City Government

Nampa Mayor Race Just Got Interesting

Nampa is about to take center stage with its fall city election, thanks to a former Michigan businessman who is now a Nampa woman.

Now that we have have your attention, here is the press release we received this morning:

My name is Melissa Sue Robinson and I am a Male to Female post-op transgendered person who is hereby announcing my intentions to run for Mayor of Nampa, in the November general election.

I am running because I am progressive and I feel that Nampa is a City that needs progressive people in City government. I am the founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Transgendered Persons (NAATP), a transgendered civil rights organization which was founded in Lansing, MI. in 2000.

The organization was put on hold when due to Michigan’s poor economic climate, my change of careers, and my relocation to Seattle in Jan. 07, I was forced to disband it. My intentions are to start an organization (Idaho Equality), which will also focus on LGBT rights. If elected Nampa Mayor or not I intend to push for a LGBT rights ordinance in both Nampa and Boise in the near future. I am a 58 years old telecommunications worker, and a former owner of Design Masters Construction Co, Inc. (a 25 employee small business) in which I was President for 10 years.

It will be interesting to see if the city council follows the lead of the legislature and comes up with some tricky lingo for the qualifications to run for mayor. Melissa Sue certainly stands to change the face of Idaho politics–in more ways than one–with her agenda AND the candidate forums will make for some good television.


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  1. “interesting” or simply Tragi-Comic?

  2. John Mitchel
    Jun 15, 2009, 1:41 pm

    She can’t really be serious…….I don’t think Idaho is ready for this one…..just my HUMBLE opinion.

  3. Mr. Watcher
    Jun 15, 2009, 2:58 pm

    Next I’m sure we will see Bozo from the hamburger joint sign up to run as well. I can see that clown offering hamburgers for free because they are part of the American way of life. Where the other would be pushing for some fancy books to be put out in the public library so children can see them for their own good.

  4. Dave, is that her entire press release? I’m not fond of folks who want to use a run for public office as a soapbox for an issue unrelated for the job description of that office. I’m glad she was upfront about her sex change and wonder if the remainder of the press release pertained to the office of mayor. But it doesn’t look like it.

    EDITOR NOTE–That is the entire text.

  5. Who cares? This one is just another clown like all the other politicians. Idaho might just elect her if she wises up and throws her politics to the non -progressive party. Idaho put up with snickering behind Larry Craig’s back for years. She should run on a “Make FREEDOM legal” ticket. 2C will love it. Too bad she’s as dumb as the incumbents.

  6. Dean Gunderson
    Jun 15, 2009, 7:24 pm

    Good luck to Ms. Robinson.

    I don’t believe she’s under any illusion that she will actually win the election — but she may undoubtably be able to discuss a number of relevant issues from a unique perspective.

    If she is as succesful in negotiating public politics as she apparently has been in refusing to play the cards life has dealt her (not to mention her 10-year history as the owner/president of a 25-person company), she may be able to raise the caliber of debate.


    I don’t believe a transgender person is inherently more qualified to serve in public office as anyone else. But, the former owner of a mid-sized company — and one who’s proven to be tenacious enough to suffer through (what I imagine) is/was a torrent of public ridicule for taking a controversial position on a subject that many people have voiced opposition to (even other transgender folks aren’t as open about their life as Ms. Robinson appears to be) — may be able to bring serious game to the Nampa election.

    Though I’m not sure that she’ll be given the opportunity to speak freely on all the issues facing Nampans, I hope that folks will be able to quiet their skepticism enough to give her a chance.

    She may soon learn from her potential constituents that to be taken seriously in local politics, no candidate can ever hope to be elected based solely on their relationship to a single-issue. This is true whether the issue is growth, taxes, traffic — or gender.

  7. Any chance we could get her to move to Boise??

  8. That does it! I’m entering my cat Jasmine as a third party, Ross Perot-esque candidate.

  9. Does make the race more interesting. Still, I’ve never cared much for one-issue candidates — like so many of the R’s who are just anti-abortion or anti-gay marriage (or both; still a single issue to them: No rights for folks what ain’t like me!).
    I’d love to see a candidate stand up for
    LGBT rights *along with* taking a stand on all the other issues.
    Personally, I think it’s ridiculous that we had to go through rights for women, rights for blacks, now rights for gays, etc.
    Seems to me that when women and blacks got the right to vote, hold office, etc., that should have made it clear that all people are supposed to have the same rights. Equal protection under the law, the concept is called.
    Maybe one U.S. Supreme Court ruling that all laws apply equally to everbody, and any law that specifices man, woman, color or any other such discriminatory language is totally un-constitutional and unenforceable, that could have settled all the arguments and court battles in one fell swoop.
    Then people like Ms. Robinson and all the others who work for equal rights for certain people could move on to deal with the other problems that affect them and everyone else.

  10. No cyclops we want her for Eagle!
    We need new direction.

  11. Good luck, Melissa Sue, and welcome to Idaho! (I do mean that sincerely, lest anyone think I’m being sarcastic.)

  12. What next? the pedophile ticket! Hey those people have rights too don’t they. C’mon ya liberal transgendered/alternative lifestyle/LGBT (LOL) clowns…. When do the rights of HETERO hard working citizens get protected?

  13. I’m no politician, but based on many years of observation, I’d say Rule #1 is to “Know your constituency.”

    Just a guess, but I’m not sure the good citizens of Nampa view “transgender equality” as the most important issue facing their community.

    Furthermore… the Statesman reported that (s)he relocated to Nampa from Seattle 6 months ago. THAT may be more significant than the sexual-orientation thing. Us rural hillbillies don’t cotton much to big-city folk who move to our boondocks, and then try to change ’em into what they left behind in the big city!

    (If I lived in Nampa, I’d vote for Jasmine the cat!)

  14. I’d vote for her if she supported “God, Guns & Guts”.
    She should at least run as a Republican if she thinks she has a chance in 2C. I agree with “ya right”, the Republicans ARE the big tent party. Toleration of pervs in the party for years,
    shows it doesn’t matter who you are, just what you vote on. Good luck Ms.Robinson.

  15. Nampa will never elect a one issue candidate who has only lived in the state for only 2 years…let alone a transgendered one.

  16. “What next? the pedophile ticket! Hey those people have rights too don’t they. C’mon ya liberal transgendered/alternative lifestyle/LGBT (LOL) clowns…. When do the rights of HETERO hard working citizens get protected?”

    I’d say the rights of white, heterosexual men (which you clearly are) have been protected for quite some time.

    I wouldn’t bust a vein simply because everyone else is trying to get where you are.

  17. Melissa Sue Robinson
    Jun 16, 2009, 4:16 pm

    As a transgender activist, I ask the people of Nampa to pass a civil rights ordinance that will protect the transgender population.

    An example of an ordinance reads, “It is hereby declared to be contrary to the public policy of the city of Nampa for any person to deny any other person the enjoyment of his or her civil rights or for any person to discriminate against any other person in the exercise of his or her civil rights or to harass any person because of religion, race, color, national origin, age, height, weight, disability, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, student status, transgender status or because of the use by any individual of adaptive devices or aids.”

    Citizens, tell them that we want a similar law in Nampa,Cadwell, Boise,Eagle,and Meridian. Where it reads sexual orientation, request that they put, after that, the words “gender identity and expression.”

  18. Melissa Sue Robinson
    Jun 16, 2009, 4:26 pm

    If elected as Mayor,,I would promote a name change for Valley-Ride to “the Capital Area Transportation Authority” (CATA). With that change all Cities from Cadwell to Boise would be a member, collect a small tax for this purpose, and the Authority would push for newer better busses and a light rail system from Cadwell to Boise.
    Next I would push for a new city ordinance in Nampa that would allow for tall buildings in the downtown area.Then comes tax breaks for developers that wish to build lofts downtown. I truly believe that these changes would help take Nampa from good to great.

  19. The Band Teacher v. The Transgender Advocate. Only in Nampa, Idaho.

  20. There is a management vacuum in city and county politics in just about all of Idaho. It is time to start thinking seriously about City Manager form of government.

    Most of the Politicos holding public office would not make it to the interview process if they had to apply for their jobs. Caldwell is a $59 million dollar corportion. How many people think the current Mayor has the qualificatons to be the CEO of a corportation of this size. Same question needs to be asked at all city and county levels.

    City Manager form of government is used in over 50% of the cities in the United States with a population over 3,000 people.

    All you have to do to become a mayor or county commissioner is to be 18 years old, be a voter in good standing and get yourself elected. Pretty slim credentials when you think about it.

  21. So, Paul, who chooses the city manager? How does that system work.
    I’ve heard of it many times, but never seen an explanation of just what it is.

  22. Mr. Watcher
    Jun 17, 2009, 8:01 am

    Frankly, the choice of being gay or cross dressing is just that, a choice.
    Being said research now clearly proves that kids who grow up in a home where the parents are homosexual are 7 times more likely to become homosexuals. Clearly no gene is there because many of these children have been adopted so its a choice.
    Frankly, I support such people who want to make that choice because they have that right to do that in this great country. However, I do not support passing laws offering them special rights because of their lifestyle choice.
    This hope to be the Nampa mayor will use such an elected position to push laws to give special rights to people who make such lifestyle choices. This is creating special rights for some people and not others that directly attack equal protection under the Constitution.

  23. TJ,

    Yup your right I am a “hetero caucasion male” and I am not “busting a vein” about anything. I just have MY simple values I live by and I respect the rights of others to do as they please as well. I served over 20 years in the Military defending your right to freedom of speech AND MINE!

    I just have to wonder when does freedom of speech equate to freedom to infringe on MY rights and values as a citizen of this country?

    I don’t want my children exposed to this “person’s” values as far as “Ms./Mr./IT Robinson” I am sorry you are confused about your sexuality have fun figuring it out but MY VALUES, MY BELIEFS are that if you want to do that keep it behind closed doors, DO NOT flaunt it for the world to see and cry about how you want “equal rights” Truth is you just want attention, and would love to recruit MORE people to become “transgendered” with you.

    Just as much as you have the “right” to change your gender I have the “right” to tell you I don’t want you flaunting it in front my children/grandchildren in conflict with MY beliefs and values I have passed on to them.

    So now bring on the attacks and tell me what a bigot I am because I want my rights and beliefs protected in this country?

  24. Gordon, you can go to the National Association of City Managers website for a ton of info. A good city manager will have around 20 years experience, solid educational credentials with a couple of masters degrees in city management, finance, accounting etc.

    A good city manager will save a city more money than an elected official. Just because they will know grant applicaton process, what works and what does not and the list goes on and on.

    It can be done with a citizen initiative with signatures of 20% of the number of people who voted in the last city election.

    See Title 34 chapter 18 and title 50 chapter 5 sec 501 of the Idaho Code for the details.

  25. Melissa Sue… you’ve left out some important minority classes!

    How about:
    – Tattoo-piercing-mohawk-leather punks? They are regularly discriminated against, in employement etc. It just ain’t right! (It’s particularly bad here in Boise!)
    – Drunkards and Addicts
    – The Very, Very Nervous
    – Livestock Owners
    I could go on.

    Seriously, you think we shouldn’t be able to harass people on account of their height and weight? That’s just crazy-talk… it’s an American Tradition!

    I’m still waiting to hear from Jasmine… I bet she has some good ideas.

  26. “Frankly, the choice of being gay or cross dressing is just that, a choice.
    Being said research now clearly proves that kids who grow up in a home where the parents are homosexual are 7 times more likely to become homosexuals. Clearly no gene is there because many of these children have been adopted so its a choice.
    Frankly, I support such people who want to make that choice because they have that right to do that in this great country. However, I do not support passing laws offering them special rights because of their lifestyle choice.
    This hope to be the Nampa mayor will use such an elected position to push laws to give special rights to people who make such lifestyle choices. This is creating special rights for some people and not others that directly attack equal protection under the Constitution.

    Well stated Sir

    Thank you

  27. Jasmine the Cat would like to push for the formation of Squirrel Abatement Districts, and she would like to have a smaller, but more loveable, city staff that would not mind it if she jumped up on their shoulders for some lovin.

  28. Ms. Robinson, I was with you up to your “light rail” position. In my opinion any candidate that actually believes light rail is a solution to our current transportation problems is not qualified to hold office.

  29. MS Robinson,

    I realize you are somewhat new to the area so please allow me to bring you up to speed (pun intended) on Valley Regional Transit (some aspects of which are known as Valley Ride).

    First, over its 10 or so year existence Valley Regional Transit (VRT) has had many names. So many names that the standing joke, at least to Guardian readers, is that it doesn’t know what its name is this week. We are in a Valley. The current name fits. Please reconsider your idea to rename it again.

    Second, Valley Regional Transit is already composed of almost, if not all, the cities in Canyon and Ada Counties. From Wilder to Boise, Caldwell (please note the “L” in the spelling) to Garden City. The VRT Board has about 26 members. Maybe more. Getting anything done with a Board that size is like watching grass grow. It’s very, very slow. And it shows.

    Third, VRT already receives lots of local tax dollars from its members to fund its operation. From those that choose to pay that is. Some don’t pay their bills. And in some cases, actual bus service is funded. And in some cases bus service isn’t funded but the city still gets bus service anyway. Go figure.

    Fourth, you’re not in Michigan or Seattle anymore. But you probably have noticed that already. Have you noticed there are a LOT FEWER people here? That means the population density is a lot less here also. High population density is what you need for rail service whether it be streetcar, light rail, or commuter rail service. We don’t have high population density now and won’t have it in the future according to COMPASS planners. So, as the “experts” have decreed so wisely lately, forget rail – for now and the future. Concentrate on building a better bus system. The current tracks would have to be rebuilt so we might as well rebuild them as a busway, opps, sorry, the new term is bus rapid transit. BRT for short.

    Hope this helps.

    Good luck with your endeavor.

  30. Agent Whynotski
    Jun 17, 2009, 11:18 pm

    Why do people assume that the quest for “equal” rights equates to “special” rights?

  31. Agent Whynotski
    Jun 17, 2009, 11:48 pm

    Ms. Robinson,are you familiar with the rezoning that occurred in the downtown Nampa core a few years ago, one that permits taller buildings in a specific section of the downtown zones? How would tax breaks for loft developement specifically turn the tide in an area that has been plagued with development problems for decades? How do you plan to bridge the counties when there is such a disparity when it comes to working as a collective to accomplish valley-wide goals? Also, are you familiar with the spelling of the city of Caldwell?

  32. Mr. Watcher
    Jun 18, 2009, 8:45 am

    Why do people assume that the quest for “equal” rights equates to “special” rights?

    Because passing laws for lifestyles is without question “special rights”.
    I have always said, that I like redheads so you tell me how the person interviewing me for a job would know that if I didn’t tell them that. Which makes the simple fact clear, if someone has a very different lifestyle choice how would an interviewer know this without being told. Such information has no place in a job interview but these folks would like to have laws passed so they can confront job interviewers with such information so they can file lawsuits if they don’t get the job because the laws are in their court to do so.
    That my friend is why we call it, Special Rights. Get it?

  33. Ya Right,

    I really don’t know where to begin. First, I’m sorry you live cloaked in ignorance and fear. I’d hope you’re able to educate yourself and join this century sometime soon.

    Second, the world doesn’t have to subscribe by your standards. Are you really that arrogant as to think that ONLY YOUR VALUES COUNT, that only your values are the “correct” values?

    It works both ways. Tolerance isn’t just for people you like or approve of. It’s for everyone. Quite simply, it’s ridiculous to think that others not only have to share your lifestyle, but also strive to live in a way as not to offend you.

    Yes, you have a right to your opinions, values, and lifestyle. You can teach your kids whatever the heck you want to teach them. But what you can’t do is expect the rest of the world to change or conform in such a way as not to “expose” your children to something other than the cloistered life you’ve given them.

    And frankly, so long as heteronormative values are in full display in public, so to can and should other non heteronormative values. Gays and transgendered people have every right to “flaunt” their identity in public as you do when you walk down the street holding your wife’s hand. That freedom concept is a real b—ch, isn’t it?

    Lastly, if even Dick Cheney can get it, I’m sure you can come around as well.

  34. The problem with candidates like this is that they run in order to promote specific, and sometimes personal, agendas, which is not what elected people are supposed to be doing.

    Elected officials are supposed to represent the best interests of the taxpayers. Period.

  35. Nampa is an industrial town.

  36. I’m disappointed that Dave Frazier has allowed such hateful and ad hominem things to be posted on his site.

  37. Paul:
    Thanks for the references; will read them when it’s not early a.m., and my eyes are open.

    To those who were saying, “I do not support passing laws offering them special rights because of their lifestyle choice.”: I’ve never heard any of them ask for special rights. They just want the same rights other people have: To marry, to be judged for a job by their qualifications rather than their sex or color or whatever.

    As for Mr. Hetero male who says people shouldn’t flaunt their sexual “orientation” or “preference” or whatever: That’s exactly what he just did by making sure we know he’s hetero, not homo. Frankly, Mr. Hetero, I don’t give a damn what your sexual situation is, and you do have a right to your opinion, though bigoted it may be, but others should have that same right, too (not a special right) to be what they are, as long as they don’t try to force it onto other people, just as you shouldn’t try to force your sexual orientation or preference onto other people.

    It took a long time for women to get the right to vote and be recognized as equal under most laws; It took a long time for blacks to get the right to be free people instead of slaves, and get the right to vote, own property, run for office, etc. And both groups are still working toward full equality.
    So, I guess bigots who no longer can shun people for being female or black just had to find someone else to shun.

  38. Mr. Watcher
    Jun 19, 2009, 7:52 am

    It works both ways. Tolerance isn’t just for people you like or approve of. It’s for everyone. Quite simply, it’s ridiculous to think that others not only have to share your lifestyle, but also strive to live in a way as not to offend you.

    This matter is not about “tolerance” its about elected leaders who would be behind making new laws that give selected lifestyles special rights.
    Read what I posted up the thread. I made a point to support anyone’s choice of the lifestyle that they want to live. However this isn’t what you are after with your “tolerance” lecture, not even a little bit. You are really saying you want special rights but just hiding it behind “tolerance”.
    Many times people who make lifestyle choices that are outside of the main stream. Demand “tolerance” code word for “special rights” yet refuse to allow anyone else’s view points in the mix that do not go along with their views on the topic.
    On to your point about teaching my children anything that I want. Shows clearly that homosexuals are indeed after the minds of American’s children to under mind the teachings in the Christian homes, truth be told. Being on the subject of teaching children, you choice. I have one question for you: Why is it that children that live in homes where both partners are homosexual are 7 times more likely to become homosexuals themselves? It sure sounds or looks like that these children are not giving a choice and are pushed into a life of homosexual activities because the adults do not allow tolerance in the home.
    I can’t imagine the books this person running for mayor of Nampa would demand be put on display in the Nampa public library.

  39. TJ,

    Then just as I said, going by YOUR logic we need to have PEDOPHILES rights protected too. And of course if I decide I want to wander around downtown bare naked with a sign hung around my neck and an arrow pointing down saying “BORN WITH IT AND KEEPING IT” That would be ok too then?

    Point being laws are a population based thing, they change with the times and are subject to the times. Don’t give me your wa baby bigot crap because YOUR special interest isn’t getting enough attention and try to convince me or anyone else that I am in some way “intolerant” or whatever the crappy lil catch phrase of the day is. MAJORITY RULES in this country it is called democracy, we vote people into office based on the majority of votes, remember that lil concept from school?

    So now “mellissa sue” is trying to gain attention for HIS special interest and as the concept works if HE gets enough people to believe in HIS point of view they can vote a “transgendered” person into office and change laws their way… Get that concept?

    Now here is where it just breaks the hearts of lil freaks of nature in this simple system I also get MY RIGHTS TOO, and it is MY RIGHT (especially since I did my time in military) MY GOD GIVEN RIGHT! to tell you and those like you, you keep your PERSONAL sexual choices behind closed doors and respect the MAJORITY that determined the laws of the land!

    GET IT? How is THAT for a freedom concept is that a B–ch?

  40. TJ,

    What the h e double toothpicks is “heteronormative”? did you just create that word so you could seem smart for all the readers of this page? or did it come from the new and improved “progressive” dictionary you and Mellissa Sue would like to have added to the libraries around this country to further your “progressive” agenda?

    Just because I can’t help it I have to ask did He choose that name for the irony of it or what?

    “Johnny Cash’s song A BOY NAMED SUE”


  41. The mistake many of you are making is assuming that your views and lifestyles – the dominant Christian heteronormative lifestyle – is the “natural” or “proper” or “default” lifestyle – and framing your argument from that assumption. You assume that simply because of some historical materialism – that white Christian heterosexual males have been the powerful and dominant class throughout history, that somehow gets conflated with some universal directive that this identity is the correct one?

    You’re off your rockers if you think this is the case, and that the rest of the world should agree.

    Sexuality orientation and gender identity aren’t explicitly “choices.” People that identity outside of the norm aren’t asking for special rights, they’re asking for the same rights that many of us already enjoy. Try reading up a little bit on the latest research, and not hiding behind your dated opinions.

    As for the pedophilia comments, it’s not even the same thing. This rhetorical fallacy has been addressed ad nauseum in the literature.

    The irony here is that the same folks that talk about majority rule are the same ones b*****ng about how the Democrats and Obama are unilaterally imposing their ideology on the rest of the country. So let me get this straight – majority rules when it comes to socio/cultural codes and conduct, but not when it comes to politics?
