City Government

Eagle Tries “Credit Card” Transfer Scam

AeagleThe City of Eagle is attempting to use a clause in Idaho municipal funding law to go into long term debt without a vote of the citizens–a philosophy that is common among local governments in the Gem State.

In the latest scheme, the city gets a loan known as a “Tax Anticipation Note” that is secured by future “anticipated revenues”–essentially the first half of property taxes which come in January. Cities generally have a budget year beginning in October, but property taxes are due in January and June, hence the lag time.

The city had previously obtained a $500,000 loan that exceeded revenues with a plan to pay it back when the June revenues came in. Now just like the deadbeat-in-over-their-heads credit card crowd, Eagle City wants to “transfer balance” into yet another TAN loan–this time for $700,000. It is ill advised and deceptive in the opinion of the GUARDIAN. But this is the city that works with foothills developers who also have no money!

The city is in dire financial straights and seems to think that as long as they can borrow money, and increase their debt–while still making payments–they can claim a balanced budget.

Meanwhile they have reduced their police force through the Ada County Sheriff contract and dismissed some city staffers.

Mayor Phil Bandy claims the city has cut as much as they can from the budget and will consider the TAN loan for the 2010 fiscal year. He SHOULD consider following the Idaho Constitution and asking permission of citizens to go into debt through sale of bonds and/or raise property taxes through an override of the 3% budget increase limit imposed by law.

A detailed description and debate of the issue can be seen at the VALLEY TIMES website on Sunday. You can also click MORE and see opinions of both sides below.

“Stop Another Bandy Sneak-A-Tax”

Like Bill Clinton, Mayor Bandy says he “Feels our pain.” But like Bill Clinton, the Mayor is not telling the whole truth. The Mayor claims that those who alert the public about his fiscal irresponsibility or suggest that he should obey the law are “perpetuating a misinformation campaign” and “disseminating malicious and erroneous information.” This is why politicians dislike the First Amendment. Our Founders wisely protected us against the tyranny government ownership of the presses.

The facts speak for themselves. Last August a group of concerned Eagle citizens could see a major economic downturn coming. They warned Mayor Bandy and the City Council to expect significantly lower revenues. Instead of considering the facts, the Mayor chose to ridicule these citizens and ignore their warnings. The group then took out a full-page ad in a local newspaper alerting the community to expect huge financial problems due to the Mayor’s spending habits.

In December the City ran out of money. Mayor Bandy got a $500,000 loan to cover payroll, and promised to pay it back quickly. Mayor Bandy now wants to put Eagle taxpayers even deeper into debt. Instead of paying off the loan and reducing spending to balance the budget, he wants to roll-over the loan with $700,000 in new debt.

Does this sound like a Bernie Madoff scheme to you? How did Madoff fool so many people for so long? He said he did it essentially with “a lot of smoke and mirrors,” and “No one bothered to ask simple questions. People foolishly – including accountants and regulators – never looked in the right places.”

Mayor Bandy is hoping that citizens don’t notice his manipulation of the Idaho Constitution’s prohibition against cities going into debt without an election. Not only must an election be held, but at least two-thirds of voters must approve of his new debt.

Simple Question for the Mayor: Are you, or are you not planning on more debt for Eagle? On the City website he writes, “Although the City is doing everything practicable to reduce expenses both for the remainder of this fiscal year and next year, there will not be sufficient funds available to pay the City’s expenses through the end of January 2010. Therefore, the City Council will be considering another Tax Anticipation Note (TAN) for FY 09/10 in their budget discussions.”

The City Council must reject this scheme. If the Mayor wants to put us deeper into debt, he must hold an election. The Mayor must post his proposed budget on the City website and let voters decide what is really misinformation. If his spending plan is such a great idea, then he shouldn’t have any trouble convincing two-thirds of the voters that more debt is a wise decision. Only then can he keep spending for unnecessary city employees and projects for his friends.


Eagle Mayor

Citizens of Eagle, you should be aware there is an individual in your midst perpetuating a misinformation campaign on you. For unknown reasons this person has taken it upon himself or herself to disseminate malicious and erroneous information about the City of Eagle through the Valley Times, a local weblog, and his or her own website.
During the past year and a half, the City has repeatedly asked this person to meet with Council, the City Clerk/Treasurer, Department Heads, the City Attorney, and/or me to discuss his or her concerns. Each time the individual has rebuffed the invitation.

As I did the last time this individual created a tempest in the community, I encourage the citizens of Eagle to contact City Hall should you have any questions or concerns about decisions made by the Council and me, or the activities conducted by City staff.

I hope the information provided below addresses some of the misstatements you may have read:

The FY 09/10 Budget Process Timeline:
Last month, Department Heads, the City Clerk/Treasurer and I developed and provided a draft budget to the Council that balanced anticipated revenue with anticipated expenditures. Since that time, two budget workshops have been held (7/21 and 7/28) during which the draft budget was reviewed by Council line item by line item.

Changes to the draft budget recommended by Council are being incorporated into an updated draft that will be reviewed by the Eagle City Council next Tuesday, August 4th, and Wednesday, August 5th, at 5:30 p.m. The Clerk/Treasurer will publish the updated draft on the City’s website by the end of this week.

The meetings next week are workshops during which Council will discuss the proposed draft budget with Department Heads, the City Clerk/Treasurer, and me. There will be representatives from entities who receive annual dues from the City who will discuss the cost/benefit of dues to their respective organizations. Although citizens are encouraged and welcome to attend the budget workshops next week, the workshops do not include opportunities for public comment.

Any modifications to the FY 09/10 Budget made by Council will be incorporated into a near final draft that will be published in the Valley Times August 10 and August 17. The near final draft budget will be made available on the City’s website as well.

Citizens are encouraged to provide testimony on the near final draft FY 09/10 Budget to City Council during the Public Hearing scheduled for August 25th at 5:30 p.m. Council may make additional changes to the FY 09/10 Budget based upon written and/or verbal testimony they receive from the public.
Council may adopt the budget at the conclusion of the public hearing on August 25 but may decide to continue the decision to a later date. However, Council cannot adopt the budget ordinance later than September 9, 2009.

Tax Anticipation Notes (TANs):
A Tax Anticipation Note (TAN) is used by the State of Idaho, various counties and cities as provided for under Idaho Code, Title 63, Chapter 31.

Although the municipal fiscal year begins October 1, Cities receive one of their primary sources of revenue, property tax receipts, the last week of January and the last week of July each year. Should a governmental entity not have sufficient revenue to cover its expenses for the first four months of the fiscal year, they can borrow against the revenues they anticipate receiving.

TAN’s are frequently used by government entities to fund their operations for the first quarter of the new fiscal year (October – January). Because TAN funds are guaranteed by forthcoming revenues, they are not considered debt. According to Idaho Code, TANs are required to be paid off by the end of the fiscal year in which they were issued.

The City Council passed Resolution No 08-37 on December 9, 2008 at their regular meeting authorizing the $500,000 TAN with a maturity date of September 30, 2009.

On September 1, 2009, the City of Eagle will pay the $500,000 TAN to Zions Bank in accordance with Resolution No. 08-37 and Idaho Code, i.e., repayment of these funds will be satisfied within the terms of Idaho Code.

Although the City is doing everything practicable to reduce expenses both for the remainder of this fiscal year and next year, there will not be sufficient funds available to pay the City’s expenses through the end of January 2010. Therefore, the City Council will be considering another Tax Anticipation Note (TAN) for FY 09/10 in their budget discussions.

Again, please don’t accept hearsay and gossip as fact. If you have questions or concerns, please address them to staff, Department Heads, the City Clerk/Treasurer, City Council or me.

Thank you!

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Dazed and Confused
    Aug 1, 2009, 1:38 pm

    I may be wrong on this, but I thought bond elections had to be for brick and mortar items. So, a bond issue is out of the question.

    In this case Bandy is using the TAN for day to day operating expenses. Further, again as I understand it, using TANs for this purpose is strictly against the constitution. If someone wants to set me straight on this I would appreciated it.

  2. Rod in SE Boise
    Aug 1, 2009, 1:53 pm

    Why is the first TAN (the $500,000 one) not being paid off until September 1, 2009? Could it have been paid off after the June 20, 2009 tax payments were received and some interest cost saved?

    Other than that small detail, it seems that both parties made reasonable arguments. I don’t have time to look up and read Idaho Code, Title 63, Chapter 31. I hope someone will, and comment here.

  3. Mr. Watcher
    Aug 2, 2009, 8:46 am

    A big missing point here is the city of Eagle is not living within its means. They are spending more than they have coming in and it would be of interest to see some of the spending projects that the taxpayers could easily live without.
    I’m not a lawyer but if this is an action to bypass the legal ways to do such actions. We will not see any legal action taking by are tax feed employees in the criminal justice system because these people see themselves above us and the laws.
    The joke is these people in government see themselves are smarter and better than the average citizen. Yet they can not get a job in the private sector that provides for them as their tax feed government jobs do. So we the productive citizens feed these people with the taxes we make doing productive work and they are smarter than us, yea right. Maybe they are smarter because we have allowed them to swindle us to no ends is what some may say in dry humor. Fact of the matter is we have street wise hustlers who know how to con decent citizens and because of that they honestly believe they are smarter than the rest of us. You can’t make this stuff up.

  4. Eagle, Boise and other officials don’t want to submit things to the voters.
    Their reasoning seems to go like this: “The voters are idiots. They must be — they elected us, didn’t they?”

  5. If I cut a foot off the end of a blanket and sew it to the top…. have I made it any longer?

    This is an accouting move to hide the real issue… easy credit.

  6. Perhaps his honor could take a pay cut until the economy improves – no way could the mayor job be full time. Certainly Mayor Nancy got much less than Bandy – oh, that right, he’s a guy!

    How many years does he think we can continue to spend more than we take in?

  7. Don’t let the mayor of Boise know about this…..he will add it to his playbook!

  8. I think Phil Bandy has already proven he’s not much of a leader.
    Anyone can lead in good times, but it takes a leader to lead in bad times. The new school let credit solve the problem.

  9. John Mitchel
    Aug 4, 2009, 11:01 am

    I LOVE the “carryover” concept that the politicos in Eagle adopt. This surplus (they don’t like it to be called what it is..) should be put back into the General Fund but they hold it out to fund little pet projects like Guerber (“Three Lunches on my Credit Card”) Park and other things that are kept out of reach of the electorate. approval. I think this is properly called a slush fund.

    Let’s see, we couldn’t pay back the $500k that is due so let’s borrow another $700K and pay off that loan with another loan PLUS go deeper in debt!!!!


  10. The Mayor of Star is planning to float a multi-million dollar bond this fall to buy River Birch Golf Golf Course. All in the name of a sports complex….for who? Its three plus miles from down town! All the while having a 40 year supply of building lots and vacant (foreclosed) houses within the city limits. Go figure!

  11. Lucas Baumbach
    Aug 9, 2009, 5:50 pm

    It’s time to reign in fiscal irresponsibility. Eagle is living beyond the tax base. Star is going into property speculation. Boise has more money pits on the growth plan than one can keep track of. There’s no leadership out there. Zero.
