Commish Baker Proposes ACHD Budget Cuts

Ada County Highway Department Commish Sara baker has proposed some across the board budget cuts in HER BLOG. She may qualify as a “rebel with a cause” by seeking $1,000,000 in savings.

While the local street budget for the county is not the hot button issue of ambulance service, there are many similarities in the structure. Both ACHD and the Ada County EMS were created by a countywide vote of the citizens–the GUARDIAN is a strong supporter of democracy. There have been rumblings from Boise to do away with both agencies as well.

Baker offers up what appear to be some pretty sound ideas for budget cuts. We admit the GUARDIAN is not a follower of ACHD politics, but the idea of cutting back on lobbying efforts–using public money to influence other levels of government–has a certain appeal to the public.

We don’t offer an endorsement of her proposals, but they are certainly worth a read.

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  1. I like Sara’s idea about the workweek starting on Saturday. The notion of a 40 hour workweek within a 7 day period has a certain appeal to me. I could step up for what was once overtime and take time off to do whatever at a later day during the week.

    Let me think here, golf, skiing, fishing midweek. Family necessity without taking a loss in time from my workweek.

    This could be a win-win deal for willing workers and the ACHD.

  2. I was fascinated by the ACHD decision to chip seal Floating Feather which necessitated repainting the lane lines. The surface of Floating Feather from Old Horseshoe Bend Highway to Eagle Road was just redone last year during the widening process – or is my memory failing me?

  3. Lucas Baumbach
    Aug 23, 2009, 11:30 pm

    I like her feisty attitude: cut this cut that. Less blogging more action is in order. I would rather see property assessments decline dramatically, which has not happened. I continue to watch my assessments rise, as the assessor explains (as does Boise’s mayor) that while we’ve entered a great depression redux that values are in fact still rising. Fire the assessor not the lobbyist.

  4. Close, but no Cigar
    Aug 25, 2009, 11:55 am

    Saving a $million is pretty good, for a commissioner.

    Of course, they could have saves $20 million by not building Harris Ranch a bridge. And, they could save, what, $100 million, probably more, if they had a real plan for getting the developers to fund Highway 55 improvements north of Eagle.

    They could also do wonders by hiring real inspectors so that re-paved sections line up with existing roadway after work crews perform utility maintenance.

    But, then again, this is Idaho where reaching over dollars to pick up pennies is the rule of the day.
