City Government

Two More Council Candidates Announce

Two political unknowns have contacted the GUARDIAN announcing their intentions to run for Boise City Council seats. Lucas Baumbach and Daniel I. Dunham say they are seeking some changes.

Dunham didn’t offer much in the way of information. Here is his entire message:
“I have decided that I will seek election to the Boise City Council. For far too
long, the current council has shown contempt for the citizens. At teh last city council meeting, they voted a 12% Sewer increase. At one point during the “public hearing”, Mr. Eberle threw his hands in the air and declared that all these questions (from the public) had already been asked and answered by the council.

So much for any “LISTENING” going on at a public hearing. Too bad he isn’t running this time. Mr. Bisterfeldt is supporting the Trolley Folley and that is as good a reason as any for him to be voted out.”
Lucas Baumbach is a Cornell University grad and runs a painting business in Boise. He supports the concept of a citizen board for the police department: “I’m for an unpaid citizen police commission to replace the Ombudsman and entirely independent of city council and the mayor.” He offers more personal details at his WEBSITE. He also is critical of a recent 12% rate increase for sewer fees and seems to be following the council.

Dunham hasn’t indicated which of the three seats he will seek, but his comments seem critical of Bisterfeldt. T.J. Thomson has previously announced and appears to have the seat being vacated by Jim Tibbs all but locked up. Both Jordan and Vern Bisterfeldt seeking reelection. Baumbach is seeking seat 6 which is the one currently filled by Jordan.

EDITOR NOTE: The GUARDIAN will offer space to any candidates wishing to comment on issues. We will not endorse any candidates and will avoid notices of rallies or fund raisers. Links to candidate sites are offered when they first announce.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. To be taken seriously as a candidate, I would suggest that you check your web site and declaration as a candidate for grammer and spelling.

  2. grammar 😉

  3. Serendipity
    Jul 27, 2009, 8:20 am

    Go Lucas!

  4. John Q Publique
    Jul 27, 2009, 12:25 pm

    Seems T J Thomson has the same problem with grammar and spelling. Check his web site.

    Last time I checked T J’s web site (which was when the Guardian article appeared) he didn’t seem to know the difference between possessive and plural.

    The ironic thing in his case was that he was pledging to improve schools. The ironic thing about that was the City Council has no direct say in how the schools are run since schools are independent of the cities – at least in the Boise area.

    Gordon, need a consulting job?

  5. Anyone who believes public meetings have any effect on local politicians (unless the event is swamped and the folk really angry) is simply dreaming. Almost 100% of the time the decision is already made before the first person of the public says a word, and this decision is almost never changed as a result of public comment.

  6. Just to bring some reality in here: I will have a website operating soon. In the meantime, it is easy enough to check my records and what I stand for. I have not changed my stance for smaller more transparent government. I have always asked that the public get involved. I will be working at cutting spending, using resources more wisely, and being accessable. I will have information on some exact issues in the next several days. Now it is up to you, the public, to make some comments here about what you need, what you want, and what you think needs to be done.

  7. political observer
    Jul 28, 2009, 12:46 am

    Its such a pleasure to see additional citizens stepping up to the plate to run for public office at this time, but so far the only viable candidate I have seen is Mr Honey and he is keeping a low profile. He has his webpage but no other flash and flurry like one of the ‘mouth pieces’ that are also running. And, can we get him to designate a seat he is positioning for?

  8. Jorge F. Vargas
    Aug 15, 2009, 12:03 am

    Dan, you will make a great councilman.
