City Government

Mayor Hotline Aug 30 to Sep 5


The lead comment with regard to a neighborhood party looks like it will result in an insurance policy if the neighborhood association wants to use a City Park AND sell food or entertainment. City risk management people stood firm. Here is the transcript aug-30-sep-5-2008.

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  1. The Boise Picayune
    Sep 8, 2008, 7:46 pm

    Pesky “Animals” in the Foothills?

    Bear Spray!

    $35 @ Cabela’s, and it’ll take down Hulk Hogan on Crack.

  2. Boise taxpayer
    Sep 9, 2008, 7:22 am

    Could the mayors office just stop transcribing the California whack-job’s ramblings, or maybe just block the calls? We are spending Idaho taxpayer’s money dealing with a nut that isn’t even from, or in Idaho. enough already.

  3. My advice to the neighborhood assoc. is to do what the rest of us do… ignore the lame bureaucrats and their nit-picky laws. Throw your party and forget to mention that your selling stuff for a good cause. If caught, plead ignorance. Thats why I won’t be applying for a building permit to put a fence in my backyard as required by law.

  4. Let me get this straight “Werner” – your advice is to essentially oppose City Ordinances because they are, in your opinion, “nit-picky.”


    1. I’m pretty confident that a review of City records will show that Boise citizens routinely ignore the opportunity to participate in the open and public meetings the City of Boise holds to discuss ordinance changes. I don’t like to think that citizens can’t be bothered to educate themselves, attend the meetings, and help the City make good decisions by participating versus making flippant recommendations to break the laws…however, maybe that’s just my inclination towards participating in my democracy as opposed to whining.

    2. The ordinance regarding building permits [fences, roofs, decks, etc.] come from international building codes which the City adopts after months and months of careful deliberation and consideration. They don’t adopt the codes to be nit-picky.
