City Government

Mayor Hotline February 21 to 27


Marc Clark
112 N. Wilson
Boise, ID
Transit Center: I’m commenting about the Treasure Valley High Capacity Transit Study.  I received a flyer in the mail.  I looked it over carefully and I see under “next steps”, it says based on public feedback in February and March the study will submit a site location, etc.; yet nowhere on this piece of paper is there any type of a comment reply address.  When I go back to the front page, I see that I can go to products service special products.  I go to that website and there’s still no comment form for the public.  You might want to look at the website yourself.  I called them and after being put on hold and finally finding out who to contact, I end up sending an email to Rosemary at  Hmm, it doesn’t sound like much of a form for public feedback if there’s no comment place, no way for us to easily review this information and make our comments public.  So, it looks like the only alternative is for me to go down to the Owyhee Motel, or Owyhee Plaza Hotel on March 4th and be there in person which is not going to happen for me, and I’m sure it’s not going to happen for a lot of people.  I’m wondering is this another one of those “we’re going to keep it under our belts and surprise you with what we think is best for you?”  Anyway you just see what you think.  It tells me based on public feedback and there’s no place for public feedback.  Thanks.
Action Taken: left msj

Levi Nall
211 N. 18th St.
Boise, ID 83702
Cell Phones: Are you guys going to pass a law so drivers can’t talk on their cell phone while driving, like California?  Thank you, give me a call.
Action Taken: contacted

Jodi Cuccih
H – 345-8088  W – 381-2069
VRT: I have an incident to report this morning, the city bus, I ride to work from Kootenai onto Vista and there’s a bus usually that’s been pretty good.  At about 5:15 in the morning they will move over in the other lane; there’s usually no traffic and this morning there was no traffic.  The bus was in my lane and as I made the corner going downtown on Vista where the light is, and then sweeping around, he nearly cut me off.  I had nowhere to go, but I’m on the road and I’m lit up.  I don’t why that bus sometimes needs to be in my lane when he has plenty of time to know that I’m there and not move in the other lane.  The other thing about this bus driver or bus, there were no rear lights on this bus as he continued downtown.  I go down Main St. and go to work at St. Luke’s at 5:30 in the morning.  I just kind of wish there would be some recognition of cyclists on the road when there are no bike lanes.  Anyway, it just seems like I had another near run-in where I got cut off at the corner as well.  Anyway, I try to stay out of their way; I know they have a job to do, but boy this morning, once again, I’ve had the bus driver move over, they’ve been really good about it on Vista this time of the morning because I’ve been doing this for years, but today and at previous times, I guess they just didn’t feel like moving over.  Anyway, I don’t know if they have passengers; I don’t know what the deal is, but I think the guy needs to be talked to.  Thanks for listening.
Action Taken: left msj

Barbara Whitaker
10299 W. Excaliber Ave.
Boise, ID
IHS: I know you’re a very nice man and understanding.  I called the Idaho Humane Society and they told me to call you.  I need you to make a law for the neighbors to keep their cats at home.  They’re going in the flower beds in the yard and I have to replace the dirt.  I tried talking to the neighbors and they said that the cats have a mind of their own and that they don’t have to keep them home.  It’s a drop-off where they’re dropping the cats off and you wouldn’t believe how many neighbors have tons of cats.  When I had a dog, we had to keep our dog home and the neighbors feel that they don’t have to.  A lady in the Idaho Statesman wrote where that boy when he hit that cat aimed good because she was upset and I’m upset.  Can you please pass a law to make them (cats) stay home; I know you’re understanding.  Thank you very much.
Action Taken: contacted

Cecil Apperson
294 Arrowrock Ln.
Goose Invasion: I’m trying to find somebody who has some authority over the excessive number of ducks and geese that we have in the city limits of Boise.  They’re doing an extensive amount of damage; their waste material is extremely dangerous to lots of people; and it caused an air plane crash not too long ago.  At any rate, I’m looking for somebody who is willing to do something about it or tell us what to do about it.  I’ve chased 50 of them out of my backyard today, and you can’t walk on our sidewalks at all, they ruin them. I’m also worried about the possibility that geese may get in the flight path. I have also spoken to F&G and BPR
If somebody would call me, I would appreciate it.
Action Taken: contacted

Cindy Moschetto
Substandard Housing: I’m calling because I’ve emailed the Mayor’s Office regarding the Brittany Lane Apartments in Boise – shoddy management, really bad mold, drug, and crime problems here.  Today I’m feeling really bad because the managers here, instead of getting all the mold out of my bedroom, he as the carpet ripped back, I have photographs, my breathing is bad, and these people think it’s a joke.  I need help.  Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted

Megan Montague
Carpenters Union: The reason I’m calling, there are innumerable flyers that have been stapled all over the power poles, on trees, put in everyone’s door along Crescent Rim and I don’t know how much of the rest of the neighborhood today, and they’re apparently part of a labor dispute that has something to do with great white drywall and a union I believe.  The reason I’m calling is they’ve been placed all over and they’re very inflammatory.  The person that they’re targeting, if I were them, I would certainly be thinking of defamation of character, and I wonder, is there some lettering law or flyer law, is there something like that, because it’s just totally inappropriate.  That’s all and thank you for any assistance you can provide in getting this either taken care of or in having it not happen again.

Richard Rogers
1066 Saratoga Dr.
Boise, ID 83706
Porch Talk: I was calling to say I really appreciate the little flyer I got on my door on Porch Talk, the Mayor’s message on explaining why people need to keep their sidewalks clean.  I know I’ve called and complained about this in the past, so I need to call and say the Mayor’s done a good job here.  Now don’t get too shocked here, I’m usually on the negative side, but I do appreciate that and it’s a good job.  So thank you and let’s do it again next year a little bit earlier.  See ya.

Dan Ronfeld
Franklin St. in Boise
10 Commandments: I manage a business on Idaho St. in downtown Boise, and I know with the recent news over the possibility of moving the 10 Commandments, it’s sort of been brought to the Mayor and City Council’s attention again, and I am glad to hear from the Mayor’s Office and the city government that the 10 Commandments will be staying where they are, out of a park, still on public enough display on the grounds of St. Michael’s Cathedral.  I hope that the matter is settled and we don’t ever need to worry about these sorts of things in the public parks again.  Hopefully Brandi Swindell and the Reverend Fischer will move on to causes that are more productive for Boise.

James Clark
10 Commandments: I’m calling about this 10 Commandments thing.  I thought we were all finished with that.  I do not want any kind of a religious monument or anything like anybody’s religion in our public parks when we take our kids there.  I don’t want anybody’s religion forced on me; it’s not appropriate.  We’re supposed to have a separation of church and state and somehow these people in the Supreme Court don’t get it.  I don’t want anybody’s religion forced on me or my children; keep those things at the church where they belong.  Good bye.

Craig Bliss
10 Commandments: This message is for Mayor Bieter.  I understand on the 10 Commandments that the Supreme Court went ahead and allowed us to make it constitutional, if the city wanted it, to put it in public areas, and so I understand that we’re not going to do it and I would like to know why.  I thought that was the whole purpose of why it was removed, because the city was scared of law suits.  Since the Supreme Court went ahead and said we could do it, let’s do it.  I mean, be the person that we elected into office and stand up for what the city wants.  Thank you.

Debbie Myers
544 E. Provident Dr.
Boise, ID
10 Commandments: I’m calling regarding the monument debate.  Please, you made the right decision in moving that monument when you did.  Please stick to your guns and do exactly what you have done.  Thank you.

Marjorie Price
1415 S. Empire Way
Boise, ID 83709
10 Commandments: I just wanted to thank the Mayor’s office and the City Council, and whoever that they’re not going to consider moving the concrete movie prop again from in front of St. Michael’s Church.  This isn’t something that got itself carved; it is a movie prop and we have so many more serious problems in this city, this state, this country, this world than that.  I just wanted to tell you thank you from someone who thinks that 10 Commandments statue should stay where it is.  Thank you.

Cheryl Bliss
8539 S. Bayport Pl.
Boise, ID 83706
10 Commandments: I’m just calling about the news I heard about the 10 Commandments and how it shouldn’t have been taken out in the first place.  I just wanted to know what the Mayor plans to do with it.  I hope he does the right thing and puts it back, which I obviously know he’s not because I just talked to the other lady on the phone, which makes me sad.  I hope he humbles himself and apologizes to Bryan Fischer and Brandi Swindell for what he has put them through.  The expense, I think the Mayor should take the money out of his own pocket and pay every single person back that he made pay for this.  He is the Mayor, he should have known that it was the right thing to do.  Any good foundation of a family, a city, or a country, are the 10 Commandments, and it makes me so sad that the Mayor would not stand up for that and do what is right from the very beginning.  Anyway, God bless you, Mayor, and I know you need our prayers, which I do for you, but I am very disappointed.  I would love for you to contact me.

Jude Anson
10 Commandments: I wanted to comment about the Brandi Swindell 10 Commandments monument.  I think she needs to know that she represents a very small number of people in her radical intentions for continuing to make the 10 Commandments placement an issue.  One of the Commandments is to “love thy neighbor” and at this time, when things are bad, people are out of work, the economy has gone downhill, there are better things that she could be doing and better sources of public works that she could be involved in.  She needs to also understand that not everyone believes as she does, and that what she’s doing is creating more division among the residents of Boise, Idaho.  I am a senior citizen and I am an editor and a writer, and I think that my opinion counts too.  Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted


Rick Munson
1037 Warm Springs Ave.
Boise, ID 83712
Motorcycle Patrol: Mayor Bieter, it’s been a long time.  I’ve gotten word through the grapevine that you have expanded the motorcycle patrol with the purchase of new motorcycles.  I must commend you, sir; an excellent and wise decision; cost effective, revenue generating.  The motorcycle patrol is a very valuable source of controlling the traffic in Boise, which is expanding.  As the winter months recede and we go into the spring and summer months, it’s always nice to know that the motorcycle patrol is out there doing what they do best – stopping speeders and keeping the traffic in its best.  Take it from someone who knows, if you can’t beat them, join them, from your number one lobbyist.  Have a good day sir.

Ron Twilegar
3601 Collister Dr.
Boise, ID
10 Commandments: I wanted to tell Mayor Bieter thanks for not messing around with Bryan Fischer and Brandi Swindell on the 10 Commandments issue.  I really sincerely believe that the 10 Commandments are seen a lot more frequently and a lot more often where it’s at.  I’m glad that he made the decision that he did.  The only thing that I would like to recommend is that maybe we should buy tickets for Bryan Fischer and Brandi Swindell to China and maybe they can stay there and fight with the Chinese government for a while and mess with them.  I’m really tired of hearing about those two people, but I really appreciate the city and Mayor Bieter sticking to his guns and hopefully the City Council will do the same thing and not budge one inch on moving the 10 Commandments; it is in the right place where it should be.  Thank you ever so much.

Tom Munds
5513 W. Kenecot
Boise, ID
10 Commandments: I would like to urge Mayor Bieter to honor the citizens of Boise and work to replace the 10 Commandments monument that was removed from the park.  It would also be nice if they would consider restitution for the bill that Brandi and Bryan Fischer were forced to pay.  I feel that that was a little unwarranted.

Reverend ??
District 17
Boise, ID
10 Commandments: I am requesting that you allow a 10 Commandment monument in the Julia Davis Park.

Lady from Sacramento called:  2/20/09 pm, 2/21/09 am, 2/21/09 pm, 2/22/09 am, 2/23/09 am, 2/23/09 pm, 2/24/09 pm, 2/25/09 am, 2/25/09 pm, 2/26/09 am, 2/27/09 am,

Comments & Discussion

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  1. I believe that the pastor of St. Michaels commented to the Statesman that the monument is the property of St. Michaels because it was purchased from the Eagles Fraternal organization which was the owner. The city of Boise never owned the monument, it was allowed to sit on Boise property, and as someone pointed out, was part of an effort to promote the movie, The Ten Commandments. I would think that should settle the matter and Brandi might have time to find a real job.

  2. Mr. Clark…having attended scores of public comment over the years in many states I can say with a lot of assurance that the deal is always made before the first citizen opens his mouth. The politicians universally consider citizen input a nuisance (unless they need to oppose a scheme). Unless a vast number of threatening folk show up and loudly demand action different from the deal made before the meeting, politicians politely (or not) listen and then vote to do whatever they had decided before the meeting began…always.

    The city wants a transportation hub and they desire rail. Both will happen regardless of citizen input…watch and learn. (and I like rail)

  3. RE: Compass Website

    Heck, BoDo’s website [ ] still tells us that it’s “Coming Soon…”

    It’s all about style before substance.

  4. To the Geese and Duck haters:

    Get a life folks…the wildlife here is what most people love about Idaho/Boise. If you don’t like it, move to a concrete jungle where yo won’t have to worry about it. These creatures were here before you were and they are only doing what wildlife does, procreating! They only “mess” the grounds for a few weeks during the spring while they are nesting and you want them to disappear? I’d far rather watch my step than see them gone from Boise. What a bunch of crybabies…..I think you just need something to gripe about. Move out..I’ll donate to your move.
