
Force Feed The Taliban Halloween Candy

We read a story on the Daily Paper site about a dentist in Eagle who has a brilliant plan to fight tooth decay–and get some publicity in the process.

He is offering to pay $1 a pound for trick-or-treat candy collected by local kids. It has to be wrapped and unopened so he can send it to the troops overseas. Sounds patriotic and healthy at first bite–a “sweet idea.”

HOWEVER, he is either gonna create create tooth aches in the American soldiers or the kids of Iraq and Afghanistan!
Perhaps our troops can force feed the Taliban to extract intelligence info. This dentist would make a good candidate for Eagle City Council or Mayor.

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  1. Why am I now thinking of the movie MARATHON MAN? Dentistry with no novocaine was the preferred method of prying info out of Dustin Hoffman in this flick. Oil of cloves anyone?

  2. sam the sham
    Oct 22, 2009, 11:58 am

    Paul, your thinking is scary!!

  3. Given the condition of most Pashtun teeth, I doubt that dental hygiene is a priority for most jihadists.
