
Ada Sheriff, State Pen Job Opportunities

ApenThe past week hasn’t been a good one for coppers.

Ada Sheriff Gary Raney gets credit for acting quickly to shed a deputy who crashed a personal car into a fence while off duty in Meridian recently. The (former) deputy claimed problems with meds and booze.

Then the jailer got caught sneaking skin-flick electronic images of female prisoners in the jail. Didn’t help that his wife was the school teacher recently convicted of having sex with a 13-year-old boy.

In yet another episode of “jailhouse gone wild,” a guard at the State pen got caught making “conjugal visits” to the cell of a female inmate. He is looking out now.

Seems there are dirty old men on both sides of the bars, creating some job openings for guards.

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  1. Credit where credit is due: Kudos to the Meridian Police Department for pushing for action against the errant Ada cop.

  2. How is it that drugs are available inside just like outside.

  3. More Transparency
    Oct 29, 2009, 1:27 pm

    I would like to say that Raney is a pretty good sheriff. His press releases certainly make him look that way.

    However, god forbid that you need some data that only the sheriffs office keeps. Regardless of how mundane the information might be, Raney’s gang have been trained that, short of a FOIA request so specific that it tends to make the result of the request redundant, you will not be served.

    A lot more transparency by the sheriff’s office is necessary before I feel too confidant in Raney’s administration.

  4. Rod in SE Boise
    Oct 29, 2009, 9:54 pm

    The authority of these local governments and their police forces needs to be drastically curtailed.

  5. I guess the “the blue wall of silence” does not exist anymore. Now all you cop-haters can calm down since its obvious they police themselves now.

  6. What about the other cop in the valley who got caught with the underage girl whom her mother was ‘prostituting’?
    And how come we don’t hear more about the huge FBI bust that happened a few weeks ago, nationally and one of the girls was 10 years old and exploited?
