
Repeat Customer At Garden Store Lays Around

Folks at Boise’s D&B Supply depend on repeat customers at their garden and animal supply store on Glenwood Street.

One of their most loyal patrons is an old gal who comes in each spring and just lays around for a month at a time. She has been doing it for about 10 years and has become so well known they even feed her.

She is a wild mallard duck and has nested at the store in various planter pots, among the soil aid bags, and near a decorative pond. This year she has bedded down in a large pot at the entrance to the garden center. Her mates–a couple of greenheaded drakes–have the run of the store while the doors are open.

So quiet is the duck we call “Daffy,” she is often overlooked by shoppers intent on finding just the right flowers for their springtime displays. We are not certain Daffy is really the original mother duck. Their lifespan is 7-9 years and most go off to that Great Duck Pond in the sky after only 2 years. However like salmon, ducks tend to return to their place of birth each year.

As soon as the ducklings hatch each year, Daffy leads them across the parking lot to the nearby Boise River for their introductory swimming lessons.

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  1. I could quack a joke here, but I won’t. What I really want to say is that once again I am awed by the quality/clarity of the photos on this site. Makes me want to chastise my two errant cameras! Good luck to the duck.

  2. Sweet story and kudos to D&B for letting this happen.

  3. I agree. Kudo’s to D&B for being a great neighbor for the wildlife and doing the right thing by workign around them and being a part of their environment.

  4. Another fine example of why this is such a great place to live!
    Thanks for the “feel good” Guardian

  5. We had a duck situation here in Eagle a couple of years ago. Two guys were fighting over a female and would walk around the yard – one on each side of the female – poking each other over her head. She would eventually get tired of it and fly away. Eventually they all came back. We put out a large water bowl for them to drink but the first thing I noticed was the female jumped into the water bowl and one of the males jumped on top of her. They were only three feet away from me.I have never seen birds carrying on this way before – shame shame. LOL

    I think the male went into the bushes and lighted a cigarette.

    That is about as exciting as life is here in Eagle.
