
Ada Treasuer Drops Out Of Race

We may be a bit premature, but the GUARDIAN is predicting a winner in the race for Ada County Treasurer.

The race became an easy call Tuesday when Treasurer Cecil Ingram decided to withdraw his name from consideration and not seek re-election.

Ingram, 77, served in the Idaho Senate for 12 years and plans to complete his 4 year term as Ada Treasurer. In his letter to the Commishes and election officials, Ingram cited “Too many issues that require my personal attention.”

Heir-apparent is Vicky Oleksey McIntyre, the only opponent and also a Repub. No Dems filed for the seat.

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  1. And the heir-apparent is the treasurer for whack-a** crazy Sharon Ullman. Great! I can’t wait to see the antics of this disastrous county partnership.

  2. Glad she’s a Republican. She must be trustworthy with the coin. Hope someone does the conservative TPTY litmus test on her just to make sure.

  3. If anything Vicky will be the voice of reason for the county. It is about time that the “old guard” is shaken up a bit.

  4. I know Vicky very well & have worked with her in the recent past – believe me, our only concerns ought to be the impossibly “high bar” she will set for her fellow elected officials…

  5. W/ reference to prplgrl’s comments: Sharon U has been around for a while and is hardly crazy about anything other than looking out for the people. And while we are at, considering who is occupying the Gov seat these days she is a common sense alternative in the May primary which is a race she has already entered.

  6. Ingram is too old to be a progressive player in county business anyway. We need young blood with fresh ideas and a true heart for public service like Sharon Ullman. Go Vicky!

  7. Prplgrl’s nasty comment about Commissioner Sharon Ullman must be coming from a Progressive or left Liberal babe, a purple babe at that. Sharon has chopped millions in taxes and looked out for the people in Ada County for many years. If she’s a “Whacked A**” then we need a whole lot more “Whacked A**’s” to get us back to being a constitutional Republic. Let’s hear it for all us “Whacked A**’s!” Yahoo…
