City Government

Mayor Hotline Sept 26 to Oct 2


Lance Danger
P.O. Box 986
Boise, ID 83701
Trolley: Gee Mayor, you’re a fricking idiot. Why don’t you just go back to the horse-and-buggy?
Wouldn’t that be a good idea if a trolley that was antiquated a hundred years ago didn’t work.
Why don’t you go back to the horse-and-buggy, Mayor? I’m mostly certain that if you idiots
down there think that the taxpayers want to pay for that, you are so out of touch, so out of touch.
You will never be voted back into office.

Anna Beth Elliott
3656 Willow Bar Way
Boise, ID
Trolley: I just wanted to let the Mayor and the City Council know that I think you guys are doing
a wonderful job and I support you and the trolley. I just read in the paper people were talking
about that the public opinion was against the trolley, and I just wasn’t aware that we had taken a
vote, so I just wanted to let you guys know that there are a lot of people in support of this, and I
work downtown and I think it would be helpful, and green solution to our traffic problem, so keep
up the good work.
Action Taken: left msj

David Whetzel
416 S. 4th St. Apt. 1
Boise, ID 83702
Parking: My complaint is about the parking situation down here in Boise, especially in my area,
since it’s considered a residential area. There have been multiple times that I have come home
to no parking spaces at all. There are times where there is a BSU game or stuff going on at the
park or what have you, and there are no parking spots. I don’t have a driveway where I can
park my vehicle; I do have a residential sticker on my car which I think should give me first
priority of parking, especially when I come home at 11 at night and there are no parking spots. I
have a concern about this along with a couple of other neighbors that I have talked to today and
we would really like to see a change in the parking situation here, especially on S. 4th. We don’t
have places to park when there are events and something needs to be done about it, especially
when I just want to come home, get into my house and go to sleep, and I have to drive around
and find a parking spot. Sometimes I have to walk three or four blocks before I can get to my
house, having to park somewhere else. I would really appreciate it if someone could call me
back and discuss this further because this is a concern I’ve had for the past year and a half and
I’ve talked to the parking office and they won’t do anything about it. With it being a residential
area, we should actually be able to have parking spots for us to be able to park our vehicles
instead of people taking up spaces and not having parking spots at all, especially during the
week when people are going to work at the Idaho Bank or the employee credit union or
wherever they go to work, and the whole side of where my apartment’s at is blocked off
because that’s where everybody parks. We really need something to happen to where we have
parking spots to park because this is really redundant and ridiculous.
Parking Div
Action Taken: contacted

Christi Fieldstad
Sewer Flooding: I need some help desperately. Two years ago June, my house was flooded
with sewage due to the widening of Maple Grove. I’ve been fighting with contractor’s insurance
for over two years to get things reconstructed so I can get back in my home. It finally gets some
go ahead to start getting some construction done and on August 8 it was flooded again. I now
have reconstruction going on again; I need to make payment and City Intermountain Claims will
not pay the claim on getting my house redone. They say Public Works has to approve it and
they won’t approve it. I am about to go to the media myself because of two and a half years of
being out of my home, going bankrupt trying to get this thing taken care of, and it is the city’s
Treasury PW
Action Taken: contacted

Ray Mickelson
2519 Weaver Cir
Boise, ID 83704
Health Care Reso: It is my understanding that you did vote to take action to support the
National Health Care Legislation. I think this is inappropriate; we do not at this time have final
legislation needed to the House or Senate and we do not know to what extent it would be
beneficial specifically for the elderly here in Boise. That’s something I just don’t think the Mayor
and City Council had any interest on our behalf, or authority on our behalf to take that kind of
action unless there is specific benefit that you can articulate to the citizens of Boise, particularly
the elderly as it relates to Medicare Advantage Programs and health funding and costs for the
elderly. I appreciate that and thanks for at least being able to provide this input.
Action Taken: contacted

Dwight Murphy
Brannon Titus Memorial Ride Committee
I’m the PR Media
321 S. Pond
Boise, ID 83705
Flag at ½ Staff: I’m calling to request that we have the flag flown at half-mast tomorrow and/or
Thursday, the 29th of September and/or the 1st of October for Chief Warrant Officer Jesse
Phelps from Boise, Idaho, who we lost in 1965 in the Viet Nam War. His body is being brought
home to Boise to his final resting place. His family will be there to greet his body at 15:53 hours
tomorrow at the Boise Airport on the National Guard side. We will be escorting his body to the
funeral home to Cloverdale Cemetery shortly after, along with approximately 100 motorcycles
along with his family. On October 1 will be the funeral and the final laying to rest of Chief
Warrant Officer Jesse Phelps; his final resting place will be at the Veteran’s Cemetery
internment. For more information, you can call me.

Gas Prices: Why don’t you guys do something about the rising gas prices, I mean everybody
else’s is way down. I just came back from Canada and they’re only paying $2.34 a gallon, so
what the hell’s going on out here. You guys are just damn lazy.

Trent Wright
Code Enforcement: I’m calling about a building that was recently a residential home on W.
State St. and now it’s turned into a commercial building – 4920 W. State St. is the address.
Basically, it’s a huge issue for a lot of the surrounding businesses. They basically have taken a
bulldozer and taken out their front yard of this house and that’s now the parking on gravel.
We’ve got people backing out onto State St. It’s kind of becoming more of a hazard than
anything, then after further review with the couple that is putting the commercial retail business
into this residential home, I think that they’re under the impression that if they simply get
everything rezoned from R2 to whatever they need to rezone it to, that they’re going to be okay.
They’ve got a lot of fire code issues and a lot of other things that are going on with that
structure, not to mention their sign doesn’t meet the City of Boise’s Sign Ordinance, their
parking is inadequate and is really causing quite a hazard not only for our business, but for
people driving up and down State St., not to mention the fire hazard on the building itself. We
were hoping that somebody could really look into the application process for the rezone of this
house, and also to do a little bit more thorough inspection of whether or not they can, or should
be allowed to run a retail business out of this residential unit on a very, very high traffic area with
limited access to get to any parking. Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions.
Action Taken: left msj

Cathy Streetman
677 Steerman Way
Eagle, ID 83616
Health Care Resolution: I just wanted to express my disappointment that Mayor Bieter voted
for this Health Care Resolution. I think the government is the problem and if they would
deregulate insurance that people could shop around for insurance policies that would fit their
needs. I think the Tort Reform is a good thing, but you know there are a lot of solutions to the
health care situation. Actually, I think it’s a non-problem. I think people have access; I’m a
nurse, I work at a hospital here in town and I see people having access to health care all the
time from all sorts of different backgrounds.
Marni Stauts
Swans: I am calling to ask, I’m probably certain that the Mayor was there for the dedication of
the new Parkcenter Bridge, and my question is – I was walking with a friend last night and there
is a pond adjacent to the bridge, and there are four beautiful Trumpet Swans in that pond. My
question is – were those planted? Does the Mayor know anything about those swans, or did the
neighbors put them in? If you know anything about it, I would appreciate the information.
They’re beautiful.
Action Taken: contacted

Trolley: My comment is regarding this trolley car system that you want to have set up in
downtown Boise extending 2 – 2 ½ miles, something like that. When you’re laying off people in
the city and you don’t have any money, and the prospects of new businesses are very low, the
thought of spending such a ridiculous amount of money, I can come to no other conclusion than
you guys are smoking dope. What in the hell are you thinking? It’s not going to bring any
business into the community; it only goes 2 ½ miles. If you want to put in a railroad car system
that will actually bring people in from Nampa, Ontario, Mountain Home, great, but this; what are
you smoking? I’m not paying for this. If it’s someone else’s money, you’re sure as hell going to
spend it, well I’m not spending my money on it, nor will I ever spend any more money in Boise.
It’s ridiculous; unless an absolute necessity comes up, you can build it on your own.

Trolley: So, we’re going to pay $60 million to fund a trolley car that can’t go anywhere else but
down two streets, and it’s like 2.5 miles. $60 million, seriously, you could buy over 200 buses
that can go anywhere. They could take people to the game at BSU, they could take people to
special events, and they could be used during the Special Olympics. You know, the trolley car
cannot take people to the game, they can’t take the Special Olympics people anywhere; we’re
laying off people and you want to spend $60 million. Seriously, $60 million; I’m ashamed to be
a Boisean.

Ken Kraft
ACCESS Bus: I want to talk to somebody about the Access Bus. We have people down at that
office that is refusing totally blind people the right to ride on that Access Bus. They apparently
have no medical knowledge whatsoever, and it certainly appears that they have no practical
knowledge whatsoever. They’re asking one totally blind veteran in town to walk three blocks on
a street with no sidewalks to get to Fairview to hail down a bus. At the current time they’re
refusing this gentleman, who is a blind veteran, access to that bus. I want to know who it is that
is hiring these people, and I certainly hope whoever it is who is making these kinds of judgments
doesn’t last very long in city government. Apparently she has no knowledge whatsoever of what
a blind person goes through. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted

Bob Nelson
21 N. Garden
Boise, ID
Trolley: No one needs to respond to this. I’m just calling to say that I’m totally against the
trolley system. What are buses; what we need are buses! If you have $10 million to throw
down the toilet, buy some buses. We don’t need a trolley that goes 5, or 6, or 10 blocks
downtown. What we need are some buses. If you decide to go through with this, you all have
lost my vote. Have a good day.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Yeah, because a city mayor has a lot of influence on gas prices and international exchange rates. Perfect place to take your query.

    EDITOR NOTE–Timm, you forget this is the same mayor who signed the Kyoto Accords, stopped a gold mine, and stopped the import of a prototype locomotive to Boston.

  2. We need Jim Jones back. When he was AG he would periodically threaten to investigate the gas retailers. I was always good for an immediate price drop. At least that’s the way I choose to remember it.

  3. erico49

    I don’t “choose” to remember Jim Jones as the scourge of the gas industry, that’s exactly what he was.

    Too bad our subsequent attorneys general don’t feel the same way.
