
Poet Paul’s Post

A double shot today…local and national.

The committee needed one vote more
to send a health care bill to the floor
popularity will wane
for the lady from Maine
Looks like we got a Snowe job for sure!

He coached basketball on the courts
now he’s in a court of a different sort
A high school coach
should be above reproach
and keep his hands away from his shorts!

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  1. Can the assistant coaches take over the midway “pep talk,” while Coach does the Halftime Show? Sounds like he’s got a little show-business in his blood.

  2. Rod in SE Boise
    Oct 14, 2009, 9:45 pm

    Regarding the health care poem: We are indeed getting a snow job. That version of the bill (the one Ms. Snowe voted for, and Mr. Crapo voted against) contains no public option and is VERY favorable to the health insurance industry. It is worse than no reform at all.

    Remember: If the health insurance companies win, YOU lose.
