
Status Quo As GV Retains Elmore

Looks like folks in Garden Valley are mostly happy with their school board after talking.

Terry Elmore was retained as the school board member; vote 108 against recalling her
and 75 for recalling her.

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  1. Elizabeth Dunn
    Apr 16, 2010, 10:38 am

    Congratulations, Terry!

    The petitioners would have had to have 91 votes and a majority in order for the recall to succeed.

  2. GV Middle Man
    Apr 16, 2010, 10:54 am

    YEAH! Great job to all her true “friends” that went out and pounded the pavement for her. Now maybe we can get back to actually running a school instead of dealing with all these costly distractions!

  3. Congratulations Terry! This is great news for GVSD.

    Now the School Dist. can get on real priorities like how to operate next year with $200k less money. This could mean smaller pay checks for staff (up to 4% less) and/or furlo days, classrooms will be using the old books longer and in some cases buying used books, less sponsored athletics, etc…. None of there are easy decisions for any board, having a seasoned person like Terry on the board will be a tremendous asset in this process.

  4. Hopefully this will put an end to the turmoil in the valley by the “FRIENDS” and allow the school to get back to the kids. Just think what could have been done for the students with all the money, time and effort that was wasted on this recall attempt. Let’s all step back a few steps take a deep breath and try to get along with each other. Let’s move ahead and put this all behind us.

  5. Hillbilly in the Holler
    Apr 16, 2010, 12:10 pm

    I actually think it was helpful that you gave the GV citizenry a place to discuss and exchange information, and facilitating the ability to have the exchanges take place in a less emotionally charged atmosphere than had been witnessed previously throughout the winter. Thank you for the opportunity, Mr. Frazier…. And thank you to the school board to continue to move forward.

  6. Are you kidding? The only time Dave has been referred to as Mr. Frazier is when a judge is calling him that after he has beaten Boise in court! (I couldn’t resist)

  7. Elizabeth Dunn
    Apr 16, 2010, 9:20 pm

    Yes, thank you, Boise Guardian, for giving us a place to discuss our differences!

  8. Terry Elmore
    Apr 16, 2010, 11:16 pm

    Thank you to all who helped me and voted to keep me as your GVSD Trustee. I really appreciate your support and the support for our kids, staff and the District. Also thank you Dave for the opportunity that allows GV residents to be heard from both sides.

  9. boisewriter
    Apr 17, 2010, 9:38 am

    There are plenty of stories to tell about this election – but for the community it may be that the story not-written is the best prescription for them to move forward.

    Don’t know Elmore, but by all accounts this seems like the best choice. Sometimes the voters get it right. Let’s hope so for GV.

  10. GV Middle Man
    Apr 17, 2010, 5:17 pm

    Yes, thank you Mr. Frazier for giving the people of GV a place to get things off their chest. Although some may have gotten out of control and had to be edited, it really was a wonderful place to talk and tell facts that some did not know. I’m happy for Elmore, happy for GV and hope that this is the end of it for the school! Now go figure out the budget issues…hopefully they turn out as well as Elmore’s election did!

  11. What an opportunity for the community to learn something about the issues important to everyone. So, one board member is recalled – one is retained. Recalling Elmore would not have helped put the rift behind us and neither will prosecuting Leslie. It’s a new day and a new opportunity to move ahead – let’s not miss this chance!

  12. We used to have a cabin in GV and loved it there except for the mosquitoes and yellow jackets.

    It was nice of you to give everyone up there a place to exchange ideas without shouting. Guess you will have to change your name to “Idaho Guardian.”
