
Liquid Lunch Creates Ada Job Openings

Ada County has a couple of openings in the Development Services Division, thanks to the “at will” employment policy.

Word on the street is a building inspector and Planning and Zoning administrator were AWOL from the office at mid afternoon Thursday. Seems they visited a nearby watering hole during duty hours and are no longer slurping at the public trough.

We don’t know the circumstances (personnel matter of course), but folks in the courthouse noting the vacancies are bound to be cautious about where and when they tip anything stronger than diet soda.

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  1. Sounds like they were saving a life with the emergency heineken manouver.

  2. Just One More
    Mar 12, 2010, 4:38 pm

    Compared to past DS dismissals, this almost rates as honorable discharge.

  3. Maybe they were having a late lunch with the CCDC dudes at the Arid club!

  4. Is the Fair Board Manager still employed by Ada County after being arrested recently for an alleged DUI?

  5. Why shouldn’t he be? (other than the fact that the County shouldn’t be in the entertainment business).

  6. Erico49:

    Just noted the sad irony given this past post (below) on the AC Web site and wondered if the alleged liquid lunch duo were give the same consideration as fair officials alleged to have ousted the Harns from the fair because Mrs. Harn was “too graphic.”

    Not condoning nor condemning anyone, as I am not privy to all the facts. Just curious.



    The following statement is an open letter sent to the Mothers Against Drunk Driving organization regarding allegations of discrimination at the Western Idaho Fair.

    “The Board of Ada County Commissioners would like to thank Mothers Against Drunk Driving for the opportunity to be included in this news release. We look forward to a continued positive and productive working relationship with MADD as the organization and its volunteers continue the important work of educating the public about the real dangers associated with drunk driving.
    While your account of the events surrounding Mr. Harn and his wife Rose differ from those given to us by our staff, your interpretation of what transpired will assist us in our ongoing investigation into this issue. We want everyone to know we take these allegations very seriously, and with your assistance, we look forward to getting to the bottom of what really occurred so that we can begin to take the appropriate corrective actions.

    Today, our goal is to move beyond the recent sensational media accounts and get to the cold hard facts, so that together, we may refocus our attention on the positive messages and assistance MADD lends to all of our communities. MADD is an incredible organization and its message is one that we all should take to heart, each and every day.”

  7. Still waiting at Bittercreek for one of these guys to walk over and buy me a drink! I’m thirsty.
