City Government

Mayor Mum On Staff Expansion

Despite repeated requests from the GUARDIAN, Team Dave has refused to confirm or deny reports of staff expansion in the office of Mayor Dave Bieter.

While private sector jobs are at a premium, unemployment rates are at record highs, and there have been (limited) layoffs in other city departments, we hear Team Dave is in the market for an assistant to the mayor’s assistant.

Could be it is justified, could be it is an unfilled position, could be they aren’t really hiring (we know of at least one interview), and could be they need more help than the $90,000 PR firm can offer to promote the desire named street car.

They have certainly had enough time to spin whatever answer they wish, but the GUARDIAN is up against a stonewall. Perhaps an insider will share.

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  1. Bieter has got to realize,(or at the very least Jade does) that after the reaction to the choo-choo, the $90,000.00, the 3% increase in tough times, the city ambulance, and the soon to be boondoggle with no improvement to new parks(as was presented as complete in the last election)he had better increase his “insulation” from the public! How is that done? It is hired! Assistants to assistants to assistants to the mayor builds some significant plausible denialability!

  2. If this doesn’t give you enough reason to not return the incumbents, I don’t know what will. Bigger government, more taxes, more spending is not the right course of action. The record of my attitude and opinion is well established. Smaller government, less taxes, consolidation of services, leveraging assets, accoutable elected officials, responsive officials, and TRANSPARENCY of all dealings. The incumbents have had plaenty of time to make something good happen. Let’s try getting back to basics and serving the people.

  3. Ooh, the city may be offering to hire someone and provide income to a qualified individual. Scandalous!!

    EDITOR NOTE–Then why do it secretly? So much for “transparency.”

  4. There seems to always be plenty of taxpayer money, when it comes to filling PR positions at various government entities.

    The City may have fewer than its fair share. (Look at ACHD – they’re loaded!)

    But… all those reporters and reporterettes need to do SOMETHING with their journalism degrees, after they leave the TV station.

  5. The City has refused to confirm or deny reports of staff expansion?

    Sounds like a yes to me.

    Team Dave recently ran a “help wanted” type ad for an administrative assistant type position in the Mayor’s Office on at least one help wanted web site.

    There’s a good chance also it was posted on the City HR job listings.

    Maybe a public record request is in order.

    After all, why would you post a “help wanted” ad if you weren’t looking to hire someone?

  6. About the same as if they were putting out a bid for an ambulance but not planning to buy one?

    EDITOR NOTE–Nemo, please feel free to comment, but if all you want to do is pick fights, please take it to the STATESMAN site! Stay on the topic of staffing the mayor’s office.

  7. The City of Boise advertised for an administrative assistant for the Mayor’s Office about a month ago on CareerBuilder.Com. For more details, I’d check with Adam Park, city spokesman, at 384-4402, [email protected]; or the city’s HR department. I don’t know if this is the job to which you are referring.

    EDITOR NOTE-K.T., apparently you missed the point of the story! Adam Park will not reveal any information to the GUARDIAN. We have repeatedly asked!
    Regarding Meridian City Council elections: some voters went to polling places on their voter registration cards instead of specifically designated polling precincts, i.e. City Hall, Meridian Library, etc., for this off-year election. I saw at least one elderly couple turned away from the Meridian Library without being told where they should go to vote. Each poll has a precinct/address finder book that tells voters where to cast their ballots. I hope this was just a random occurrence. If not, it could account for “low turnout.”

    We’ll know the numbers tonight!

  8. Editor: I didn’t miss the point. I know first-hand how some PIO’s can be. I’ve not worked with Adam; no problems with his predecessor Elizabeth Duncan. I have e-mailed a request to CareerBuilder.Com for the job alert it issued on a mayor’s office administrative assistant position. (There was also an ad for a similar job at the City of Meridian.) I had the alert, but deleted it. I’ll share the information if I hear back. Again, it may not be the job to which you refer.


    A fellow journalist

  9. It seems The Bieter Bunch umbrella is covering a larger area. Too bad it is not covering the citizens of Boise who pay the taxes. Folks THINK before you elect another mayor and just do not react to getting rid of another BAD mayor. I marvel at how politicians of today do not hide what crooks they are. But then we vote for them. sigh
