City Government

Mayor Hotline May 15 to 21


Jennifer Owen
2717 S. Vista Apt. 105
Boise, ID 83705
Code Enforcement: I’ve sent an email, I’ve contacted other people, and I just want to let the Mayor know that I’m grateful for public housing, I need help right now, I do not appreciate the stigma that goes along with living in public housing, especially when there’s a vacant lot on the corner of Canal and Vista that needs to be mowed, and it should be mowed on a regular basis, but the people who own it only wait until they get a complaint. I would like someone somewhere to look at that lot and mow it. If the guy doesn’t want to take care of it, have him donate it to the City of Boise so they can build more low income housing on it. Thank you for your time.
Action Taken: left message

Linda Anderson
3385 Beverly St.
Boise, ID 83709
F-35: I would very strongly like to request that very strong consideration is given to the F35’s coming in that we might be represented in preserving our quality of life. If these planes were to come in we would not be able to enjoy our retirement, leave our homes. I was on the runway last year with the F15’s taking off and I know that you sustain hearing loss if you do not have earplugs which we all did. I had my cub scouts out there and we were observing how loud they are plus our homes when they go over or go a little bit to the side is very, very noisy; you still have to plug your ears outside. With the F35’s we will not even be able to exist and we’re all very, very worried and we would all have to move but without jobs and no value, no one would buy our homes; they would be like destroyed. If you could please, please represent us so that they will take the planes to a more isolated area and not destroy the populous that has built up on this south side of Boise. Thank you very much for your consideration and for your help; we’re counting on you strongly.
Action Taken: contacted

Linda Anderson
3385 Beverly St.
Boise, ID 83709
F-35: I forgot to ask one thing – that this comment time on the F35’s be extended to at least June or so because the public has been so caught up in elections and so much, we haven’t been aware of the facts and been able to research it until it’s now coming out. We very much need more time. Thank you.

Jennifer Owen
Code Enforcement: I got your message; I just wanted to tell you thank you so much for calling me back so quickly. I appreciate it. No one else has been that helpful. Thank you.

Chryssa Rich
Road Construction and Water Shutoff: I have some comments about the construction happening on Vista. I think the least that you guys can do is notify the nearby offices when the major delays are going to take place. It took almost half an hour to go a couple of blocks on Vista this morning. It was an absolute traffic jam over here and we had no notice whatsoever. Also our water service to the building was interrupted without warning last week and that created a huge inconvenience for us as well as the neighboring Appleby’s because all of our office people had to go over there to use the facilities. So, a little bit of communication would go a long way to alleviate this traffic jam that we’ve got going on up here. Thanks.
Action Taken: left message

Don Burkes
1019 E. Bannock
Boise, ID 83712
Noise: It’s now Tuesday at about 5:20 and ever since a quarter to two I’ve been sitting here in my home listening to my neighbor’s gardener with his loud power equipment. He’s there every week for about three hours with loud leaf blowers, weed trimmers and lawn mowers; the sound is well over a hundred decibels in my back yard and over 90 in my house, and I am really getting tired of this and I think this city should do something about that sort of noise pollution. I should not have to sit in my own home and put up with that for three hours straight every week. I have spoken to the gardener and he became belligerent; my wife has spoken to him and he became belligerent. He has used his leaf blower to blow leaves and trash on me in the past and I really would like something done with this. I think the city needs to step up to this sort of problem. I’m sure it’s going on in other places in this city. Thank you very much.
Action Taken: left message

Bill Daggett
465 W. Ashborn Dr.
Eagle, ID 83616
Rail: I’m an ex-Union Pacific marketing and sales employee and I read with interest the article today in the Idaho Statesman about the proposal of the new intermodal yard here in Boise. I would like to share some thoughts and ideas with the Mayor or whoever is in charge of that action, so please give me a call. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted

Robert O’Neil
Targee and Vista
ValleyRide: On Monday they changed the bus schedule of the #3 Vista bus going downtown. It used to arrive appropriately at 25 after the hour on its regularly hour schedule and thereby allowing me to be downtown any time to make the connection with the 5-Emerald, 6-Orchard, 7-Fairview or any other bus coming out of downtown. But, since someone has altered the schedule on the bus and it does not come until 35 after the hour, now you miss the connection with the other buses coming downtown and getting back out of downtown, so I was appropriately late for work two days in a row because of the alteration of the bus schedule, which just screws up everything. I’d like to make a complaint about that and see if you can put the bus back on the old schedule because the old schedule is a working schedule. This schedule that they’ve got it on now is a totally dysfunctional schedule. Thank you.
Action Taken: left message

BPD: I am calling because I continually see what I would describe as inappropriate behavior from law enforcement as they’re driving their vehicles around the city. It’s something I’ve noticed for years and today I just saw a great example and I wanted to call and let you know about it. It’s something I think needs to be addressed because law enforcement is there to enforce the laws and when they themselves are not following them, it makes their authority suspect. Today at about 10:35 or so on Amity I was following BPD045 with the license plate and in the course of about two minutes I watched them break 4 or 5 laws. One, he was driving over the speed limit – he was going about 50 mph; Two, he then changed lanes across two lanes of traffic when the lanes are divided by a solid white line as you come to the intersection of Amity and Federal Way; he was in the left turn-hand lane and transitioned all the way over to the right turn-hand lane and that’s not appropriate. Then he rolled through that stoplight and didn’t come to a complete stop and proceeded down Federal Way. When he came to the intersection of Federal Way and Bergeson, he then stopped in the middle of the intersection and turned on his lights because there was another police officer there at that intersection at the turn signal which was red. He waved him as if he wanted him to be able to go through the intersection. Now as far as that is concerned I’m not going to make a comment on that because I know where they were headed, but the other officer waved him off like it wasn’t necessary, that he would wait for the light to turn green and not impede traffic. Then he proceeded to run a red light, he actually gunned it through the light as it was turning yellow and it turned red as he was going through the intersection there at Federal Way and the Fred Meyer shopping center. They were on their way to the Flying J station there that someone had obviously made a call for them because the other officer who was at the intersection of Federal Way and Bergeson had turned around and was coming down Federal Way. Now I understand that they may be going to something but it wasn’t enough of an emergency for him to turn on his lights to get there, nor was it enough of an emergency to turn on his lights to turn into Federal Way because there was quite a bit of oncoming traffic coming down Federal Way and he sat in the turn lane until all that traffic cleared and then went into the Flying J station. It just seems like I notice a lot of that around town, mainly of officers not using turn signals, rolling through stop lights, rolling through stop signs, speeding, things like that; just general traffic rules that they don’t abide by, then they turn around and give tickets and things like that to people. Now I’m not calling because I have a
bad history, I actually have a clean driving record, so I’m not calling because of something that has happened to me personally. It’s just as a citizen I notice things like that and I think it needs to be addressed. Thank you.

Fill the Boot: Why does Fire Department get permission to block off the road to collect money for a good cause when nobody else can do that? That should be an interesting answer. Thank you.

Comments & Discussion

Comments are closed for this post.

  1. About Don’s comment about noise this should really make him happy, according to Ordinance # 710 it amends Ada County Code, title 5, chapter 13 section 3 for the months of June July and August that due to extreme heat during the summer months of June, July and August construction noise and landscape maintenance noise may begin at 6am! I guess this has been in effect for a couple years, approved by Ada County Commissioners.

  2. To the folks complaining about noise “pollution” and loud fighter planes, I say get over it.

    Last I checked we still have certain freedoms in this country. One of those freedoms is to be able to maintain your home in the manner you see fit. I suppose the Don on Bannock Street never uses a gas powered lawn mower or any other noisy device which would disturb the pristine silence of city life.

    I would also like to ask a question of the folks complaining about the F35s. When you bought your home, was the runway in its current location? I’m guessing the answer is yes. Airplanes are loud and if you buy a house next the airport, well what did you expect? Its not the responsibility of the city or anyone else to bail you out of a poor choice. If you choose to live at the north pole, don’t complain about the cold.

  3. N8V, that’s a mighty short N number… Must mean somethin’ else… Maybe it means “I drive too slow”?

    I’m a long ways from an airport and it is totally my business if the USAF, the State, and City are going to lie to me about how bad the noise will be. This is such a noisy aircraft the USAF has studied relocating homes and schools on its own bases to deal with it. It’s the loudest they’ve ever come up with. It burns about 200 gallons per minute too, for those concerned about adding to our air quality problem.

  4. I agree with the fill the boot deal. The fire guys will bring traffic to a complete stop when this is going on. It is also dangerous for them to be in the street darting in and around stalled traffic.

    The money goes for a good use but there has to be a better way to do this.

  5. Zippo
    Thanks for the jab. Comments like that show your true character.

    In regard to the F35s, you will most likely hear an annoying noise, but I will hear the sound of freedom!

  6. Paul
    I agree with you about Fill the Boot. Several times last week as I was driving on Fairview and Franklin, firemen were running around in traffic. I know its for a good cause but it holds up traffic. I missed two green lights because of people stopping in the road. If a homeless vet with a cardboard sign was stopping cars like that, he would likely be cited. I’m sure BFD has a permit for this, but those reflective vests they wear aren’t much protection from a distracted driver who doesn’t see them in the road.

  7. Yep, Kinda childish… like saying “I outrank you cuz I lived here first”. Or, “there’s been airplanes around here for 90 years so get used to it”… even if it’s a new ultra loud, afterburning, vectored-thrust, stone like object dependant on high power settings and flown by foreign nationals over my land not benefitting from Boise airport noise impact fees.

  8. Zippo
    I was fortunate enough to be born here in God’s Country. The best thing about this state is we accept all kinds- even you. The only thing I ask is that you don’t try to make it Little L.A. ‘cuz then I’ll have to move to Alaska!

    EDITOR NOTE–Ok guys, time to exchange phone numbers and talk privately.

  9. diane sower
    May 27, 2010, 9:49 am

    Firstly, I’m thankful since this posting is declared closed. Secondly, I live close to the airport, and those planes do not cause hearing damage. The proposed jet fighters will and do, and will undoubtedly be obsolete faster than we know. Also, it seems that the intellectuals of Idaho don’t want representatives who think things out, like suing the national government, rather, they like people who come up with razzy little sayings that touch their little hearts, like Sarah Palin and her Joe the plumber comment.
