
Mayor Hotline August 8 to 14

Jason Hill
Boise, ID
Amtrak: I was just calling about the whole Amtrak thing and I do not think that the Mayor is on the right track with that. We don’t need any more taxes in this city; we have enough in this county; we have enough in this state. It’s not bad enough that the government taxes the crap out of us all the time, but now we’re going to have Amtrak coming here and tax us. If they can show that they can make a profit, then why doesn’t the Mayor buy Amtrak and he can run it without losing any money, then we won’t have to worry about it, and he can have his little railway there because it’s too much money for us. So, no Amtrak, no taxes. I would say – do it if you can make it so it’s not taxed on the people. Make people pay for it when they use it; that’s how it should be. You don’t make everybody pay for something they’re not going to use; that’s just ridiculous. The government is just way out of control on these taxes. Thank you. I appreciate your time.

Jeremy Henderson
Chairman, Green Meadows Neighborhood Watch
Edson, Sites, Kootenai & Scott Streets
Open Saturday: Mayor Bieter was here at our National Night Out and it was wonderful that he and Chief Masterson showed up; however, he did mention that there was a 10 minutes with the Mayor kind of thing that you could apply for, just to come in and speak with him personally for a little bit. I would love to grab one of those 10-minute spots if I may. Please get back to me at your convenience because I would very much like to participate in that.
Action Taken: contacted

David Taylor
Towing: I’ve got a complaint about whoever is representing the Mayor’s Office. At this moment at 10:29 on a Monday afternoon I was told that if I left a message that you would not call me back because you wouldn’t care about my message and the fact that the city throws a party in Ann Morrison and you will accept revenue from it, but yet you’re going to tow any car that’s parked there after dark when I do the responsible thing and walk home because I’m too intoxicated because you throw a brew fest. I don’t care if Boise was not part of it; you’re going to accept the revenue from it and so is Parks and Rec. I’m quite upset because the towing company took a digital picture of where I was parked, and they even told me I was parked in a legitimate spot, and you guys are going to tow my car after the beer fest. Maybe the next time I should just drive drunk home, because that’s what you’re asking me to do, and now I have to go pay $100, which I can’t afford; I couldn’t even afford to go to the beer fest in the first place, so I get taken and my wife gets taken in for free, then we come out and we have to pay $100 because our car gets towed. I may be rambling on here, but I would appreciate it if somebody would call me back, please. Thank you.

Reannin Touche
Amtrak: I just wanted to thank you for all your work trying to get trains running through Boise again. Thank you and I am confident that you and Senator Crapo will do whatever it takes to get the trains running again.

Gordon Carlson
Amtrak: We have been recently hearing in the news about a couple of rail initiatives, one is the commuter train and the other is Amtrak. We heard about the commuter train, and then suddenly it seems to have been dropped in favor of Amtrak without apparently any survey being run. I wonder if you might consider running a survey to see if there would be more interest in Amtrak or if there would be more interest in a commuter train to Nampa and Caldwell. It seems like we would have more people using it regularly on a commuter and help relieve the roadways if we had a commuter train. Amtrak would not impact so much on the road and would not be as great a benefit to the citizens of Boise. Thank you very much.
Action Taken: contacted

Curb It: I love that, Mayor Bieter, you just shift the numbers, leave me an email, and kiss my ass. I tell you what, I’ve got a bunch of garbage out in front of my f—— house that’s been here for a week and I call and bitch to the city, and they say, “Go to Allied Waste”, but I’m giving you guys the coins. You know who I’m paying the money to? The City of Boise. You know who I’m going to bitch at? The f—— God Damn newspaper because I’ve got a bunch of piles of garbage in front of my house that they can’t figure out how to take care of. So Mayor Bieter, Dave Bieter, get your f—— a– in gear cause I ain’t voting for you anyhow. Guaranteed, I ain’t gonna vote for you ever again cause you’re a loser. You ain’t got it figured out yet, and that’s my message. And, I don’t need a reply; I’ve asked for replies several times and you guys can’t figure that one out either. Screw you guys; Bieter you’re done.

Mike Dobson
Curb It: I would like to request a response from the Mayor’s Hotline, since I’ve never ever, ever, ever gotten one from you or the loser that was before you, Bieter; and you’re going to lose this year. I’ll tell you what. But, I want a response about the garbage that’s been sitting out in front of my house for the last week. Allied Waste doesn’t know what they’re doing with it, and you don’t either obviously. So, I would like a written response or a text response since you can text my phone back to let me know that I’ve figured out what your number is. Loser, Bieter, you know what I mean dude? Let me know because I’ve got two piles of garbage that’s been sitting out there for a God Damn week. Allied Waste blames it on you and you’re blaming it on Allied Waste. So I’ll tell you what, c— s——, I’ll put it out in the middle of the street and you guys can fight over the Son of a B—-, cause I’m tired of looking at the garbage in front of my house and across the street from my house, cause you guys can’t figure out who’s picking up the garbage. You can figure out who’s paying for it but you can’t figure out who’s picking it up. Tired of it, loser, Bieter. Ya, let me write that down, loser, Bieter. Is that with a double “d” or loser “s”. See ya, thanks for the call-back. I doubt that I’ll ever get it, but I did get a letter from a guy in Pocatello. Too bad I can’t vote for him. I wrote him a sweet letter and told him I respect the shit out of him. I wrote to vote against you; I don’t give a shit if you’re Democrat or not. See ya; you’re a loser.

Heather Ganz
503 Victoria Dr.
Boise, ID 83705
Torch II: I’m calling to ask about the Torch II on Vista. They’re right across from my house and they’re continuing construction. It was my understanding that they were not to continue construction and that there is going to be a public hearing on whether they can remain operating or not. So I was just was wondering why he’s continuing construction. If you could please return my call or send me an email; my email is [email protected]. Thank you.
PDS Backside of the building w/ a lot of lumber. Trucks everywhere – Franklin Building Supply, United Water and Parkcenter Plumbing Truck. Not working on the roof.
Action Taken: contacted

Jeff Derr
Oregon Jets: I just wanted to call in and ask what the city government is doing about having all of these military jets flying over Boise with the noise pollution problem and even more of a problem, the air pollution problem. There is a mandatory burn ban; the air quality is bad; for Ada County we have air quality control for our vehicles, and yet day after day after day after day we have these military jets flying over. I’m not against military; I just am against them dumping pollution over Boise skies where our citizens and our children have to breathe it, and also have to listen to that deafening sound over and over and over again. It does not make any sense to have those planes flying over Boise. They could take off to the east and head south to fly their training mission over the desert. Now I understand that you may not have any particular pull over that, over what the military and the state of Idaho are doing, but as a citizen of Boise, and after calling many, many times and nothing is being done about it and there’s no other place to turn, then perhaps if the Mayor would put some pressure on the Idaho Air National Guard to stop all of these take-off’s and landings and flying over Boise with this pollution problem; it’s a Boise problem that needs to be addressed by the leaders of our city. So, I’m trying every avenue that I can to get this to be stopped, or at least curtailed. I mean it’s just to the point where it’s all the time now; all the time, and I think it’s irresponsible; irresponsible to harm the citizens and the children of Boise with this pollution. Hopefully there is something that you can do – maybe you can call the Idaho National Guard and say, “Please give us a break.” I know that aviators always say, “Well, you’re supposed to take off into a head wind.” Well, those are military jets; they can take off into any kind of a wind, or land in any kind of wind. That really has nothing to do with them taking off and landing. If somehow we can get something set up where the military planes take off to the east and fly to the south so we don’t have to listen to that or be polluted by that any longer, I would really appreciate that. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted jets will return to Oregon 11/2/09

Shane Saxton
11192 Powder Horn St.
Boise, ID 83713
School Demolition: I’m just calling to leave a comment about the recent decision by the Boise School Board to demolish Franklin and Cole school buildings. I think it’s a shame that they’re knocking these down and I just hope there’s something Boise can do to protect at least Cole School from getting demolished. School districts are in the business to educate children; they’re not in the real estate business, especially when it’s to fill a budget hole. So, I just wanted to express my concern for knocking down these historic buildings. Thanks.

Patricia Sales
6622 Holiday Dr.
Boise, ID
Curb It: I am calling about these enormous trash cans that we once before turned down. I have a very, very narrow area along the side of my house where my trash cans sit. It’s dangerous to have these enormous ones take up this path, number one. Number two, I’m in my 70s and I can get the little trash cans around to do my yard work, and these enormous ones will be impossible for me to use; plus I hose my trash cans out on a regular basis – I remove the lids, clean them, hose them, turn them upside down, and enormous ones like this I couldn’t even possibly manipulate. I do not have that many things for this enormous blue one; it would take me a month or two or three to even fill it at all. I would like some help please, and I’m hoping that you will understand that we senior citizens need to have some exceptions made on our behalf. Thank you.
Action Taken: left msj

Graffiti & Drugs: The reason why I’m calling is I’m trying to stay anonymous, but my call to the graffiti hotline yesterday – my next door neighbors house is a crack house. The teenagers over there have graffitied the whole wall at the end of Owyhee and Malad. I called the police yesterday – graffiti hotline, and they sent a police officer out but nobody would answer the door so nothing was done. They suspect that I called the police so that means more retaliation against me; it makes me a target. I’m just wondering what might be able to be done because today’s Thursday and the trash goes out today and I’m sure they’ve thrown most of the evidence in the trash can. So, it would be nice, I guess, if the police officers made it over and at least looked through the trash can for the spray paint cans or whatever because there’s spray paint back behind our house where they sprayed and then over there more towards Owyhee at the base of the hill. So anyways this is my concern. It’s my concern that it’s a crack house; I’ve been reporting that there’s crack activity but nothing seems to get done. You know, the teenagers are smoking, doing drugs, things like that; I’ve complained about that but nothing gets done. So anyways, I don’t know what to do any more except that I’m trying to stay anonymous because it just makes me a target every time by these neighbors; I just have no protection here. If you can help me out, I would appreciate it. Thank you.
Action Taken: left msj

Melissa Middleton
701 W. Oak
Enid, OK 73701
(580) 231-1038
Litigation: I was a Boise resident up until March of this year, and when I moved to Enid, Oklahoma, I paid a prominent member of the Vineyard Church to move my furniture. In the process of that, he stole probably about $2,000 worth of things from my property and possession. I’ve contacted an attorney and he told me it’s a criminal matter and I need to contact my A.D.A. Since this person has ties in the Boise community, Boise police say it’s a civil matter and they won’t press charges. Now I’ve left numerous messages over the last month and I have never received a phone call back from the police department. I am very upset about the way I was treated and I do intend on continuing my complaints to the Governor’s office or higher. This is unfair; I pay taxes; I’m a good honest member of the Boise community, and the man who stole from me is a known criminal, rehabilitated supposedly. I would appreciate a phone call; maybe you can direct me as to where I can take my complaint from here, otherwise I will be continuing my mail to the Governor’s office and hire a S.D.P. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted

Cathy Daly
Amtrak: I do not want Amtrak back if we have to pay for it. They’re taxing us to death as it is. No more taxes; I’m sick of it and I represent my husband Ron Daly as well as myself. I also do not want a trolley system through Boise; it’s ridiculous. People like their cars and they want to stay with them. I’m totally opposed to that; it’s a silly idea. We dug up all the trolley tracks, cut the service, and hardly anybody rides it so I’m totally opposed to that. I just don’t want any more taxes; we’re taxed to death as it is. Thank you.

Bike Safety: I’ve been a resident of Boise most of my 60 years and I’d like to comment on the biking issues and bikes along the roadways. A lot of bicyclists will actually ride on the white line, irregardless if it’s a bike lane or not. Take for instance Hill Road; they’re riding on that white line and you need to give them 3 ft., you’re going to be involved in a head-on collision because you don’t have that much room left before you’re in the other lane. A lot of them, in particular those who left yesterday, they can ride three or four abreast and hold up traffic, or they’re riding three abreast and you have to get into the other lane in order to avoid hitting them. They need to take on more responsibility because they’re not going the posted speed limit. I’d like to see bicyclists take on the responsibility, and maybe riding against traffic they would be able to see the oncoming traffic instead of having it behind them. Thank you.

Bike Safety: I have a couple more comments concerning bicyclists on the road. A lot of them ride with kind of an attitude that the cars are supposed to yield to them at all times and to have the right-of-way. Some of them have quite an aggressive behavior when they’re on the edge of the bike lanes and not really having some consideration for vehicles. It used to be the old school that when you came up to an intersection, you didn’t have crossing guards, you had to take care of yourself. I think because bicyclists are smaller, some of them run stop signs and they are going a lot faster than a small object can necessarily be seen, and a lot of them are riding in the evening hours. They have to take on, I think, more of the responsibility of keeping themselves safe because a lot of times they’re in the shady spots of the highway, a lot of them don’t have proper headlights or reflection. They need to take the responsibility that they need to take care of themselves and not that everybody has to look out for them.

Ardella Percy
Downtown Maintenance: I work at the corner of 9th and Main in Steve Rambo Jewelers. We have some kind of a power box in front of the store; it’s a big tall box and people love to put all kinds of graffiti and word stuff all over it, and concert information and all that. You guys have been great to keep that cleaned off, except whoever is doing it now is using a power sprayer and they’re blowing paper and sticky all over the sidewalk in front of the store and I can’t get it off. It’s also on our front windows. It’s great that you guys are keeping it clean, but it would be really awesome if they wouldn’t blow it towards the store and all over the sidewalk out there because again like I said, I just can’t get it off. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Lots of angry people this week. Curb-IT continues to receive complaints. Everyone will be glad to know that the Northend did not get preferential treatment. I don’ t receive my cans until next week.

  2. Lucas Baumbach
    Aug 20, 2009, 1:55 pm

    It’s comforting to know that the Northend is on the tail end of the delivery schedule. So often the tail is wagging the dog! For example, $519,000 in stimulus money for Northeast Downtown Sidewalks. The rest of Boise needs some attention too!

  3. Lucas, There are two reasons that the North and East Ends get the preferential treatment. I am not stating this is fair, but that the way it is.

    First, the North & East Ends have well organized neighborhood groups lobbying for their residents.

    Second, look at the density and property values and the way it relates to tax collections. More taxes/acre are collected in these areas.

    Just something else to ponder in your quest for elected office.
