City Government

Mayor Hotline September 12 to 18


Walt Baker
10189 Edna St.
Boise, ID 83704
Health Care Resolution: I’m concerned about the thought of supporting universal health care
as put forth by our mayor. We have the health care bill here in our house, all 1,000 plus pages
and have read almost all of it. There are so many things in there that are just really not very
good for all of us. I think for our city to step forward and be willing to support it without knowing
what it is is absolutely wrong and I would beg that you not do that. I know a lot of you; I know
the Mayor and I know a lot of your City Council members and I think you all do a wonderful job,
but in this case, boy would I be opposed to the supporting of the Health Care bill. Thank you
very much.
Action Taken: contacted

Bonnie Thompson
Brookover Drive
Boise, ID
Graffiti: I was trying to report some graffiti but there seems to be a dispute on what number I
should call, because when I called the 377-6790 number that you guys are referring me to, they
said to call this number. Anyway, Grace Jordan has graffiti all over it and I just wanted to report
that. Thank you.
BPD Ada County Dispatch
Owen Jones
P.O. Box 5084
Boise, ID 83705
Health Care Resolution: I do live in the City of Boise and I’m calling to oppose the Mayor’s
proposed Health Care Reform Resolution for the September 15th meeting with the City Council.
I would like to be on record that I absolutely oppose his resolution for that proposed Health Care
form Resolution. Thank you very much.
Eric Crawford
2607 W. Anatole Dr.
Meridian, ID 83646
Health Care Resolution: I’m actually calling about an interdepartmental memo that I saw that
was from Mayor Bieter to Boise City Council and I have some questions regarding the facts that
he quoted in this in regard to the number of children and the number of Americans that lack
health insurance. I’m trying to figure out where the Mayor is getting this information because
the numbers that I have are different than that. I’m trying to get a better understanding of where
his numbers are coming from. So, if someone could please call me back and let me know what
source he is citing for those 46 million and 9 million numbers, I would really appreciate it.
Action Taken: left msj

September 12 – 18, 2009
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Jim West
Health Care Resolution: I’m calling to object to the Mayor’s proposed Health Care Resolution
in support of the, oh jeez, let me call you right back and I’ll tell you what I think.
Chris Jones
818 Fort St.
Jones Apt. Corp. Mgr.
(10th & Fort)
Boise High & Allied Waste: I have called the Boise High Resource Officer regarding a pick-up
that is blocking the alley so the trash trucks can’t come down it. I’ve called the police
department and reported it also and the truck is still not moved or ticketed. I would appreciate if
you could get someone to come and move the pickup so the trash trucks can go in and out of
the alley without obstructions, and try to do something to work with Boise High on the parking
here along these alleys. They keep blocking them and sticking their cars out and the trucks
can’t get in and out. I’ve talked to BFI and they’re on board with me on trying to get a solution to
this. Thank you.

Celeste Schmidt
Boise, ID 83713
Noise: I’m just wondering who exactly at the city is responsible for enforcing noise ordinances.
I called the police and I’m specifically talking about motorcycles that are loud enough to deafen
people. The police are not enforcing the noise ordinance; it took me call through several people
until I finally got to the Chief, who ultimately sent me a letter saying they can’t enforce either of
the noise ordinances that the city has. One talks about their equipment which they said they
can’t possibly know if they’ve modified it or not, so they don’t enforce that, and they said the
other part of the noise ordinances are too hard for them to enforce because they don’t have
enough noise equipment and they have to calibrate it, etc., etc. So, their choice has been to do
absolutely nothing. I would like to know who is responsible for closing this gap. I would
appreciate knowing how this gets fixed and knowing that it just doesn’t get fixed because winter
comes and the people who are violating this noise ordinance, it’s not convenient for them to be
out in the cold any more. I think the rest of us deserve some peace and quiet and not to have
our hearing damaged all year round. Please don’t get back to me saying that nobody else is
complaining about this because I know they are and they’re being ignored too. The rest of the
people I know that it bothers don’t bother to complain because they don’t think anyone will do
anything about it, and apparently to this point they’re correct, nobody is doing anything about it.
So I would appreciate it if somebody could finally fix this. Thank you very much.
September 12 – 18, 2009
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George Gorsich
2704 Inverness Way
Boise, ID 83705
Against Health Care Resolution
Tammy Baker
2013 S. Eagleson
Boise, ID
Jet Noise: I’m calling to talk a little bit about my concerns regarding the F15 fighter pilot action
in the sky for the last several months and continuing through November. I live fairly near the
airport and the noise has just gotten out of control day and night. The noise is bad enough, but
the pollution is another issue. I’ve done some research and I’m aware there have been no
environmental impact studies done on this, but that it was approved in the Mayor’s office as well
as some of the other officials. If someone could call and talk to me about this, I would love it; it
might make me feel a little bit better. Thank you very much.
Action Taken: contacted
Carol O’Leary
1673 W. Victory Rd.
Boise, ID 83705
338-1571 Cell-573-0134
Against Health Care Resolution
Jay Yost
867-4144 or 375-7888
Citations: I just received a copy of the police’s narrative from that bicycle wreck on Irving and
Orchard and there were no citations given, just as we figured because it involved a bicycle. We
understand that they have to do this huge investigation that will take up to six or seven months,
in the meantime no citations are given and all that. It’s clear to me and several other people
who have read this narrative that the driver of the vehicle is at fault, saying that he was blinded
by the sunlight at that time, but at the time he was there at that intersection, the sun wasn’t high
enough at that time of the year to be above the trees, and at the very least, he should have
been cited for inattentive driving because he said he didn’t see them. Cop out, don’t believe it,
the only reason you don’t see them is because you’re inattentive. This has got to change, it’s
got to stop, and it’s got to stop now. This task force needs to get off their butts and get
something going. The city council, the Mayor, and the police chief need to get going and get
this stuff done. This isn’t going to get better until it gets acted upon; you can talk about it all you
want, but somebody’s got to do some action. We’ve got the stuff there, let’s do it.
September 12 – 18, 2009
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Eugene Woodard
Boise Open: I have an emergency issue with the traffic pattern involved with the Boise Open.
I’m a Boise State University student in my third year and I have approximately 40 minutes
between classes, and I have a diabetic mother-in-law which I have to take care of. She has to
have her insulin and with only allowing west flow traffic on both Country Club Drive and Hillcrest
Drive, I cannot give that to her and I need to be able to do so.
Action Taken: contacted
Phillip Braun
10936 W. Bumble Bee Dr.
Boise, ID 83713
Against Health Care Resolution
Ronald Jordan
6460 S. Hornbeam
Boise, ID 83716
Against Health Care Resolution
Karen Halligan
P.O. Box 1493
Mountain Home, ID
Against Health Care Resolution
Layne Hannah
Against Health Care Resolution
Bill Jordan
Health Care Reso: I would like to see if we can’t get a public debate or at least a vote on
whether that type of resolution would be coming from the citizens of Boise. If you would do that,
that would give us an opportunity to see what the citizens of Boise would like rather than just
those who are in the Council or and Mayor’s office. I would be glad to help.
Action Taken: contacted
Irena Braun
Resident of Boise
Against Government run health care
September 12 – 18, 2009
Page 5
Victor Smith
10424 W. Cory St.
Boise, ID 838704
Against Health Care Resolution; anyone who votes for it should immediately resign.
Against Health Care Resolution; speak for yourself, not me.
Linda Bock
13285 W. Hobblecreek Ct.
Boise, ID 83713
Against Health Care Resolution: 100%, do not speak for me.
Teresa Stearns
For Health Care Resolution: Stand strong against these guys who are going to come protest
you tonight at the meeting. Please go ahead with your non-binding resolution to support health
care reform. I work in the health care field and I see first hand the ramifications of those who
don’t have it.
Jeramy Litster
12743 N. 9th Ave.
Boise, ID 83714
Against Health Care Resolution
Against Health Care Resolution
Antonio Caron
Ada County, City of Boise
251 E. Front St. Suite 100
Against Health Care Resolution
Against Health Care Resolution
September 12 – 18, 2009
Page 6
Linda Whitney
9465 W. Malad St.
Boise, ID 83709
Against Health Care Resolution
Gary Evans
Small business owner
Against Health Care Resolution
Joy Compton
Meridian 83646
Against Health Care Resolution
Teresa Arnold
Against Health Care Resolution
Against Health Care Resolution
Citizen of Boise
Against Health Care Resolution
Darwin Gifford
Secretariat Ct.
Boise, ID
Against Health Care Resolution, not speaking for me
Tom Williams
515 E. Parkway Ct.
Boise, ID 83706
Against Health Care Resolution
Cindy Wiles
3236 E. Bayberry Ct.
Boise, ID 83706
Against Health Care Resolution, do not include citizens of Boise
September 12 – 18, 2009
Page 7
Rachel Hopkins
Citizen of Boise
Against Health Care Resolution
Ted Buck
1325 Hobblecreek Ct.
Boise, ID
Against Health Care Resolution
Michael Sasser
Against Health Care Resolution, prior contributor of Mayor Bieter’s campaign
Timothy Cybert
11951 W. Peppermint Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
Against Health Care Resolution; outraged that they did not find out citizens’ feelings
Cathy & Ron Daly
Against Health Care Resolution, Mayor’s views do not represent citizens of Boise
Paul Klindt
12708 W. Bald Cyprus
Boise, ID 83713
Against Health Care Resolution; City Council should ask city first.
Pat Sawyer on behalf of Nate Shellman (in part)
Against Health Care Resolution
Rebecca Carter
Resident of Meridian, Idaho
Against Health Care Resolution
September 12 – 18, 2009
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Janice Packney
3784 N. Maple Grove Ct.
Against Health Care Resolution
Justin King
Against Health Care Resolution
Against Health Care Resolution
Bob Hansen
1303 Owen St.
Boise, ID 83704
Against Health Care Resolution; what makes you think that you can answer for the residents of
Boise, your arrogance is becoming unbearable.
Sabrina Call
Ada County resident, soon to be annexed into Boise
Against Health Care Resolution
Against Health Care Resolution; this plan fixes nothing, do not support it from our city.
Against Health Care Resolution
Nampa, ID
In Support of the Health Care Resolution
Shawn Georgia
6814 Northview St.
Boise, ID 83704
Against Health Care Resolution
JoAnn Ubaraga
September 12 – 18, 2009
Page 9
Against Health Care Resolution; you should have given us a fair amount of time to attend the
Cathy McCarthy
1734 N. Mansfield Way
Eagle, ID
Against Health Care Resolution; Boise very much affects other cities around it.
Eric Landaluce
Against Health Care Resolution
Brad Jaco
318 E. 47th St.
Garden City, ID
Against Health Care Resolution
Bob Jones
8551 W. Brookview Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
Against Health Care Resolution
Wanda Haynes
12253 W. Norway
Boise, ID 83713
Against Health Care Resolution because Mayor would be in control. I was also wondering
where city hall is; is it on Front St. Could you let me know right away?
In Support: As an Idaho Democrat, I am fully in support of the Health Care Resolution that the
City Council and the Mayor are voting on today.
Craig Smith, dentist
2803 Bogus Basin Rd.
Against Health Care Resolution; far better to gather insights from citizens of Boise.
September 12 – 18, 2009
Page 10
John Stephens
3131 Sunset Ave.
Boise, ID 83703
Against Health Care Resolution
Against Health Care Resolution
George Minow
Resident of Boise
Against Health Care Resolution
Stan Armstrong
11187 W. Wagon Pass
Boise, ID 83709
Against Health Care Resolution
Vicki Morrison
5424 Eugene St.
Boise, ID 83703
Against Health Care Resolution
Against Health Care Resolution
Michelle Hebert
5091 N. Lacott Ln.
Boise, ID
Against Health Care Resolution
Small business owner in Boise
Against Health Care Resolution
Jamis Patterson
Resident of Boise
Against Health Care Resolution
September 12 – 18, 2009
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Ripa Enderson
Boise, ID 83709
Against Health Care Resolution
Sarah Albright
1350 W. Victory Rd.
Boise, ID 83705
Against Health Care Resolution
Dawn Heistuman
10997 W. Hazelwood Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
Against Health Care Resolution
Jerry Corey
Insurance professional for 35 years
Against Health Care Resolution
Against Health Care Resolution
Judy Dolby
4374 Kiverton Pl.
Boise, ID
Against Health Care Resolution
Trina Westburg
Idaho resident
Against Health Care Resolution
Against Health Care Resolution
Patricia Cliffman
Against Health Care Resolution
September 12 – 18, 2009
Page 12
Darron Stone
12123 W. Alfred
Boise, ID 83713
Against Health Care Resolution
Against Health Care Resolution
Joseph & Diana Abramowski
Against Health Care Resolution
In Support: As an Idaho Democrat and as a nurse, I support the health care resolution.
Steve Havis
4045 S. Maple Grove
Boise, ID 83709
In Support of the Health Care Resolution; thank you for your courage.
Against Health Care Resolution
Sam Johnson
Small business owner in health care
3932 N. Hackberry Way
Boise, ID
Against Health Care Resolution
Mary Sommer
817 S. Gray Eagle Way
Boise, ID 83712
Against Health Care Resolution
September 12 – 18, 2009
Page 13
Jewell Dean
4161 S. Mitchell St.
Boise, ID
Against Health Care Resolution; mayor using faulty information.
Nick Genna
Administrator of Treasure Valley Hospital
Boise resident
Against Health Care Resolution
Rita Dowty
Caldwell, ID
Against Health Care Resolution
Eric Emery
6529 S. Coldwood Way
Boise, ID 83709
Against Health Care Resolution
Brandon Busacker
Boise, ID
Against Health Care Resolution
Carol Flurry
2973 N. Blue Springs Ave.
Against Health Care Resolution
Jan Griffith
3110 Crescent Rim Dr.
Boise, ID
Against Health Care Resolution
Bill ?
1467 W. Santawood Dr.
Meridian, ID 83646
Against Health Care Resolution
September 12 – 18, 2009
Page 14
Janice Reese
Against Health Care Resolution
Robin Tolmy
I do not live in Boise, but I do live in Idaho
Against Health Care Resolution
Chris Bailey
Against Health Care Resolution
Susanne Oberman
Caldwell, ID
Against Health Care Resolution
Krista Norton
4452 W. Franklin Rd. Apt. 102
Boise, ID 83705
Against Health Care Resolution
Ed Cod
Resident of Boise
Against Health Care Resolution
Angela Emmer
6529 S. Codewood Way
Boise, ID 83709
Against Health Care Resolution
Kristin Freeman
My husband works in Boise
1250 S. Luker
Kuna, ID 83634
Against Health Care Resolution; we don’t like the direction the City of Boise is going.
Dixie Riepl
2369 E. Vaunhill Dr.
Eagle, ID 83616
Against Health Care Resolution
September 12 – 18, 2009
Page 15
Resident of Boise
Against Health Care Resolution
Fred Moe
Boise, ID
Against Health Care Resolution
Rebecca Parker
Shamrock St.
Boise, ID 83713
Against Health Care Resolution
Greg Gretgempler
6843 S. Lone Tree Wy
Boise, ID 83709
Against Health Care Resolution
Michael Lostra
3555 Law Ave.
Boise, ID 83706
Against Health Care Resolution
Joann McKnight
1505 Gem State Ln.
Emmett, ID
Against Health Care Resolution
Duke Hotge
2947 N. Woodcreek Ln.
Boise, ID
Against Health Care Resolution
Judy Hasen
141 Rainbow Dr.
Boise, ID 83713
Against Health Care Resolution
September 12 – 18, 2009
Page 16
Kathleen LeMaster
10258 Hollendale Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
Against Health Care Resolution
John Blaine
3200 Scenic Dr.
Boise, ID 83703
Against Health Care Resolution
BPR: I work for the State of Idaho and I like to go down to Memorial Park sometimes at lunch
time and just sit and relax and de-stress. Today there was a city worker down there with one of
those gas-powered blowers and those things are noisy, plus the fact it was between 12:00 and
1:00, plus the fact that they blow dust and crap everywhere. It wasn’t a very peaceful
experience; I started sneezing from all the dust he was kicking up and I just would like to make
a request. At lunch time people take a lunch because folks like me like go to the city parks and
de-stress, that’s our time for doing that. Something doesn’t seem right about them being down
there working during lunch. I didn’t see him mowing or anything else, he was just walking
around blowing crap around. I really would like to see us in Boise decide that we’re going to be
one of the quietest, greenest cities in the Pacific Northwest; emphasis on quiet though. You
need to just shut up sometimes and let people de-stress. Thank you
Virginia Fields
Against Health Care Resolution. You have no business speaking for the citizens of Idaho. I
am a former Bieter supporter, and I will no longer do so.
Boise, 83713
Against Health Care Resolution
Niel Johnston
6475 S. Hornbeam Pl.
Boise, ID
Against Health Care Resolution
September 12 – 18, 2009
Page 17
Trina Westberg
Nampa, ID
Against Health Care Resolution
Teresa Johnston
Boise, ID
Against Health Care Resolution
Mrs. Hansen
Against Health Care Resolution
David Anderson
5538 Waterwheel Dr.
Boise, ID 83703
Against Health Care Resolution
Gale Taylor
130 Westgate Cir.
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
707 528-8602
Parking: On Friday, September 11th, I parked in a public parking lot at the corner of 6th and
Grove in Boise, Idaho. I have disabled plates on my car. The parking lot said public parking. I
parked in the disabled space. I got out of the car and went down to get some information on
going to the Methodist Church. By the time I got back to the car, because my wife walks
extremely slow, approximately 40 minutes had passed and I had been tagged with a parking
ticket. I was told by the attendant there that Boise public parking does not mean public parking
at all, but the sign is only to get you to parking in their parking area. And, Boise does not, and I
want to repeat this now, Boise does not offer free parking to handicapped people; it is strictly a
courtesy that they even have a blue zone to park there. To put it mildly, I was quite upset
because every other state that I’ve gone into, and this includes about 27 of them, I have parked
in a public parking lot. Every state except Idaho, and every city in Idaho except Boise, says
they go by the ADA Act of 1991 and that they do not charge handicapped people for being out
of their car for a half hour. The ticket is from Republic Parking, the ticket #L06G28, 9/11/09,
7:04 p.m. The checker was 0134. I would like an explanation of why Boise is the only city that
I’ve been to who charges handicapped people.
Action Taken: contacted
September 12 – 18, 2009
Page 18
Dan Well
911 Balsam
Boise, ID 83706
Against Health Care Resolution
Sherry Kendall
Payette, ID 83361
Against Health Care Resolution
Bob Riley
West Boise
Library and In Support of Health Care Reso: Two Items: One, thanks for helping to get the
Library established. Two, thanks for supporting the Resolution on the Health Care. My
concern is this: I am a frequent patron of the Boise Library and I’m concerned that the
landscaping is going down hill. I know that you’ve got a green motif here, but a lawn around the
back and the side of the Library is a foot tall and several of the beautiful trees that were planted
are dying and severely distressed. Would you please have someone look into the situation on
the south side of the Library and the rear of the Library and see what’s going on with the tree
situation and the lawn? Thank you.
Victoria Nelson
1624 Colorado
Boise, ID 83706
PDS & USPS: Home – 377-3202 son’s cell – 891-9110 (Nathaniel Nelson living in the house)
I have had numerous discussions since the 4th of July about not being able to get mail service
because I have not put a box at a new built house out on the street, rather than on the house
like the rest of the houses in the neighborhood. It’s downtown south of the university. We have
neighbors that are rental students who have parked their cars in front of their own boxes and
are not getting mail service. I have the post office now refusing to deliver mail service to our
home because we’re not putting the box at the street, but instead I put it where the mail lady can
get to it. Now they are talking about returning all the mail, which means bills will be late, credit
will be destroyed; we have a mess. I’ve been trying since the 4th of July to deal with the post
office. I need help, and the post office is telling us it is because Planning & Zoning did not send
a copy of the request for the bill job to them; they didn’t approve it, and it’s an infill project, and
they have a burr under their saddle, and by God we’re going to be the example. So, I need to
work with somebody. We sit on Senna Board, we’ve done everything we can to help with
community involvement, we believe in community involvement, but I believe this is a power
struggle that is beyond belief. We have asked for a compromise, but they have refused. I
would appreciate a call back on this; I need to know where else to go. They are talking about
sending the kids’ mail back as of Monday, and today is already Wednesday, so if you could
please give me a call, I would really, really appreciate it. It is devaluing the property if I cannot
use it for a rental because parking is not available. Planning & Zoning gave the builder
clearance for a shorter access to the garage; access is too short to be able to get two cars into
September 12 – 18, 2009
Page 19
the two-car garage because you can’t turn them that sharp; the alley isn’t wide enough. I can
only get one car into the garage; they are using the one-car garage; we’ve encouraged students
to use scooters and bikes and motorcycles that they can store in the garage, but this was not an
issue until after we bought the house. We would never have bought the house if we had
realized it. It is now leaving a hardship on my family and my tenants. We just need all the
parties to talk to each other. I’ve offered to put a box on the sidewalk, facing the sidewalk so
that they didn’t have to worry about the cars in the street, and everything else except these
three new houses is all home delivery on the building. So, if somebody would help us, we
would really appreciate it. Thank you so much.
Action Taken: contacted
Carol Jennings
Against Health Care Resolution
Darcy Neser
3024 Edson St.
Boise, ID 83705
Bowden Park: I called several weeks ago about homeless people in Bowen Park drinking all
day and intimidating the neighbors. I went to take my five year old daughter to the park last
night and I didn’t even feel comfortable being there. I would appreciate a call back because we
really need to take care of this issue. Thank you very much.
Action Taken: left msj
Rene McSherry
1576 S. Linda Vista Ave.
Boise, ID 83709
Against Health Care Resolution
Against Health Care Resolution
John Tilman
Hurrah for Health Care Resolution. Also, I think the city streets in the North End have got a lot
of leaves and there are a lot of weeds growing in the gutters, two or three feet tall. I think the
North End is really getting to look trashy and I wish something can be done about it. The street
sweepers don’t want to run during the summer time, but maybe the Ada County prisoners could
get out and kind of help clean up the streets. Thank you.
Shelly Strate
Against Health Care Resolution I’m very ashamed and embarrassed that the Council would
vote this in.
September 12 – 18, 2009
Page 20
Marla Scarborough
4266 W. Quail Ridge Dr.
Boise, ID 83703
Against Health Care Resolution
Against Health Care Resolution
Chapple (last name)
Against Health Care Resolution. Although I live in Meridian, I would like to say to the Mayor,
stop running for a higher office. Keep you nose out of things that don’t concern the City of
Boise. Do you job for the City of Boise and stop doing this thing about health care.
Karen Jennings
300 N. 3rd St.
Boise, ID
Against Health Care Resolution
Dr. Kenneth J. Davis
1288 N. Gwayne St.
Boise, ID
Against Health Care Resolution
Against Health Care Resolution
Drew Caughlin
1320 N. 6th St.
Boise, ID 83702
In Support of the Health Care Resolution
Elizabeth Wasson
4601 Shirley Ave.
Boise, ID 83703
In support of the Health Care Resolution
September 12 – 18, 2009
Page 21
James Clark
4325 Hoover St.
Boise, ID 83705
School Demolition: I want everything possible to be done to keep Cole and Franklin Schools
from being demolished. There has been too much history demolished in Boise and it’s time to
stop it. Thank you.
Action Taken: left msj
Leonard Williams
4601 N. Shirley Ave.
Boise, ID 83703
In support of the Health Care Resolution
Jim Smith
3416 Hawthorne Dr.
Boise, ID 83703
In support of the Health Care Resolution
In support of Health Care Resolution. Hello, I’m a 61 year old resident of Boise, Idaho, a
retired nurse from a hospital in Boise, and I just wanted to thank Mayor Bieter for casting the
deciding vote on the Health Care Resolution, as well as thanking those who did vote for it.
Dan Finney
1515 Fort St.
Boise, ID
336-6553 cell-866-0580
I’ve been trying to get hold of the new trash carts. For about three or four weeks now, I’ve been
calling BFI or Allied Waste trying to get them to get these things out here, not just for myself but
the entire block. They missed the whole block between 15th and 16th. They delivered carts
down here separately for people that have ordered extras, but they haven’t delivered the initial
delivery of these things. I’ve got recycling stacked up and I don’t know what to do with all this
stuff, and everybody in the alley is having a problem here. I don’t know where to go with it; I’ve
called them several times and not gotten anything taken care of. I don’t know who to go to from
here, but I wish somebody would do something about it to cause them to do their job.
Andrea Ahmed-Zaid
September 12 – 18, 2009
Page 22
Traffic Concerns: You’ve met me and know my husband Said, but anyway, we live in Spring
Meadow One, which is off of Parkcenter, and our homeowners association wants to reach out to
you to express concern over the accident that happened down at the entrance of Spring
Meadow Two. I really would love to get your support in trying to help control traffic on
Parkcenter. There is a stop light at the entrance to Spring Meadow One where we live, and
that’s great, but obviously Spring Meadow Two, which is closer to the school (Riverside), we
have great concerns about safety issues there once that bridge opens, that people are just
going to come flying off that bridge and you’ve got a school. Homeowners in Spring Meadow
Two are greatly concerned, and I think they have a legitimate right to be concerned. So, I just
want to reach out to you and see if you can address the issues of slowing traffic down off of
what will the Parcenter Bridge that will open through the school and Spring Meadow Two. I just
think with the accident that happened there, I think that was a wake-up call that we need to get
traffic really slowed down in that area. Thank you for listening and taking time to consider my
concern and we hope to hear from you.
Against Health Care Resolution
Jim Escobar
Against Health Care Resolution
Dan Lawrence
Trolley: I would like you to know that I’m still against the trolley idea. I would favor half of the
money going to the trolleys and half to the bus system, or perhaps all to the bus system. Why
don’t we keep the bus system, that’s the best thing we have. That is my comment.
Action Taken: tried to contact

Comments & Discussion

Comments are closed for this post.

  1. Here is my exchange with the Mayor…

    >>> jim verdolini 9/16/2009 5:00 PM >>>
    I note you responded to my note and the 30 or so folk who spoke in
    opposition to the scheme with absolute disdain, a patronizing pat on
    head, and voted against the will of the people…

    You lost my families votes

    On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 4:49 PM, Mayor Bieter wrote:
    Dear Mr. Verdolini,
    Thank you for contacting me regarding the City Council’s recent
    approval of a resolution in support of national health care reform.
    Opinions on this issue are widely varied, as reflected by the close vote
    of the Council.

    I proposed this resolution because of the significance of health care
    reform to Boise residents and the enormous financial impact that health
    care has on local families, businesses and the City budget. For example,
    the skyrocketing cost of health care means fewer dollars are available
    for police and fire protection, parks and libraries, and other essential
    municipal services. So it is important that the City of Boise be part of
    this critical debate.

    It is also important to note that this resolution is non-binding,
    carries no cost whatsoever to the City or its taxpayers, and does not
    endorse any particular bill or proposal. Rather, the resolution urges
    the federal government to adopt programs that will protect families from
    bankruptcy or debt because of health care costs, adopt tort changes and
    establish quality standards, and expand public sector health programs
    – all essential components of effective reform.

    I believe that our resolution charts a reasonable course on this
    crucial issue. I also absolutely respect your right to disagree. This
    debate has demonstrated the strength of our democracy and the
    involvement of our citizenry, a tremendously healthy sign as we grapple
    with this and other complex issues. Thanks again for making a positive
    contribution to the process.

    David H. Bieter

    Sir…the CBO had advised that a young family of two making 30K a year, about the Boise average, will see thousands in new expenses if HR 3200 is enacted…Somehow I doubt you paid as much attention to the impact on your citizens as you did the propaganda of your party…Non binding only means that it can only be used for its propaganda value and its local political impact. It has had one, two votes less for you next election. Unlike some, I have bothered to read the thing and read the CBO analysis…

    Finally, I am growing increasingly convinced the ‘public comment’ part of the council process is more for show than any impact it has on the council’s vote…Those folk come into the hearing knowing how they will vote before the first public word is spoken. That meeting was a perfect example.

    Jim Verdolini

    EDITOR NOTE–It would be interesting to know if everyone got the same response or was Jim “special.”

  2. No one who is not a BFF (Bieter’s friend forever)is special. There were probably 42 letters exactly like that one sent out. It doesn’t really matter though because he didn’t write it!! That response has Jade Reilly’s hand all through it. Way to go mayor! One more screw up in a long line of mistakes and lack of true leadership.

  3. Why do people from Kuna, Emmett, Nampa, Eagle, Meridian, etc care about Boise City Council’s health care shenanigans….irritating.

  4. Still in favor of Universal Healthcare.

  5. Well Timm, you also in favor of paying for it? My problem with the scheme is that it damages what god care we have and it will cost vastly more money…The folk screaming the loudest for it are not the folk who will have to pay for it….or so they think.

  6. LMAO, like you ever voted for a Democrat Jim. Please pony up the data that says the proposal is unpopular in Boise. And we all know you don’t want to comment Jim, you want to shout like you and the other Glenn Beck zealots did at this rally:

    I’m thinking your reputation preceded you into the Council chamber.

  7. In the Hyde Park area where bicycles are very popular the biggest defensive driving is with Cyclists. I’m clueless in why they believe they are selectively blind with stop signs and right of ways. One of these days one will see the front end of my car simply because they felt they were exempt from rules of the road. Sorry Biker’s I have little empathy for your damage control and don’t want to hear how the vehicle got in your way.
    No Response is necessary from the Major or staff. Just stating facts.
    D Lane

  8. I am on that old socialized medicine called Medicare. Love it. Best insurance I ever had at the most reasonable price.

    Of course if your brother-in-law is president/CEO of Blue Cross or Blue Shield I guess you would want him to get bazillions of dollars to reward him for scalping the insured.

  9. I do believe Sysyphus notes a reality..speaking to politicians as though they care IS foolish…ask the raving left who threw a nationwide tantrum from January 2001 through January 2009 about civility…Of course, that was different…it was about Bush and the evil republicans and any lie and amount of public tantrum was, of course warranted…

    Politicians do what they desire, not what the public wants, which is why removing today’s folk is so very important.

    at least to normal folk…the left, well that is another matter.

    Oh, and TJ…someone has to pay for that Medicare…if everyone has a similar program, everyone will have to pay a LOT more, including YOU…

  10. People against health care reform must love the idea of medical bankruptcy as well. Over 70% of personal bankruptcies are due to medical reasons. Over 60% had medical insurance!

    Big Health likes the status quo and is throwing everything but the kitchen sink at us “little people” to keep their cash cow from getting any kind of reform.

    We have to take a good hard look at what we spend on end of life health care. Hospice care for the terminaly ill v. medical treatment is something people do not want to discuss. Nobody gets out alive and we simply will not acknowledge this fact. Life is a terminal condition sooner or later.

    Death panels already exist when a family makes the decision to unplug a loved one from life support. Living wills are another form of a self imposed death panel.

  11. I am all for the public option but I also feel that local Government is out of control. I think with the democratic president, house and senate on a national scale a local conservative government is appropriate. If Bieter and the city counsel feel they can do what ever they want they will get completely out of control which is obviously starting to happen. I assure you that I voted for Bieter but will not vote for him or MJ again. Rest assured Sisy I am not alone. Rein in your boy’s and girls if you still want a Democratic strong-hold in the City of Boise.

  12. Mr. Watcher
    Sep 23, 2009, 8:31 am

    Somehow I doubt you paid as much attention to the impact on your citizens

    The statement out of contest above does and is able to stand on its own on many current issues. Clearly this mayor has shown zero interest in how his loony agenda and wild dreams will effect the average family in Boise. He does what he darn well pleases. Look at the mess this mayor as a lawyer made for the folks in McCall. He’s a one man wrecking crew and has a track record to proves it. After the damage he moves on to let the decent hard working citizens to pick up the pieces.
    A large reason this mayor gets away with what he has is the local newspaper will not do its job and report facts that citizens need to be informed of. The local newspaper loves big government (democrats) and feels the citizens can be taxes a lot more than they currently are being taxed. There’s no question in my mind that if Dave was a republican the local newspaper would be on a witch hunt in digging everything up on him that they could.
    Mayor Dave is bad news with his out of mainstream ideas and we will be left with a huge mess to deal with if he gets his way on a number of issues.

  13. JIMV – the more people who sign up the cheaper the premium for everyone.

  14. TJ, has that worked anywhere? The increase in covered citizens all over Europe and Canada has not reduced costs but instead reduced the quality of care.

    What we invariably get is expensive, uncaring, mediocre care while the very rich become the only folk with good care. No Thank You…

    I will be a lot more impressed when the folk demanding such coverage also acknowledge the higher costs and step up to the plate to pay it. Instead they believe the hype, someone else will pay…perhaps the greatest failing of our education system, the idea that there is a free lunch.
