City Government

Poet Paul’s Post

Dear council candidate TJ
on the trolley is it a yea or a nay
Since you’re the man of Team Dave
your yea vote you’ll save
until after election day!

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  1. Thanks, Paul. That’s funny. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I have 3 major concerns with the Streetcar concept:
    1) Cost โ€“ It will cost Boise business owners along the Streetcar line a large chunk of change during a difficult economy. I want to assure the impacts are offset by increased economic development as a result of the line.
    2) Construction โ€“I want to be sure construction of the line, if the project is approved, does not negatively affect the local economy during construction.
    3) Cables โ€“ I love the present look and feel of our downtown. I realize cables above ground are more affordable, but they could potentially take away from the beauty of downtown Boise.

    There are also positives to the prospect of a Boise Streetcar. The economic impacts have shown to be outstanding on businesses in many cities. This also could serve as the first phase of a future light rail system in the Boise Valley, which I support and believe is necessary to meet future demands. Public transportation alternatives lower the cost of living and reduce air pollution.

    However, we are very early in the process. To take a stand now on the Streetcar is premature and would be a disservice to the citizens of Boise for several reasons:
    1) The Economic and Engineering Feasibility Assessment has not yet been released (being conducted by a 35-member non-partisan task force of business, property, and community leaders โ€“ a committee of republicans, democrats, and those that will be directly impacted financially by the project).
    2) We do not yet know if Boise will receive Federal funding for the project ($40 Million in TIGER funds from the Economic Stimulus Package).
    3) We have not heard from the collective voice of the people. I support a vote by the citizens if it is held during a regularly scheduled election (so as to not cost tax-payers enormous amounts of money for a โ€œspecialโ€ election). Whether we collect input via a ballot vote or through hearings and surveys, I am adamant that we receive broad public input and opportunity for comment from Boise citizens before moving forward.

    You can count on me to never take a “knee-jerk” approach on important issues, such as the Streetcar, before first getting ALL the facts and broad public input. My approach on the Council, should I be fortunate to be elected, will be to study, listen, learn and keep an open mind. My judgment is based on the long-term interest of Boise, not short-term political gain.

    EDITOR NOTE–With regard to development, we can argue economic benefits, but any TAX REVENUE from development would NOT go to the city of Boise–it would all go to the CCDC.

  2. Being decisive is to leadership is as being indecisive is to lack of leadership
    Be a leader, take a stand, otherwise you are a follower, there are enough facts.
    Knee-jerks are a reflex to getting hit in the pocket-book. Proclaiming one’s thoughtfulness as an excuse for indecision is the bureaucratic mind set. “I can’t act without permission from someone with more authority” while the house burns down around us.
