash must be pulled out to the edge of the street, not along the driveway. We have had our garbage cans in the same location for the past, literally 30 years, and this has not been a problem. I think we have a garbage man who is unwilling to walk 2 feet to pick up the can. I just wanted to get this straightened out because I don’t want to have this continuing. If you need any more information, please call me back. Thank you.
Action Taken: left msj

Gary May
5634 W. Gorianna Ct.
Boise, ID 83705
Building: My concern is that I work for the company called Ashley Manor and we’ve been attempting to get a building permit at Aaronbrook Pl., 9327 Cory Ln. since February of this year, and obviously I’m concerned that there has become a contest of words. The attitude between Dan Stewart, the architect and engineers has hindered work on this project. This is a head ?? job and I lose my funding September 24th. Began process in February and got approved in April. We’ve been going after this I know for over 60 days, if not longer, and we need to get this thing expedited as soon as possible. If the Mayor’s office can do something to look into this and get this resolved, I would appreciate it. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted

Sacramento Caller: Hello, this is the lady out of Sacramento that still has the violation problem with the mindset from the Sacramento County Sheriff’s and Police Department with an out of control mess. It sounds like at first there were some people that said they were Al Tobus’s people and they were trying to stop the mess with some things they were doing and it sounded like it was working until some of the people started sitting around instead of going to the second house and getting on buses. It sounds like they need some buses. When people repel, they were killing some of the people because they were sitting and they wouldn’t leave, so that was getting the people over with and they were getting the telekinetic over with. People in the neighborhood with machines threw some type of machine that they have that removes it. So, I don’t know what happened with that but it’s not going on and it sounds like this is continual of what has been when that stopped. There’s also some people that say they are from Clayburns and they’ve been trying to do some things, but it sounds like the other people are the ones who are getting the people out and making them stay until certain ones, I don’t know what made them start sittin and not getting buses to get the people moving on and possibly putting a sign in the yard about not going there, diverting the people somewhere else.

Steve Oliver
Boise Citizen
Graffiti: I just wanted to comment and find out what I might be able to do. We live up above the new Maple Grove extension at Maple Grove and Chinden. There’s a concrete retaining wall that’s been tagged about three times now with gang graffiti. It looks like somebody has tried to clean off two of them and there’s another one that was just hit the other day, Tuesday. I wanted to see if there’s something that I can do as a citizen; can I get the graffiti remover and do it myself and maybe monitor that and be responsible for watching that on a periodic basis.
Graffiti Team
Action Taken: contacted

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Mary Anderson
    Please Please don’t move to Boise its worse here than where your at. Go Away! Please

  2. So this wackadoo from Sacramento – is she a regular caller? Why does the Mayor’s office waste taxpayer’s dollars transcribing what is clearly a mental patient from California?

    Inquiring minds do NOT need to know about this.

  3. Regarding Sacramento caller: Can we file a FIA request to get the caller ID of Sac Caller? I say we do it and give him/her a call.
