Chuck Weir
12868 W. Ginger Creek Dr.
Boise, ID
Glass Recycling: I’ve been trying to drop off my recyclable glass at the fire station on McMillan for weeks now. Every time I go over there it’s cable-locked shut; it’s over flowing and they cannot take any more. I did contact the Allied Waste people and they suggested I contact the city employees responsible for monitoring the program. I talked with them and they said their hands are tied; there’s just too much glass to be deposited in that area. I’ve got a general complaint, for the lack of a better word. The system was set up to accommodate the residents; you’ve got a problem at the fire station there, you’re not picking it up often enough. It’s placed at an inconvenience; I know you’re trying to fine-tune your system but this is feedback – please adjust your process to pick up the glass there more often until this qued-up demand gets drained and you can get back to your normal schedule. I appreciate your help in getting this squared away because I’m getting tired of running over there and still seeing that thing cable-locked shut. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted
Julie Markham
1661 Priest Ave.
Boise, ID 83706
Greenbelt: I’m calling because I just walked the Greenbelt between Barber and the new Parkcenter Bridge and was disappointed that I carried my dog’s excrement in a bag all that way thinking there would be a garbage can at the Parkcenter Bridge, but no, there aren’t any on that Barber walk. There were none on either side of there. I guess I’m just hoping that you might consider putting in some garbage cans for those of us who do pick up after our animals. There are plenty of people who do not and I can kind of see why because there are no convenient receptacles to put the bags in. Thank you for your time.
Jean Barnes
12594 W. Ginger Creek
Boise, ID 83713
Airport Parking: I took my husband to the airport and went past that remote lot which looks wonderful like it’s about ready to open which we would really like. But, when we got to the airport and it said that the outside long-term lot was full, it made me think that we do need that remote lot open soon, and we need to know publicly when it is available and ready. When I called the Ampco lady at the airport, she said it was hung up with some sort of permitting between the city and the Mayor’s office and I don’t know who else. But it would just be wonderful if it was ready again because it looks like they’re remodeling it nicely and it’s fine for us to stop there on the way and get that little shuttle guy to take us right up there and not have to go through all the lights right there at Vista at the Airport Way. I’m just hoping that it can be done within a month so we’ll be ready for Thanksgiving and traveling and bad weather. I hope this is going to be acknowledged and I’d like to know when it is. Thank you.
Tom and Bonnie Stitzel
2208 Tawny Woods Pl.
Boise, ID 83706
Streetcar: Our concern comes from the proposal to spend money on an educational campaign for the proposed trolley system. We are adamantly against this spending and we feel the entire project is a very poor example in tough times of spending money for public good when there are so many other priorities, we believe. We would be happy to speak further on this, but we feel very strongly the increases that are going on with the utilities and just the general cost of living, and then to have money spent on this is politics at its worst. We wish to express our opinions and ask that the projects, neither one be advanced further, especially this PR campaign for an ill-conceived project. Thank you very much.
Action Taken: Sent letter
Gaylan Radford
2819 S. Pond St.
Boise, ID 83705
Methodone Clinic: I called last week regarding a methadone clinic that was being proposed for 4869 Malad, Suite D. I have now been informed that there is someone occupying that suite and they said they are just doing counseling at this time and they do not have a license. So, I’m wondering if that can be looked into to see if they’re doing something legal or not. Thank you.
Dave Anacker
1530 S. Denver Ave.
Boise, ID
Streetcar: I want to say that I think your idea of building a tramway or whatever you want to build, only downtown and spend all that money and commit the citizens of Boise to $2 million at no expense is outrageous. We have a bus system that could very well use the money a lot better and a good way to serve the people of Boise. A good way to not get elected would be to have the electric car/train or tramway or whatever it is.
Action Taken: Sent letter
Thomas McGraw
Bus Stop: He was very upset because the bus carries a lot of people that are elderly and crippled that have to walk quite a distance to get to Health & Welfare on Fairview. The bus goes to Milwaukee and Cole Roads but if you are elderly or crippled this is a long walk. When he contacted VRT they told him the city recommended they cut this route out.
Action Taken: contacted
Pete Peterson
6212 W. Lucky Ln.
Boise, ID 83703
Cole School: I mailed a letter to the Mayor’s office on the 13th I believe, maybe the 12th, concerning the destruction of Cole School and I was wondering if you had time to read that yet. Thank you.
Action Taken: sent letter
Jan Madarieta
10228 W. Pattie St.
Boise, ID 83704
Streetcar: I’m calling regarding the Mayor’s proposed plan to get a trolley system here in Boise. I am really opposed to this idea. I don’t know if Mayor Bieter has read the foreclosures in the newspaper lately, but there are people actually losing their homes, and I don’t think a trolley system is the first thing on their minds, and paying for it is simply out of the question. People are struggling and I don’t know if this man is in touch with what’s really going on in this country, but he needs to get informed, maybe watch Fox News or something that could bring him up to speed. Thank you.
Action Taken: sent letter
Anonymous Woman
Streetcar: Regarding this trolley car system proposed by Mayor Bieter: I though we had an obesity problem in this country. Are you telling me people can’t walk the eight blocks in downtown Boise? With the financial situation in this country, who is going downtown anyway to spend any money? Those are the questions that I have, and if you’re going to tell me that this transportation money is coming from the government to be spent for transportation, I would like to remind you that that money is not monopoly money, it is coming from taxpayers and we just don’t have it to give. Thank you.
William Ray Snider
27 Pine Heights
Boise, ID 83716
Cole School: I can’t believe that there’s nobody that actually picks up a phone any more. I’m calling about Cole School that you guys are tearing down, and yes I know that the Mayor says it’s none of his business, but guess what? He’s the Mayor; Cole School is in the town that he’s supposed to be taking care of. That school should be saved and should be turned into a museum, a school museum, a museum to show the kids who should have graduated this year and the years before and the thousands who came before them, of what the schools’ classrooms used to be like, used to look like. Can you imagine one of the kids today sitting in their grandfather’s desk that graduated out of there 40, 50, or 100 years ago? The destruction of Cole School is one of the biggest disgraces that Boise could allow to be torn down. In the 1980s, Mayors high fallutin people in the community allowed Boise to be butchered when it came to the old Victorian houses and the Pinney Theater. You guys need to do something about not letting this school be torn down. Thank you.
Action Taken: sent letter
Pauline Wutherich
317 S. Beach St.
Boise, ID
Misc: This morning I was discussing with a friend of mine the plight of seniors, which I am one, and the concerns I have. It’s reminded me of many of the concerns that I also have for the city and the state. I just would like to let you know those concerns. Basically, in today’s economy, with major budget cuts being made, projects that are being suggested like street cars, trains, extending the Greenbelt, requiring people to beautify their property when they’re probably just trying to keep their companies going and not go out of business, making roundabout circles, and all things that are not required in order for us to continue with our activities of life in this economy that is so strapped. I’m really concerned that time has been taken to even consider those ideas when budget cuts are being made for schools and for the elderly, the Medicare people. It seems like all the people who need the most assistance and to be encouraged to keep going are the ones that are being penalized. Those things have been on my heart and I’m just concerned about the way the money is being spent or considered to be spent when there are issues in trying to get us out of this slump without putting pressure on people to spend more money in this economy. I’m just one voice, but actually I speak for many. I certainly hope that you will think about some of these decisions, about what it means to other people rather than just like putting Boise on the map, or whatever reasons for these changes to be made. Those are to be done in times when it’s plush and when things are going good, not when people are hurting and wondering where their next meal is coming from, or how we’re going to pay for this new insurance that is being required, and all these things when you have a hard time living from check to check especially on Social Security. So those are my thoughts today; I hope that you will consider them and that they’ve had some meaning for you. Thank you.
Action Taken:
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