City Government

Mayor Hotline November 14 to 20


Boise, ID
Consultant: This message is for Dave Bieter. I would like to express my utter distaste for what
I read in the Statesman this morning. I cannot believe that someone who I would hope as a
public official would be forthcoming, clear and concise, transparent in their proceedings,
because, sir, you are spending my money and you work for me. Paying someone under the
table, not telling the City Council about it just to get your trolley car approved, sir, that is, in fact I
may go so far as to say you should step down until we have an investigation on this. You know
what, you may not have broken any laws, you may not have done anything corrupt; that is not
transparent and that is not someone who I’m going to vote for again. Whatever your job was
before you came there, you go take out another cause because I’m not voting for this. You be
fair with us, you be straight with us, you be transparent with us. We sir are your constituents
and you report to us. That’s all I have to say.

Jean Virginia McQuirk
2021 S. Penninger Dr.
Boise, ID
10 Commandments: Okay, Mayor Bieter, this is Jeannie McQuirk. I’m urgently asking you and
your staff, as well as getting hold of City Council and also Butch Otter and his family to please
get back to God’s Ten Commandments and God’s Word to get things started straightening up,
not politically, but hey, this National was founded on God’s Word, the Ten Commandments.
Don’t erase this message and do away with it, it is serious to get Boise straightened up and
Idaho back to God’s Word, the holy, God’s holy word. It will stand forever, in Jesus’ name, I
mean it. Jesus loves you all. Take care, Mayor Bieter, take care in Jesus name. I mean it.
Praise the Lord now, he needs praise. Thanks.
Action Taken: contacted

Gary McCovskie
4405 Albion St.
Boise, ID 83705
Rail: I believe I’ve got a very good solution for your streetcar. Start running a rail, we’ve already
got the rails in; you run a rail from Caldwell to Boise. You’ve got the Depot here; pick up in
Caldwell, Nampa, and however far you want to go that way, and when you get here to the
Depot, you’ve already got the buses here in the village, the City of Boise. The buses can come
by and pick them up, and when they get here drop everybody off and have your routes the way
you always have had them and just start doing your routes with the buses after the people get
off. So, it would save you a lot of money; the rail’s already there and I feel that if you just run
from here to Caldwell and back, whatever, and drop them off here and pick them up here and
take them back out, it would be a pretty good solution and save the taxpayers a lot of money at
the same time. The rail’s there, let’s use it.
Action Taken: contacted
Jeannie Virginia McQuirk
2021 S. Penninger Dr.
Boise, ID
Prayer: Praise the Lord, good morning. I know its Sunday morning by the clock. Well, it’s just
me now. I’m calling in regards to giving the Ten Commandments back in our State Capitol. I
know everything’s political, political, political. Well when prayer isn’t with it and God isn’t first,
goin down the tube. Then they wonder why there’s drinkin and stuff like that at BSU, if they
would go by prayer before every….I don’t know if they have prayer before a game or not…I
know they’re winning. A lot of prayer goin’ out for them too. And Jesus loves you; he loves me
and I’ve been saved by the Holy Spirit, I know. Okay? And I go to Hillcrest Trinity Assembly,
Dorothy Marshall’s church. Okay? Just get the Ten Commandments back where they can be
seen. Okay, in the park where they were. Thank you so much and the Lord will bless you for it
too. He always blesses those who puts Jesus first in his words. Lord blesses you and keeps
you and have prayer before your meeting.

Sherry Drinkall
Kuna, ID
Veterans Parade: I’m calling to say that I disagree with charging the Veterans for the Veterans
Day Parade. I believe that they’ve paid their dues and we should not be charging them to have
their parade.
Action Taken: left msj
Bev Dain
Veterans & Health Care: I just wanted to suggest that in the future the city doesn’t charge the
Veterans for their parade and also that they don’t pass resolutions saying that the City of Boise
is in favor of the Universal Health Care of Obama. Both of those things upset me. Thank you
for your time.
Action Taken: left msj

Gina Day
Parma, ID 83660
208 250-9886
Homeless; Recently I’ve seen on the news about the homeless people in Boise. I was just
wondering, I just had an idea that I would like to bounce off of someone. There are the parking
garages that may or may not be used at night. I had a thought that maybe there could be an
area designated for some of these homeless people where they had certain times of the
evening, night and early morning where they might be able to use that rather than sleeping in
parks or under bridges. Or maybe they use locations that you’ve used for some of these
vaccinations, the Swine Flu vaccinations. Could they possibly be used for homeless people as
temporary shelter while the weather is cold (the Comp USA or the old Kmart building)? These
are just ideas and suggestions.
Action Taken: contacted

Gretchen Hoyt
1202 N. 25
Historic Preservation: I’m calling Mayor Bieter to question what is going on with the city that is
overruling Planning & Zoning and historic decisions in the North End, specifically concerning a
lot at 1419 N. 24th. She wanted to divide that lot on 24th St. a couple of years ago. We were
aware that she was turned down by the Historic District and Planning & Zoning and were happy
with that decision because the North End is just getting jammed with infill. It’s come to our
attention because somebody else in the neighborhood is spearheading this that on April 22,
2008, the City Council overruled the Planning & Zoning and the Historic District not only to allow
her to split this lot, but now the building is asking for a Variance to put a house and a garage,
with living quarters over the garage, ignoring the setbacks. I’m frankly pretty damned angry
about it. You know, we’re two blocks away and every time we turn around there’s another set of
renters happening on these lots up here, and according to the transcript the City Council made
this decision because the other three corners were already done. Well, just because 16
lemmings jump off a cliff, it doesn’t mean the 17th one has to also. At some point I would think
the city, who employs Planning & Zoning and, hello, the Historic District, would listen to the
people that they’ve asked to make these decisions, to keep the city’s flavor the way it is.
Otherwise, why don’t you just give the entire operation to Hale and let them infill everything.
That’s really all I’ve got to say; I’m hoping that I can get to some of these meetings on the 23rd of
November and December 7th and voice my concern as a neighbor who is sick and tired of
seeing the North End get filled in. I’m hoping this makes a difference but I’m not holding my
breath though; pretty jaded.

Linda Moore
Streetcar: I’m calling to give a commentary on the streetcar. At first it sounded like a great idea
until the price came out. To me the price seems grossly excessive for the very small area that it
would cover, and also for the fact that we have an imbalance between the need for
transportation between the cities of great demand and need for good transportation so people
can get to work. In this very small area which only benefits the businesses that are there at the
expense of the taxpayers, which includes businesses but also homeowners in that area. I just
think that the streetcar, while a lovely idea, I think this is the wrong time for it. We have many
financial pressures in this area, as we do all across the country, and this is absolutely not the
time for what is basically a luxury transportation system. We need to funnel that money, the
stimulus funding, into a clean bus system that serves many, many people, not just a few.
Action Taken: contacted

Wally Schovanec
2672 N. Morrow Ave.
Boise, ID 83712
Parks: We’ve lived in this house for 10 years and I came to Boise originally in 1951 with the Air
Force. To get to the point, I know you’re a busy person, I’m 83 years old and my 9 year old dog
and I have been walking every day for two miles in Redwood Park and for most of that time up
until about a month ago there has been an outdoor toilet facility in the parking lot. A couple of
weeks ago, I noticed it missing. I’m not sure what the problem is, Mr. Mayor, but believe me
oldsters like me appreciate a facility like that more than I can tell you. Can you let me know why
it was removed and when it will be returned? Thank you, Sir.
Action Taken: contacted

Diane Eiers
1077 S. Garden Pl.
IHS: My concern is that there’s no accountability when I asked for records for the contract with
the Humane Society for how that money is spent. I’m wondering after hearing that if there’s
accountability for the other contract the city has. That’s my concern.
Action Taken: contacted

Veterans Parade: I found out that the Veterans got charged for being in their own parade. I
think that’s pretty damned disgusting and I hope you guys are really proud of yourselves and
have a great day. What are you going to do, charge kids for being born now? Bye

Holly Mortimer
3007 N. 30th St.
Boise, ID 83703
ACHD: I live on the corner of 30th and Taft and a few months ago I contacted the city about
requesting a four-way stop at the 30th and Taft intersection and the person that I spoke to told
me that someone would follow up with me about that request. I never heard anything back, and
I am very concerned about the speed in which people drive on 30th St. The speed limit is 25
miles per hour and people routinely drive well over that as it’s kind of a short cut street,
especially the city bus which travels at speeds well in excess of 35 miles and hour. I have small
kids and dogs and there are a lot of kids in the neighborhood that cross that street repeatedly
throughout the day and I just don’t understand how difficult it is to follow up on that request. The
person that I spoke to told me that they would check into accident reports and I really would
rather have it happen before there’s an accident, especially if it’s one that’s going to be involving
my family or my pets. I would appreciate a response.
Action Taken: contacted
November 14 – 20, 2009
Page 5
Resident of Boise
Streetcar: I would like to leave my opinion about the streetcar business. It’s a ludicrous idea;
downtown does not need a streetcar. You guys are spending money needlessly and I tried
voting a few of you out of office but it didn’t work. You need to get yourselves back to the
basics, put it back into rapid transit, and put it back into the schools. Do not waste my tax
dollars on this system. Thank you.
Lonnie Jones
9147 W. Wood Lark
Boise, ID
Streetcar: My complaint is the streetcar idea. I just don’t know where your heads are at. I
mean here we had the Senate last night lambasting, demanding that Geitner resign. Even
Chuck Schumer, liberal, liberal, liberal, saying, “You’re causing a worldwide collapse.” Our
economy is at $125 trillion of unfunded liability and you people are out there proposing the
streetcar, of which, yes, there might be some federal funding of some kind of ridiculous stimulus
money which comes right out of the taxpayers’ pockets, plus we’re going to come up with how
much more? Plus we’re going to have $1.2 million of operating expenses. I think you guys
need to stop the whole project and get real. The economy is failing in this country and you need
to open your eyes to this and realize what the mood of America is. If you want to, put it out for a
vote immediately, but stop all money that you’re spending. No more of this exploratory funding
going on because that’s all costing us. We are in dire straights and going increasingly so into
dire straights. So, it’s time that you started to understand, I mean you’re in the city here, the
facts and figures of what’s going on in America. We don’t need more spending programs in any
way, shape, or form. We need to try to live within our budgets.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Is our Mayor trying real hard to get noticed for a future job in DC working for BO??… and he’ll spend your money on a trolly against your will to prove his worth to them? Didn’t he make some grand statement about the healthcare bilking too? Maybe we should help him job hunt.

  2. Lady with speeding problem needs to park a nasty old van right on the corner so the speeders can’t see and will slow themselves down.
