City Government

Mayor Hotline November 8 to 14


Joanne Springer
650 San Jose Way
Boise, ID
Leaf Recycling: I’m trying to connect to the recycling number in the phone book, which
is 384-3901 to report that my leaves were not picked up even though my neighbor’s
were. I keep getting this circular – hit #, then this repeated, repeated, repeated hit #, hit
#, hit #, and nothing happened. Thank you for your help.
Action Taken: contacted

Myra Thompson
Dogs on Leash: This call should be directed to Parks & Rec. regarding enforcement of
leash law violations in my neighborhood park, which is Winstead. I deeply resent
enforcement that shows no good judgment. It is most unfortunate at this point that an
individual cannot walk their dog in this park when the park is completely deserted. My
park is deserted most of the time in the morning; I walked my dog there; she had a leash
on; I did not have hold of the leash but the animal was leashed. She was completely
under my control at all times. I was approached by leash law officers who then cited me
for leash law violation. What can we do in our neighborhood to get some off-leash times
in that park for responsible individuals who want nothing more than to walk around the
park once or twice with their well-behaved animals? We are being run out of our
neighborhood park and we deeply resent it.
Lady from Sacramento called – 11/9/08, 11/10/08, 11/11/08, 11/12/08

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